J.D. Vance Has Questions About Ukranian Trans Propagandist

J.D. Vance Has Questions About Ukranian Trans Propagandist

J.D. Vance Has Questions About Ukranian Trans Propagandist

Ohio Senator J.D.Vance has questions about former journalist Sarah Ashton Cirillo, who is now with the Ukranian Territorial Defense Force. She is also a trans-woman. She infiltrated the Proud Boys and the Republican Party. We should all have questions. But, before I start, once more I must say that Vladimir Putin is a horrible, bad guy. He invaded Ukraine and Ukraine has the right and duty to defend her borders and her citizens. Putin is a brutal psychopath. I can think that Putin is evil and that many of the characters involved on the Ukraine side look like they are engaged in cosplay. That would include President Volodymyr Zelensky, his wife, MSNBC correspondent Malcolm Nance AND today’s larper, Sarah Ashton Cirillo.

It’s too early to say what kind of Senator that Mr. Vance will make of himself, but asking questions about Sarah Ashton Cirillo and her involvement in Ukraine is a good start. Ms. Sarah has the sketchiest resume I have ever seen. This description comes from Wikipedia, not the best source but close enough with Sarah:

Sarah Ashton-Cirillo[c] (born 9 July 1977), formerly Sarah Cirillo and Sarah Ashton, is an American former journalist serving as a spokesperson for Ukraine’s Territorial Defense Forces, in which she is a junior sergeant. A self-described “recovering political operative”[9] from Las Vegas, Nevada, she was active in Nevada politics from 2020 to 2021, including an abortive run for Las Vegas City Council. She arrived in Ukraine in March 2022, shortly after the full-scale Russian invasion, and has variously served as a war correspondent, a representative in aid negotiations, a civilian analyst with the Ministry of Defense, and a combat medic.
Ashton-Cirillo drew national media attention in 2021 when she released records of conversations from her time working with Republican candidates, documenting efforts to recruit members of the Proud Boys, a far-right group, for a planned “Brooks Brothers Riot” (alluding to the 2000 demonstration)[10] as part of efforts to overturn the outcome of the 2020 United States presidential election. In 2022, she leaked a text exchange with the Republican nominee for Nevada Attorney General, which became a key controversy in that election.

Sarah was born Michael and moved to Vegas in the early 2000s to be close to her child and ex-wife. Ashton Cirillo worked in real estate, communications and poker tournaments. In March of 2022, she went to Ukraine to report as a war correspondent AND NOW SHE IS A JUNIOR SARGEANT AND COMBAT MEDIC! Read that again. Wait, I forgot to tell you that Ashton Cirillo is also the spokesperson for the Ukraine Territorial Defense Force. Weird resume. No wonder J.D. Vance has questions.

I would have questions for role-playing Ashton Cirillo based on this video. Is this a real war? I know real civilians are being murdered. I know Russian and Ukrainian Military Personnel are getting chewed up in a meat grinder. Does this sound right? I know a few viewers found this funny, but there is nothing to laugh about here:

First of all, Sarah needs to leave her wig alone. She comes off as a war-zone Kardashian. She sounds like a recent religious convert so full of enthusiasm and mouthing the words, but have no clue of the depth. That “pretend army led by a midget who sees death coming” deals real death to civilians. “Thank you for those kind words” says the Captain, who sounds like a telethon host. Why does Miss Sarah sound like someone who has spent her life chasing a cause, any cause to give her life purpose?

Everyone who is sending pallet-loads of our tax dollars to Ukraine should have lots of questions, especially after that video. Breitbart News reported:

Senator J.D. Vance (R-OH) has written to top Biden administration officials demanding the White House reveal if Sarah Ashton-Cirillo, a transgender individual claiming to be a spokesperson for the Ukrainian military, has ties to American intelligence services and if U.S. funds are currently subsidising Ashton-Cirillo’s apparent role in Ukraine after the personality went viral vowing that Russian “propagandists will be hunted down”.
In a letter, seen by Breitbart News, to Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, and Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines, Ohio Senator J.D. Vance has requested any information the U.S. government has on apparently American-born former freelance journalist Sarah Ashton-Cirillo — born Michael John Cirillo — who reportedly became a spokesperson for the Ukrainian military earlier this year.

