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Finally, after months–no, years–of Democratic wrangling, the House of Representatives will vote on whether they should refer the articles of impeachment against Donald Trump to the Senate. This comes amid stories yesterday that the Democrats were now ready to start pushing legislation through Congress before they recess for the holidays. Funny how they haven’t been concerned about doing their jobs until now. Could it be they want the proposed legislation to distract the public from their weak case against Trump? Only time will tell and the question becomes how history will judge the dog-and-pony show that has gone on for far too long.
One thing is certain, no matter what the Dems do, the questions about how we got here will continue. That is especially true after”the chief judge of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court [FISC] strongly criticized the FBI over its surveillance-application process.” It should surprise no one that the Carter Page investigation weighed heavily on the judge’s decision. What should bring all of us up short is the fact that this condemnation was made public. The FISA court operates in the shadows, rarely letting the public see what goes on.
How bad must things be that the curtains are being drawn back and what sort of long term ramifications will our country face?
Bad as that is, it is only one aspect of the witch hunt that has gone on at the behest of Democratic leaders since the Electoral College results were announced. They have been after Trump since he won the election. He upset their apple cart and they weren’t going to have it. How much taxpayer money has been spent getting us to the vote today? How much damage have they done to the country in the process.
I’ve stated before that I’m not a huge Trump fan. However, he is miles above what we would have had in the Oval Office had he lost. The Dems whine and whinge about how he has polarized the country when, in reality, the polarization has come from their side of the aisle. It started years ago but Hillary Clinton confirmed it with her “deplorables” comment. It has continued with their classification of Trump supporters as white supremacists, etc.
Helping them along the way has been the media. Even as it wonders why it no longer has the subscriber base it once had, the MSM does its best Pravda and TASS imitation. Here’s an example from the New York Times homepage. This screen cap was taken at 10 pm Central, give or take a few minutes, last night.
Five headlines about the impeachment. Five headlines that are anti-Trump. I long ago quit expecting unbiased reporting, but the Times, not to mention so many others, no longer try to hide the fact they are writing with one goal in mind: to get rid of Trump and bring about a time where only Dems (or socialists) will sit in the Oval Office.
Trump’s letter was, according to the Times, “angry and rambling”.
Also according to the Times, a majority of the House, 219 at the time the article was written, will vote for impeachment. Funny, what we don’t see in the headline above is that there were 172 committed to voting against impeachment. That includes two Dems. There were two, including one Dem, who had yet to make up their minds about how to vote. Thirty-eight had not responded to the Times question. Of that 38, 12 were Democrats. Now, math isn’t my strong suit, but that means the vote very well could be a lot closer than the Dems and the MSM want us to believe.
The Times also tries to swing its readers into believing in the righteousness of impeaching Trump with an opinion piece by Debbie Dingell (D-MI). Dingell has been in the House since 2015. Her late husband, John, was the longest-serving Congressman. She was a super-delegate in 2012. She has been steeped in Democratic political campaigns and causes since her marriage in 1981.
When you read her piece, Dingell comes across, initially at least, as reasonable and thoughtful. Then you get to this little tidbit:
While the House Intelligence and Judiciary Committees undertook the job of gathering the facts, House leaders and other committees worked to lower prescription drug prices, protect the environment, restore voting rights to citizens and devise trade deals that level the playing field. . . Each day, after attending my own committee hearings and markups, meetings and events with constituents, I would come home to start my own studies on the impeachment inquiry.
I read testimonies from firsthand witnesses, parsed the majority and dissenting opinions from the committees’ reports and listened to the voices on both sides. I spent weeks reading the Constitution, constitutional scholars, the Federalist Papers and papers from both the Nixon and Clinton impeachment processes.”
First of all, those facts she refers to were carefully cultivated by Schiff and Nadler. Second, while I applaud her for going to her other committee meetings and doing her “homework”, I take issue with her conclusions. She didn’t have all the facts. She didn’t step up and ask her party leaders to allow the Republicans the same ability to call witnesses her own party had. She would have considered the FISA report and the questions it raises into the credibility of some of the so-called evidence. Most of all, she would admit the Dems have been looking for something since the day Trump won.
