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Whether you like her or not, you have to admit Washington DC will never be boring as long as Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) is around. The freshman congresswoman was kicked off her committee assignments a month after taking office because of remarks made before being sworn in. And who can forget the out-of-proportion (and frankly misleading) coverage of her alleged transphobic actions after taking office? Now she’s chumming the political waters again with her announcement of the America First Caucus and the media sharks and Democrats are circling for the kill.
In other words, while the timing of the announcement could have been better, this is not a case of MTG leaping off the cliff before looking. It is, on the other hand, a case of the media doing what their liberal handles in Washington tell them to. Attack the Congresswoman, her supporters, and the caucus without actually telling the public what the caucus is really about.
The media’s instant condemnation of the plan–not to mention those involved with it–should come as no surprise when looking at the caucus’s policy platform. In the second paragraph of the seven page document, the caucus raises the specter of Donald Trump.
As this implies a degree of ideological flexibility, a certain intellectual boldness is needed amongst members of the AFC to follow in President Trump’s footsteps, and potentially step on some toes and sacrifice sacred cows for the good of the American nation.
The reaction of those still suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome was immediate and expected. So is the spin the media has been pushing in its coverage.
The Washington Post’s headline from yesterday evening read, “Trump loyalists start ‘America First Caucus’ to promote U.S. as ‘uniquely Anglo-Saxon’.” A quick search of the platform document provides the entire quote:
America is a nation with a border, and a culture, strengthened by a common respect for uniquely Anglo-Saxon political traditions.
Note how one of the so-called foremost newspapers in the country not only failed to give the entire quote, it did nothing to indicate there might be part of it missing. I guess they aren’t teaching things like journalistic integrity in college these days. Or perhaps the reporters have a problem with reading comprehension. Maybe they don’t see the difference between promoting the U. S. as “uniquely Anglo–Saxon” and “uniquely Anglo-Saxon political traditions”.
Their so-called news article goes on to use inflammatory language such as “A seven-page document that lays out policy positions for the caucus includes nativist language and perpetuates the falsehood that there was widespread fraud and corruption in the 2020 election.” I guess they haven’t seen the admissions from their media cohorts about how they worked to sway the American public by spinning the “news” against Trump and those who supported him.
But WaPo isn’t the only one out there jumping back on the Trump Derangement Syndrome train and demanding action be taken against anyone who doesn’t bend a knee to their approved political beliefs. That bastion of liberal ideals, Vanity Fair, doesn’t even try to cloak its disdain for the caucus or those involved with it. After a headline claiming “Republicans Are Basically Starting a White Supremacist Caucus”, they go on with the sub-header that claims those Anglo-Saxon political traditions include “discrimination against non-white people”.
Just in case you’re still unsure how Vanity Fair feels about this, here’s an excerpt from their article. I guess I should add a trigger warning for language because journalistic standards have flown out the window for this piece.
What, exactly, it means to demonstrate “respect for this nation’s culture” is unclear, but we’re pretty sure that line is code for “Speak English, motherfucker,” which we’d bet money Greene has screamed at more than one Uber driver.
But the condemnation isn’t limited to the media. Perhaps I should say the state-sponsored press because that’s what it is really starting to feel like. Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-Il) said anyone joining the caucus should lose their committee assignments. But that’s not all, as you can see from his tweet.
I believe anyone that joins this caucus should have their committees stripped, and the Republican conference should expel them from conference participation. While we can’t prevent someone from calling themselves Republican, we can loudly say they don’t belong to us.
— Adam Kinzinger (@AdamKinzinger) April 16, 2021
Rep. Ted Lieu (D-Calif.) was a bit more direct.
Dear @mtgreenee and @RepGosar: As an immigrant, I served on active duty in the US military to defend your right to say stupid stuff. What makes America great is that we don’t judge you based on bloodline, we look at your character. So take your nativist crap and shove it.
— Ted Lieu (@tedlieu) April 16, 2021
Lieu isn’t the only Dem to speak out.
Now, while I will be the first to say the timing of the announcement of the caucus and the release of the platform document wasn’t well thought out, I will also point out the mischaracterizations many in the media and on Capitol Hill are using to denigrate those involved. This is typical of the liberals. As someone I know has repeatedly said about the woke crowd, they read until insulted. That is exactly what appears to have happened here. The libs read until they saw a phrase they didn’t like and then they didn’t read any further. They didn’t even finish reading the sentence.
In other words, it is the usual smoke and mirrors they are so good at presenting to obscure the real issues. In this case, the issue isn’t the return to Anglo-Saxon values. It is the “common respect for uniquely Anglo-Saxon political traditions.” Of course, the libs don’t have any respect for those traditions. They don’t want to protect the vote. It is all right to demand we show ID to get a concealed carry permit or to board a plane but don’t you dare ask for ID to vote.
How dare we make sure our borders are secure! Not closed. Secured. As in to prevent terrorists and drug dealers and human traffickers from entering.
But here is the kicker, and probably what terrifies the liberals the most about the platform document:
We will work to divest power from the federal government and give it back to the states and the people to restore the balance of federalism. We believe in, and will fight for, the principles of federalism and decentralization of political power; the government closest to the people is the best equipped to handle their concerns.
Since they can’t come right out and say they want to remove government from the local levels and invest total control at the federal level, they have to find another way to undermine what the caucus stands for. They aren’t dumb, at least not when it comes to waging war in the media. They have stirred the pot so the caucus and the platform document are all about white power and nothing else.
