Malibu Gavin’s Saran Wrap Run for the Presidency

Malibu Gavin’s Saran Wrap Run for the Presidency

Malibu Gavin’s Saran Wrap Run for the Presidency

The aging Malibu Ken in Sacramento, California’s own Man of Plastic, Gavin Newsom is running for the Presidency. Oh no, he coyly says, I’m not really challenging Biden. But it is as transparent and cloying a demurrer as a sheet of polyethylene food wrap.

Gov. Gavin Newsom is taking fundraising steps often used by potential presidential candidates, setting up multiple committees that in their first three months have raised and spent millions of dollars.

The three Newsom-affiliated committees are a political action committee, which limits contributions to $5,000 a year and can donate to individual candidates; a SuperPAC, which can raise unlimited amounts of cash but is restricted from promoting a specific candidate, and a joint fundraising committee, which functions like a bank, mostly collecting and distributing funds to the other groups. (snip)

Forming the trio of fundraising committees allows prospective candidates like Newsom to begin building a base of support and explore a run for federal office without saying it outright, according to Brendan Glavin, senior data analyst at Open Secrets.

“For someone who has an interest in launching a presidential campaign, these are the first steps you’d take,” Glavin said. “I wouldn’t say it’s set in stone, but certainly you wouldn’t do all of these things if you weren’t thinking about it.”

Be assured that the man who buys hairgel by the barrel has been running for President long before he became mayor of San Francisco with the blessings and support of Willie Brown (you remember how it was Brown who … ahem … made Kamala Harris). His political ambitions for power have been evident to anyone who has watched and listened to this grinning Chad who makes sure to be well coiffed and in designer duds for any photoshoot. Remember this?newsom fire 2020

Here at Victory Girls, we’ve covered Newsom for years — from fashion foibles to his power-mad behavior during the Wuhan Lung Rot debacle to his eagerness to promote every radical, anti-Constitutional Leftwing policy that appears on the horizon — from trying to strip citizens of their second amendment rights to signing into law every bill brought by pervert State Senator Wiener.

And if there’s any more evidence needed that our own Justin Trudeau of California is, indeed, salivating to get his hands on the nation’s executive branch, declared presidential candidate, Ron DeSantis has agreed to debate him.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and California’s own Gavin Newsom will have a bit a chin wag with one another and Sean Hannity on Fox News in early November – one year out from the 2024 presidential elections that one definitely hopes to be involved in and the other that everyone knows really really really hopes to be involved in.

The debate – just by happening – helps both DeSantis and Newsom in their official and kinda sorta unofficial White House bids.

Newsom has tried baiting DeSantis for some time now. The junior-high, jerk-jock posturing by Malibu Gavin is certainly a preview of the content-free scripting he’ll bring to the stage. He’ll lie like a rug and no amount of fact-checking will get him to back down.

Narcissists don’t care what you think of them. As long as the lie works, that’s all that matters.

Something the late and unlamented Harry Reid was well acquainted with.

This is something we must worry about. While Ron DeSantis seems to do very well in one-in-one as we’ve seen when he’s confronted by hostile reporters (aka Democrats with by-lines). But in a forum with a consummate fabulist like Newsom? DeSantis on the defensive to counter Gavin’s false accusations may help Newsom into replacing Biden in 2024.

The last thing this nation needs is to be Californicated.

featured image, original artwork by Darleen Click

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  • SCOTTtheBADGER says:

    Newsome has shown his incompetence, by destroying California. What makes anyone think he would be capable of being President?

    • Darleen Click says:

      He “won” the recall, didn’t he? And he’s “destroying CA” in exactly the way the Left wants it to be “fundamentally changed”.

  • Paul says:

    Check out The Rampart Project. They are out in early primary states with ads hitting Newsom’s California. Their tagline is “Don’t Califonicate America.”

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