Dingell isn’t the only Democrat to try to explain why they are voting for impeachment. One of Dingell’s Michigan cohorts, Elissa Slotkin who represents one of the state’s swing districts, appeared at a town hall meeting. To say the audience wasn’t receptive to her explanation is putting it mildly.
Perhaps it is something the Dems should pay attention to . . . not that they will.
If there is any question about the Democrats trying to ramrod the vote through, consider this: today is the first time the entire House will have a chance to debate the two charges against the President as a single body. Will the members of the House be able to fully discuss and debate the issue? Hell no. Once again wielding power to preventany illusion of fairness, “the House Rules Committee on Tuesday voted 9-4 along party lines” to debate for what amounts to six hours.
Six hours to decide an issue as important as the impeachment of a president.
Tell me again that they are looking out for our country and not for their own political ends.
Debbie Dingell writes:
Did President Trump’s actions rise to the level of a threat to our democracy? Yes. Future generations and historians will judge us if we did not address these dangers. I will cast my vote to protect our Constitution, our democratic republic and the future of our country.”
The real threat to our republic is the witch hunt that has been going on since Trump won the election. This has been nothing but an attempt by the Dems to nullify the vote. If you doubt it, remember this: Maxine Waters admits she doesn’t have proof there is any sort of a conspiracy between Trump and Putin but she believes there is one. Apparently, that’s enough for her to vote for impeachment. The House has said it will continue to try to impeach Trump if the Senate fails to act the way they want. This farce has nothing to do with whether or not Trump committed acts that rise to the level of being impeachable offenses.
This has everything to do with the Democrats refusing to accept the results of the last election and doing everything they can to take the vote out of our hands in 2020.
What they are doing is little different from enacting a coup. This one might not be with guns. People may not be dying in the streets. Even so, it is just as dangerous because, if they are allowed to get away with it, no conservative or libertarian president, no politician who isn’t a Democrat, will be safe from similar treatment.
If you want to know who poses the biggest threat to our nation, look to the majority party in the House of Representatives. Look at how they have acted to strip us of our constitutional rights, of our vote. Watch what happens today and speak up. Let your senators know your opinion on the impeachment. Then let your representative know how you felt about their vote. It is time the Democrats understand they are not invincible. This is our country. It is time to take it back.
Welcome, Instapundit Readers!
Featured Image: “Trump’s portraits” by Svetik Petushkova, Andrew Sharapov is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
How will history judge?
Sorry but…stupid question.
Who’s writing the history, and who decides which “version” is the approved txt for teaching?
How did “history” judge (eg)Joe McCarthy?
How much of (eg)Cllinton/ Kennedy Family Incorporated antics is doomed to be “inexpedient to prosecuted”
from “history”?
This line from the congress woman’s editorial caught my eye, “…restore voting rights to citizens…”.
It does not directly have anything to do with impeachment but it highlights how deluded the Democrats are. Can someone, anyone, please point to me when the voting rights of citizens was withdrawn. Is this about voter ID laws in some states?
The same people wringing their hands over this are perfectly comfortable over-turning an election. The Democrats are not interested in voter rights, they are interested in doing whatever is necessary to get and maintain power.
The universities are ground zero for leftism, and history along with it. History will lie, lie, lie because that’s what leftism does. “Truth is not a left wing value, “ as Dennis Prager says. I see no effort to either take back the existing institutions that are corrupted or to create news ones to replace the dead ones, therefore history will applaud the Democrats.
Those who believe that higher education is infested with liberals and leftist ideas are bound to stay ignorant. I hope (if you are a parent) that you are not trying to encourage your children to not get a college education for fear of them being contaminated by liberal and leftist ideas.
Whenever you listen to Dennis Prager (who is college-educated) on the radio, remember this, he is getting paid to say whatever the station wants him to say.
I have no respect for anyone who talks patriotism and love for country when they never worn the uniform to defend it. This is what I think of when I hear Dennis Prager‘s name.