The fact legislators like MTG are the face of it doesn’t help. They have been pilloried on Capitol Hill and in the media. They are forever linked with Trump, making them part of the “Orange Mad Bad” counter-attacks from the Democrats and media. Then there’s the fact the Republicans have not gone after the Dems for allowing the likes of Ocasio-Cortez and her posse to hide behind the Democratic moniker even though they are proudly anti-American.
At least anti-American when it comes to keeping our nation strong and free.
It is time to retake control of the narrative. It is time to decide what course this nation is to take. We are a nation of immigrants. That will never change. However, there comes a point where you have to look at the country, its infrastructure and the needs of those already here and determine what is best for them. We need to concentrate on the issues our own citizens and those residing here face before taking on the ails of the rest of the world.
Most of all, it is time to realize the media is no longer the “Free Press”. At least not most of the mainstream media. It is firmly in the hip pocket of the Democratic Party–or maybe the Dems are in MSM’s hip pocket. So read beyond the headlines. Look to the source documents and demand answers when it becomes clear the media is giving only part of the story.
Welcome, Instapundit readers!
Featured image: Marjorie Taylor Greene official portrait. As a work of the U.S. federal government, the image is in the public domain.
It’s long past time for normal people to treat the media and the democrats (But I repeat myself) as the enemy. Call them out at every opportunity. They yap about the protest on January 6th, you remind them how silent they were during the riots for Trump’s inauguration and the entirety of 2020. They dare to bring up “nationalism” you point out the racist rhetoric from Burn Loot Murder.
And yes; these reporters need to be asked point blank exactly what the problem is with having more power in local government. Don’t accept mutterings of “Das raysis.” Make them actually answer.
Sadly, Kinzinger has proven himself to be nothing but a POS RINO.. I certainly respect his service, but like far too many veterans, once in DC, he’s become just another swamp critter.. No better than AOC and the other leftists.
Between President * placing hundreds of illegal families per day in America effectively replacing the American demographic, our intelligence agencies declaring the 4th amendment an “obstacle”, and all institutions in America calling all people of European descent racists–again, America first sounds about right. Based on the current Democrat sound chamber, the Republican party will be gone in a year (in the name of equity).
If the media and democrats are criticizing it, there must be something inherently good and valuable about it.
doing what their liberal handles in Washington tell them to
OK, such an insignificant typo, but it made me laugh because I thought, “You mean like ‘love handles’? But the fat’s all in their brain?”
potentially step on some toes and sacrifice sacred cows for the good of the American nation
OK, My first thought is “Good!” Followed immediately by “Wait, whose toes are you going to step on?” Because, while Trump certainly was more conservative than McCain or Romney, he was no Constitutionalist or “true” conservative. If ‘ideological flexibility’ is key to this, then I anticipate a LOT of BAMN malarkey in our future.
uniquely Anglo-Saxon political traditions
That’s an own goal, right there. It’s unnecessary. It’s also a little wrong (given the number of classicists among the Founding Fathers, a bit of Roman Republic was certainly in view, as well as a better form of Athenian democracy). Yes, the paper made it worse, but it was bad enough in context.
nativist language
Now that right there is funny, since these are the same people screaming about how we stole the land and such baloney. “We’re for the natives! But no nativist language, please!”
those Anglo-Saxon political traditions include “discrimination against non-white people”
Oy vey. Do you even history, bro? (That’s rhetorical, I know the answer is “History? You ignorant, flaming misogynist racist pig!”)
“Speak English, motherf****r,”
And? They want to actually live here, the least they could do is speak our language. (You might call it an invasion, otherwise.)
I believe anyone that joins this caucus should have their committees stripped, and the Republican conference should expel them from conference participation.
THIS is how you start a new party! Finally!
we don’t judge you based on bloodline, we look at your character. So take your nativist crap and shove it.
Motte-and-bailey argument AT BEST. Yes, we like to look at your character (HAH! funny coming from a Democrat!). But that is not in any way contradictory to ‘America first’ – as a matter of fact, it’s in parallel to it! Or, as Sarah Hoyt (born in Portugal) likes to say, “I was born an American; it just took me a while to get here.”
The libs read until they saw a phrase they didn’t like and then they didn’t read any further.
I’m guessing the phrase ‘America first’ was as far as they got, then.
Of course, the libs don’t have any respect for those traditions.
I would disagree. I just think they’re looking at a different time period of English history than you or MGT might be.
We will work to divest power from the federal government and give it back to the states and the people to restore the balance of federalism. We believe in, and will fight for, the principles of federalism and decentralization of political power; the government closest to the people is the best equipped to handle their concerns.
So, they’re going to work to repeal the 16th and 17th Amendments, then?
It is time to retake control of the narrative.
As I have been saying: evangelize, indoctrinate, educate. We have to sell the American voters on Americanism all over again if we want to save the Republic.
We need to concentrate on the issues [of] our own citizens and those residing here face before taking on the ails of the rest of the world country.
Reworded to be Federalism. Funny how that works, huh?
It is firmly in the hip pocket of the Democratic Party–or maybe the Dems are in MSM’s hip pocket.
They are different portions of the Progressive religion. The Dems are the bishops and high priests, the media are the prophets. The “scientists” are the priests.
Nicely put together, Amanda.
I distrust and disbelieve anything and everything the “media” tells me.