D.C. Crime Problem: Three Armed Men Carjack U.S. Rep. Henry Cuellar

D.C. Crime Problem: Three Armed Men Carjack U.S. Rep. Henry Cuellar

D.C. Crime Problem: Three Armed Men Carjack U.S. Rep. Henry Cuellar

It could’ve turned out a lot worse for U.S. Representative Henry Cuellar last night. Washington D.C.’s major crime problem is now national news.

U.S. Rep. Henry Cuellar was carjacked by three armed attackers but was unharmed, the Texas Democrat’s office said.

Cuellar’s chief of staff Jacob Hochberg released a statement Monday night saying: “As Congressman Cuellar was parking his car this evening, 3 armed assailants approached the Congressman and stole his vehicle. Luckily, he was not harmed and is working with local law enforcement.”

Three ARMED men. Yet, Washington D.C. is a gun-free zone! Congressman Cuellar is very lucky as the situation could’ve gone sideways in a heartbeat, especially as the three carjackers were armed. 

Crime has been on the rise exponentially over the last three years. Yet there have been many a liberal claiming, with a straight face, that crime really isn’t a problem in D.C. 

Uh huh. Pull the other leg. This isn’t the only incident that has involved either members of Congress or Congressional staffers. 

In February, Rep. Angie Craig (D-Minn.) was assaulted in the elevator of her northeast DC apartment building by a homeless man with a long rap sheet. She suffered bruises as a result of the attack and got away by tossing her hot morning coffee at the assailant.

The following month, a staffer for Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) was brutally attacked in broad daylight by a knife-wielding assailant in DC, on the same street where Craig was assaulted.

The staffer, 26-year-old Phillip Todd, suffered serious injuries in the attack, including multiple stab wounds to the head and chest.

In June, a staffer for Rep. Brad Finstad (R-Minn.) was attacked at gunpoint near Nationals Park in Washington, DC, just hours after the conclusion of the annual Congressional Baseball Game.

That staffer suffered minor injuries in the attack, which occurred in the same neighborhood where Cuellar was carjacked.

How long before someone dies? Seriously folks. What will it take for the liberal progressives in Congress as well as in the D.C. prosecutors offices to realize that soft-on-crime policies that coddle the criminals do NOT WORK?

Absolutely. There must and SHOULD be consequences for these crimes committed. Yet, right now, criminals are coddled. So much so that D.C. had actually LOWERED the penalties for carjacking. And now, guess what?

Right now, per the NY Post, there’ve been 750 carjackings THIS YEAR. That’s a 115% increase compared to the prior year and 75% of those carjackings involve firearms. 


It isn’t only the criminal coddling prosecutors who are responsible for this rise in crime. It’s the defund the police movement as well. Which Mayor Muriel Bowser pushed hard for. 

And now she’s whining about the fact that the police force is over 400 officers SHORT and so the department is stretched thin. Well Muriel, what the hell did you expect when you spent months in 2020 vilifying the police while championing druggie George Floyd? What else did you expect when you signed off on coddling criminals in your district? 

It wouldn’t surprise me one bit to find out that one if not all three of the carjackers not only have criminal records, but were out on low or zero bail for other incidents. 

Cashless and/or zero bail is being tried in other cities. Chicago:

A Cook County judge rejected a request from prosecutors on Monday to lock up a Chicago man after he allegedly shot a dog and was caught by police throwing a backpack over a fence that contained a loaded 9 mm handgun, loose ammunition, and two 50-round drum magazines.

It didn’t matter to the judge that the guy had been arrested a couple months prior for stealing a vehicle and threatening people with a gun. In the interest of “fairness” he’s been released with just a curfew restriction. 

How about Los Angeles? After months of major smash and grab crime sprees that have led to very high-profile businesses closing up shop, what do they do? Enact a zero-bail law that Gavin Newsom is a huge fan of. 

We will once again have the opportunity to make California a national leader in the unfinished fight for equity and justice,’ he said as he campaigned for the measure.

How about equity and justice for the VICTIMS of these crimes? That doesn’t matter to the liberals unless or until they are directly impacted. Yet even then, some will keep their blinders on and make excuses for the criminals. 


As I mentioned above, this situation could’ve gone very sideways for the Congressman. He is lucky for sure. And, at least he is calling for law enforcement to be supported. Now he needs to call the prosecutors and judges out for their inaction. 