Appearing before a backdrop featuring the logo for the Territorial Defence of Ukraine (TDF) — a branch of Kyiv’s military — Ashton-Cirillo posted a video message earlier this week on social media declaring that Ukraine will “hunt down” alleged allies of the Kremlin operating in Ukraine as “propagandists”.
“Next week, the teeth of the Russian devils will gnash ever harder, and their rabid mouths will foam an uncontrollable frenzy as the world will see a favourite Kremlin propagandist pay for their crimes. And this puppet of Putin is only the first. Russia’s war criminal propagandists will all be hunted down, and justice will be served as we in Ukraine are led on this mission by faith in God, liberty and complete liberation,” the apparent Ukrainian spokesman warned.

There is nothing in that that sounds like a Fedboi, right? Sarah addresses the questions raised by Senator Vance in an absolutely messianic message:

Sorry, everything, including Sarah’s last response, sounds like cosplay. The only problem is this isn’t a video games and the dead people are really dead.

Keep asking questions Senator Vance.

Feature Collage: Wikimedia Commons/Creative Commons/silas8six/flickr/cropped/Creative Commons

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  • therealguyfaux says:

    Do you ever get the feeling that it’s too bad Ukraine AND Russia can’t BOTH lose this war?

  • Liz says:

    I know this is small potatoes, but that photo image of Sarah Ashton Cirillo looks nothing at all like that in the video.
    The photo looks like an actual girl.
    The video looks like a man in a wig. Hard to believe this is the same person.
    Must be using some sort of “make me a girl” AI filter on the image.

  • GWB says:

    But, before I start,
    I wholeheartedly endorse a “pox on both houses” approach. Sometimes slipping over into “kill them all and let God sort them out.” While, at the same time, feeling for the Ukrainians on whose land the war is being fought.

    formerly Sarah Cirillo and Sarah Ashton, is an American former journalist
    A lot of “formers” in there. And not one shows ‘her’ birth name.

    She arrived in Ukraine in March 2022, shortly after the full-scale Russian invasion, and has variously served as a war correspondent, a representative in aid negotiations, a civilian analyst with the Ministry of Defense, and a combat medic.
    None of which entail actually helping them defend their country. (I doubt the “combat medic” was very “combat” nor much “medic”. It was most likely just carrying around an IFAK in uniform.) And that’s in just 18 months. It sounds like he is more of a war zone gadfly than anything else.

    Weird resume.
    Hey! That’s what I said!
    Admittedly, I have a weird resume, too. But I have actual qualifications for all the stuff I did. And I didn’t do it in 18 months.

    Next week, the teeth of the Russian devils will gnash ever harder, and their rabid mouths will foam an uncontrollable frenzy as the world will see a favourite Kremlin propagandist pay for their crimes.
    Now, THAT is ‘florid’ prose! If she wrote like that in the US I can see why she’s a former journalist.

    Arguably, threatening any American for their stance on Ukraine (even if they are Russian stooges) is an act of war. And committing an act of war against the US is a crime (arguably, the Big ‘T’ – and I don’t mean tranny).

    Some of these people are truly deranged. This is almost on the level of the jihadi mamas. Weird folks.

    • Toni Williams says:

      I have a weird resume too, but I got those positions based on what potential I showed. Also, my nephew is an Airborne Combat Medic. Medical part of the training was grueling and he was already an emt.

      • GWB says:

        Yeah. Admittedly, the qualifications for “combat medic” might lower a little if you’re suffering high casualties at the front….

        (Now I’m wondering if any of the items we’ve sent to Ukraine include things like tourniquets, blood clot gauze, “Israeli” bandages,,,?)

  • Taylor says:

    J.D. Vance unfortunately is another pro Putin Republican.

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