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Joe Biden and his family are in Nantucket for Thanksgiving which is a tradition for the Bidens. Mazel Tov. Enjoy. Not everyone was happy to see them. One man gave Creepy Joe a one finger salute. A few of the Coast Guard personnel they visited didn’t look overly thrilled. Before the Bidens left D.C., they taped a Thanksgiving greeting lamenting empty seats at tables. Yes, let’s talk about that.
While the sour Left has been serving up guilt for Thanksgiving and the Biden inflation is a hidden tax on those who can least afford it, Biden blithely shambles on. After his first wife’s death, Biden and DOCTOR Jill starting taking the family to Nantucket every year, with a few exceptions.
This year, the Biden’s are “renting” the home of David Rubenstein, co-founder of the private equity firm The Carlyle Group. Rubenstein is reported to be in Europe for the holiday. That means that the Bidens have the $20 million, 13 acre property to themselves and their Secret Service Agents. The family may be cooking for themselves but they ordered take out for the agents from one of their favorite Nantucket restaurants, Faregrounds, according to the owner, Bill Puder:
This year, instead of cooking for the Bidens, Mr. Puder has another task: cooking Thanksgiving dinner for 100 members of the Secret Service. He has already encountered many agents and Massachusetts state police in the days leading up to the holiday.
“You can tell who they are because they say ‘sir’ and ‘ma’am,’” Mr. Puder said. “They say, ‘That’s how we’re trained.’ I say, ‘All right.’”
Still, he emphasized that locals were accustomed to famous visitors and rarely became starstruck. If anything, a president was unlikely to stoke the kind of excitement elicited by local celebrities.
“Belichick has come in here,” Mr. Puder said with a smile, referring to Bill Belichick, the head coach of the New England Patriots.
Well, Bill Belichick is a winner. Biden is a weak-willed, stupid loser. Speaking of the loser, he got down to single digits in popularity for one man:
President Biden’s approval ratings have been epically low, but on a Thanksgiving Day stop at a New England Coast Guard station they suddenly reached the single digits.
A Nantucket man presented Biden’s motorcade with the middle finger Thursday as the unpopular commander in chief made the holiday stop during his stay at a billionaire’s island compound.
Biden’s approval ratings are in collapse amid the highest inflation in 31 years, which has driven up the costs of everything from turkey dinners to gas, and he’s increasingly been greeted with vulgar gestures and chants even when visiting deep-blue states.
I am not a fan of vulgar gestures, but “Let’s Go Brandon” is awesome. The Coast Guard personnel that Joe visited don’t have either option. Lets, go to the videotape:
I think the aide probably handed Creepy Joe a handful of Presidential challenge coins to give out. Then, Joe walked across the open air, open space masked before taking his mask off to greet the Coasties. While a few of the younger Coast Guardsmen, looked excited to meet a President, most of the voluntolds looked like they wished they were armed. Just sayin’.
There are those kvetching that “Middle-class Joe” is bunking at his billionaire buddy’s palatial compound. You and I know that was always an act. So, I don’t give a fat rat’s backside where he stays. What burns my cornbread is what an absolute cluster his time in the Oval Office has been. That made his Thanksgiving greeting an utter insult.
From the Biden family to yours – Happy Thanksgiving.
— President Biden (@POTUS) November 25, 2021
Joe mouths the words that he is grateful for the service of our military personnel. Talk is cheap. Actions speaker much, much louder than words. People die of illnesses every day. That is life. It sucks, but it is the way of life.
Joe’s actions show us that he doesn’t value our military personnel or first responders. He leaves our Southern Border open, allowing disease, human traffickers and drugs to flow across. He disrespects our Border Patrol Agents, by accusing them of crimes. Men, women and children die, not of a drug overdose, but of Fentanyl poisoning.
Stupid Joe pulled the troops out of Afghanistan before securing our personnel. That resulted in chaos that required a mini-surge of troops. Insufficient troops to secure the airport in Kabul. Because of his mortal sin, 13 service personnel were murdered and many more are severely wounded and paralyzed.
So forgive me if I am not obsessed where Dementia Joe lays his head. This Thanksgiving I am praying that God will look favorably upon our Nation and save us from Sleepy Joe, Doctor Jill and the puppet masters who control them.
Time for seconds on that awesome cornbread stuffing I made. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. Peaceful Thanksgiving to our military personnel and first responders.
Featured Image: Dan Lacey/ Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.0 Generic (CC BY-NC 2.0)
[…] Biden take COVID seriously? Not if you saw him shopping in Nantucket, where he is still enjoying his Thanksgiving vacation. Seems that Grandpa Joe is so very concerned about Omicron that he will ban travel from multiple […]
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