However, that doesn’t negate the fact that Washington D.C. has a major crime problem. The coddling of criminals has GOT TO STOP. 

Feature Photo Credit: Official portrait of Congressman Henry Cuellar, public domain via Wikipedia, cropped and modified

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  • Scott says:

    Behold my field, for it is barren… It’s long past time for these politicians to feel the effects of their criminal loving policies.. and while it sucks for those few people in democrat shitholes that DIDN’T vote for the dims, for all those that did vote for these clowns, they made their bed, let em lie in it.. maybe if enough of them die because of these policies, they’ll wake up.. (yeah, I know, that’s a pipe dream, they’re not nearly smart enough for that..)

  • Joe R. says:

    It could’ve turned out a lot worse for U.S. Representative Henry Cuellar last night. . .

    Instead of Obama’s sons, Biden’s son could’ve shaken him down instead.

  • Cameron says:

    They were fine with it until it started hurting them. Let them bask in the joy of consequences.

  • GWB says:

    Not sure how this is a crime problem.

    This is exactly what the Democrats want. This is exactly what they keep pushing for and allowing to continue in Blue cities like D.C. (and trying to enact in Red cities, too).
    If Mr Cuellar doesn’t like it, then maybe he should deal with it in a manner appropriate to a government – actually provide justice. Until then, I hope it happens a lot more to Democrat politicians, activists, and money providers.

  • GWB says:

    BTW, as a side note, Mr Cuellar could easily provide his own protection in DC. You all know they wouldn’t waste a heartbeat giving him a permit to carry a firearm – because he’s one of the good people.

    I can’t even go to DC because if I carry my firearm there I will serve prison time and lose my RKBA forever, as well as my security clearance (and, therefore, my livelihood).

    So, I say, Law of the Jungle, baby!

  • John Shepherd says:

    Cuellar got primaried from the left because he opposed Defund the Police and supported border security. What is it about purportedly conservative blogs that attracts the most uninformed populists?

    • GWB says:

      And? He still supports and gives his votes primarily to the Progressives. Did he vote for the “inflation Reduction Act”? Did he vote against any of the Republican bills? Has he stood up to throw out the mayor and district attorney for DC (since Congress actually runs the city)?

      Sorry, but he vote for this. And until he votes against all of it, he’s for it. And he can suck up the consequences.

      (And I am not a populist. Though I do side with William F Buckley on experts and politicians.)

      • John Shepherd says:

        What does that have to do with his position on policing and the border?

        Sorry but your are a person of less than normal intelligence.

        • NTSOG says:

          In reading between the lines of your post in response to GWB it appears that you consider yourself to be of some intelligence. Thus, it would be to your benefit if you could learn the difference between ‘your’ and ‘you’re’. Correct grammar is important if one wishes to convey accurate meaning.

          Your last sentence should read “Sorry but you’re a person of less than normal intelligence.”

          ‘You’re’ is of course a contraction of ‘you are’.

          As for GWB I suspect he is much smarter than you are.

        • GWB says:

          Sorry, but voting to keep the Progressives in power also keeps the folks who open the border and defund the police in power.

          That you can’t see that demonstrates a person of little actual thought, no matter the intelligence.

  • Liz says:

    DC has been a crime ridden cesspool for quite a while.
    Years ago (maybe 15? can’t remember now) a friend of ours was stationed at the Pentagon.
    He worked there for a number of years and one day he was driving on the beltway and he accidentally cut someone off. He pulled over to apologize (the car was full of raging individuals).
    They pulled over in front of his car, and out comes a bunch of men wielding bats. They proceed to bang up his car and one tries to open his door. He guns the gas and runs over the guy in front.
    He goes directly to the police station and tells them what happened, tells them he is a USAF officer and swears testimony to what happened. It was a good thing, because the idiots show up right after to report a “hit and run” (one of them had a tire mark over his face). They were arrested. He told his boss he needed to leave DC and could not continue to raise his family with the level of crime around there.
    I’ve lived in worse areas (Eagle Trace apartments, Las Vegas, now off limits to military), but DC was up there.

  • Howy says:

    A pro 2nd Amendment Democrat is just like a pro life Democrat when it comes to voting. They were only following orders.

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