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Open Memo To My Fellow Americans:
To all y’all, I just want to say to the various groups weighing in on the likely impending arrest of President Donald Trump, you have totally lost the plot. I am tired, dog tired. I am also semi-bored. The Left, the Never Trumpers, the Establishment Republicans (Mitch McConnell and Nancy Mace) and the RINOs (Paul Ryan and Fred Upton) have made the last seven years a nerve-wracking, cacophonous hell-scape. Thank you very much.
Some of those groups intersect. Like Kamala Harris’s Venn Diagrams. Mostly though, they despise, dislike and distrust each other. They all LOATHE Donald Trump and anyone they perceive as in his camp. I am not a MAGAt or a Trumpette. I believe that we need a disrupter. I believed and believe we need to go nuclear. I volunteered for Bush, the Father and the Son. I worked for Mitt Romney. I even got out the vote for the late John McCain, God forgive us both. As I survey the cultural, legislative and regulatory fall out of the last 34 years, I realize that I likely wasted my vote all those years. I voted for the upright, forthright Establishment Republican candidate and got screwed. They barely slowed down this country’s descent into the Byzantines, as described by Victor Davis Hanson. So when Trump declared for President I made a cold decision to support him.
For the last seven years, we have been scrubbed in a bucket with lye soap, beat upon the rocks, rinsed, wrung out and hung out to dry. You may think that Trump did all that. No way, Jose. That was the media, the Left, the Never Trumpers, Establishment Republicans and the RINOs. Holy freaking smokes, they never stopped going after Trump and the Trump voters. I have been writing these bloody posts for the last seven years. Now, the arrest of Trump is likely imminent. Most likely coming on Tuesday. I hope y’all are happy. Trump being Trump, he called for protests:
He didn’t say violent protests. Protesting is a right for the Left and it is wrong for the Right. Nina covered this in her post “Democrats Want Protests If Trump Is Arrested, Don’t Fall For It“. Amen. Don’t do that kind of protest.
My idea of protesting on Tuesday, if Donald Trump is arrested, will be doing nothing while the Establishment Republicans come after me.
The best protest is to do absolutely nothing. Don’t buy anything, don’t sell anything. Don’t do anything. That’s it. That’s all. Chris Sununu, who is one of the best governors, but a useless potential President:
Gov. Chris Sununu (R-N.H.) on Sunday said former President Trump’s call for his supporters to protest what Trump said is his imminent arrest will result in “a political circus.”
“It is going to be a circus, right? It is going to be a bit of a political circus. There’s going to be a lot of unknowns,” Sununu said on CNN’s “State of the Union” when asked if Trump has a responsibility to make sure that his supporters protest peacefully after the rioting at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.
And, Senator Mark Kelley (Astronaut/Space Cadet) is just looking for a reason to grab your guns:
POLITICS: Dem senator calls on law enforcement to ‘pay attention’ to Trump protests ahead of potential arrest
— U-S-NEWS.COM (@us_news_com) March 19, 2023
Protest outside or do like me and hang inside and do nothing, the Left is going to blame Trump voters. They are really not after Trump, they are after you and me. Even the Establishment Republicans will eventually end up in front of the wall blindfolded.
And to the Left. You have totally lost the plot. You keep going this way and there won’t be a country left to rule over. That’s what you really want. To rule OVER people.
Y’all have exhausted me. Right and Left, the uniparty went flipping berserk when Trump one. Maybe you need to read up on Theodore Roosevelt. I am exhausted and bored. I am going to go watch the movie The Castle, it’s David vs. Goliath in Australia and it’s about justice. I need some of that justice vibe.
Featured Image: Folsom Natural/ Commons
Your excellent essay triggered my memory to run back and grab a high school memory, I remember reading Civil Disobedience.
The right to protest in inalienable, not just for America but for the free world. Just ask France. But in this case, I’m not sure that it’s the correct thing to do. In fact, I think it’s bait. It’s just the thing to give the Sovialists and the MSM a golden opportunity to scream “Insurrection 2”. Is this whole thing just a bunch of hyped-up horsepoop that’s meaningless to the problems and issues we face in this country? Absolutely…..But throwing a fit isn’t the way….
Someone once said “You can indict a ham sandwich” Like the impeachment(s), this is political theatre at it’s vile, nasty core. Someone also once said “Give a fool enough rope and he will manage to hang himself”…..Don’t fall for the clown parade as thst’s just what they’re hoping you’ll do.
If the Democrats want to go down this road, so be it. But I also expect warrants to be issued for the arrest of Hillary Clinton for Obstruction of Justice as well as Lying to Congress and a warrant issued for Joe Biden for Extortion of a Public Official while serving as Vice President…… that someone will always say “Two can play at this game”…
Everything TFG does serves only one purpose … himself. The money you send him goes to fund him (legal fees, repairing a plane, and more legal fees … did you see what he spent on legal fees in his most recent FEC filing?), when people “rally” for him, hundreds get arrested and are serving prison time and millions of families are torn apart because of his election lies and divisive “rhetoric.”
He is a 280 pound malignant tumor that has spread to about 25% to 30% of the nation who, for whatever reason, continue to believe his lies.
“If the Democrats want to go down this road, so be it. But I also expect warrants to be issued for the arrest of Hillary Clinton for Obstruction of Justice as well as Lying to Congress and a warrant issued for Joe Biden for Extortion of a Public Official while serving as Vice President…… that someone will always say “Two can play at this game”… Please, get McCarthy and the other chimpanzees flinging feces hoping something sticks to go after the leaders of the Democratic party. What you don’t understand is not all politicians act like MAGA’s behind the scenes. Some actually follow the laws. Republicans were in charge during Democratic administrations and if they found evidence of Clinton, Obama, Biden, Pelosi, et. al. lying, covering up, having their surrogates lie, instigating an insurrection, or any other crime, then those Republicans in charge royally fucked up for looking the other way. But, that didn’t happen. Clinton appeared for over 11 hours before a committee investigating BENGHAZI! TFG wouldn’t appear on MSNBC let alone before a congressional hearing. Every advisor to the 280 pound malignant tumor has told him “Do not testify.” You want to know why? He couldn’t tell the fucking truth if his life depended on it.
And yet, you support this 280 pound malignant tumor. Seven years of chaos, divisiveness, fights, major political loses, indictments, impeachments, and the list goes on. There’s one common denominator … TFG. PERIOD!
Settle down, Nancy.
Yes, yes little Epsilon. Salivating at your keyboard like Pavlov’s dog because you saw the word Trump.
“An evil enemy will burn his own nation to the ground to rule over the ashes.” – Sun Tzu
Sorry Toni, but Trump with his stupid mouth and immature tantrums deserves little symapthy. He is a loser. Having said that, Alvin Bragg is a first rate creep.
And, Senator Mark Kelley (Astronaut/Space Cadet) is just looking for a reason to grab your guns
He still thinks that his wife’s head wound gives him some kind of moral authority over us.
‘The Castle’ is also on my favorite movies.
Very enjoyable saga of a single man vs. big government.
Now where is my DVD of that movie? I now want to watch this weekend.