Is Democrat Money Drying Up?

Is Democrat Money Drying Up?

Is Democrat Money Drying Up?

Ahead of the 2024 Presidential Election, there are signs that donor money for the Democrat Party may be drying up. Love it or despise it, money is the life blood of campaigns. Cheering and yelling fans at rallies make great visuals, but the last election showed us that fans do not a Presidential win make. I still believe that the Democrats cheated bigly, but that takes pallet-loads of cash to buy that power. It costs even more when the candidate cannot be trusted to leave his basement.

The entire of the Democrat intersectionality (Liberals/Progressives/Socialists) live like 20 year old girls with a “Vision Board” in their dorm rooms. The have their vision and they will manifest it, heedless of the downsides or costs. Thus, they are frozen when high gas prices mean that none of their friends can go to the Sierra Club meeting and make a donation that will get bundled to make a substantial donation to the Democrat Party. Or, when United Auto Workers union members (late Father and Brother currently) figure out that the government’s electric vehicle subsidies and mandates will cost their jobs. Oopsies. Bankrupting major industries (oil, gas, and coal) means that the Left-leaning CEO’s can’t fund their donations to Planned Parenthood.

They can’t see how destroying the economy from the “bottom up and middle out” hurts organizations that depend upon fund-raising and donations. Pity.

That’s why we suddenly see articles like this one in the New York Times: “Where Has All the Left-Wing Money Gone?”. The very first paragraph:

As we stumble toward another existential election, panic is setting in among some progressive groups because the donors who buoyed them throughout the Trump years are disengaging. “Donations to progressive organizations are way down in 2023 across the board,” said a recent memo from Billy Wimsatt, executive director of the Movement Voter Project, an organization founded in 2016 that channels funds to community organizers, mostly in swing states, who engage and galvanize voters. He added, “Groups need money to make sure we have a good outcome next November. But. People. Are. Not. Donating.”

People. Are. Over. It.

Trump was an existential threat. Climate Change is an existential threat. Covid is an existential threat. The seas are boiling and Covid is coming back around. People. Are. Over. It. Oh yes, and they are broke. My late Father used to say, “Toni, you can’t get blood from a stone.” Did you hear that in Joe Biden’s voice?

People can’t afford a house or a car. What does it matter? Government wants to outlaw your gas stove and ceiling fan. And, you’re broke anyway. Donate to what? Get out of here.

There is a little good news. We hate for anyone to be laid off, but Karma:

As both big and small donors pull back, there have been layoffs across the progressive ecosystem, from behemoths like the Sierra Club to insurgent outfits like Justice Democrats, the group that first recruited Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to challenge the Democratic incumbent Joe Crowley in 2018. According to a July analysis by Middle Seat, a Democratic strategy and consulting firm, in the first half of this year, grass-roots donations to Democratic House and Senate campaigns were down almost 50 percent compared to the same point in 2021. Wimsatt, who had to lay off 15 people from a 55-person staff in June, told me, “I haven’t experienced a situation like this before when there’s been such a sense of scarcity.”
This isn’t just about political operatives losing their jobs: It means that organizations that should be building up their turnout operations for next year are instead having to downsize. And it speaks to a mood of liberal apathy and disenchantment that Democrats can’t afford ahead of another grueling election. “To the degree that there isn’t enough organic enthusiasm, we have to generate it,” Wimsatt said. That’s hard to do when you’re broke.

It’s hard to have enthusiasm for Even Creepier Joe anyways. When you’re broke, it’s even hard. Generate organic enthusiasm! Enthusiasm for this?

You can feel the enthusiasm wane and the money dries up. Well, what money is left.

We all have less money than we did two years ago, Left, Right and Center. Joe Biden did that. You ran an old dementia patient, cheated for him, and propped him up. Who else but the owners of this farce should pay the price? Unfortunately, we all are, but the Left should pay a lot more.

Featured Image: Damian Gadal/ Commons

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