My grandfathers were both very much patriots, though neither wore a uniform. One tried to enlist, but was classified 4-F due to an injury sustained as a kid working on the farm. The other wasn’t allowed to enlist because he was a math teacher, and the govt felt he was more valuable in that role, though he did spend his weekends as a coast watcher at the Jersey shore. If you don’t have respect for either of those gentlemen, or others like them, then your opinion doesn’t mean much…
As a parent, I have one child who was contaminated by leftist ideas at college, and no longer talks to me. The other is much more intelligent, and he’s gone to a trade school where he learned a valuable skill instead of being indoctrinated in liberal ideals.
And before you ask, yes, I do have a college degree, which i got after serving in the army, so when i went to a brick and mortar school, I knew enough to ignore the indoctrination crap, and when I finally found an online school that caters to veterans and those in Public Safety, none of the professors tried to pull such crap.
So all that being said, I dare you to question the patriotism of my grandfathers, or the intelligence of me or my son. you’d be flat wrong on all counts.
I read testimonies from firsthand witnesses
Funny, based on the witnesses the Dems called, it was all second-hand testimony. So you’re either a liar or an ignorant dupe.
I spent weeks reading the Constitution, constitutional scholars, the Federalist Papers and papers from both the Nixon and Clinton impeachment processes.
THERE! There it is! I knew this would pop up after that little dustup about the photog! Though, she doesn’t mention the Bible – strategic or forgot?
Tell me again that they are looking out for our country and not for their own political ends.
Well, they are also looking to get home before Christmas break.
Did President Trump’s actions rise to the level of a threat to our democracy?
You keep using those words. I don’t think those words mean what you think they mean.
I will cast my vote to protect our Constitution
nothing to do with whether or not Trump committed acts that rise to the level of being impeachable offenses crimes, or even unethical
the biggest threat to our nation, look to the majority party in the House of Representatives
Well, to be fair, there’s also an awful lot of the minority party who have also been more interested in turning our country into a technocracy than in protecting the Constitution and our freedoms.
Here’s the one thing true about any action Congress takes (whether lead by the Republicans or Democrats) … if the facts aren’t on your side, create a smoke screen and talk about the “flawed process.”
The problem with your “centrism”, Kevin, is that there is a truth. In this case it most certainly does not support the Dem’s approach to the process. The facts are on the side of the Republicans and Trump.
Unless, of course, you live in an alternate universe, like so many anti-Trumpers.
(Oh, and, of course, there’s also the issue of Dems complaining about constitutional, legal and institutional processes that have been in place for a loooooong time, and the Repubs complaining about the other side making shit up as they go in the fashion of ends-justify-the-means. Yeah, one of those is clearly more flawed than the other, in any rational comparison.)
Saying that the Congress is an “action Congress” can be considered a complement since they are the branch who makes the laws. Remember this the congress is the only branch of government that is directly elected by the people and the closest to the people.
The president is elected by the states known as the electoral college. This is why in the 2016 election, Hillary Clinton who receives 3 million more votes than Trump did not win. It’s funny that I hear all the time Republicans are saying Trump receives 63 million votes. When will they remind the people of our country that Hillary Clinton receive 65 million votes. This alone shows you that the president is not elected by the people. The people elect members of Congress and the states elect the president. Finally a third branch of government has no connection with the people at all since the judges on the Supreme Court are appointed by the president who is elected by the states.
Since you’re talking about a government that is at the federal level, that’s how it’s supposed to be. It’s supposed to be a government of the states.
BTW, he didn’t call them an “action Congress”. He said “any action [that] Congress takes.” The “that” I put in there is unnecessary for proper grammar, but is allowed for clarity.
How will history judge? If the enemy wins, their histories will praise themselves and glorify the . . . elimination of the anti-social elements, racists, and rightist deviationists in the camps. If we win, given the fact that we are beyond legal, constitutional, and non-violent means to change things in all likelihood; we will be doing the equivalent.
When the entire Federal Law Enforcement apparatus, much of the Intel apparatus, the courts, the Federal civil service, and much of the Congress in both parties deliberately ignore the law and Constitution and are subservient to the Democrats seeking the establishment of a one-party dictatorship; you reach a point where we are not one people or country anymore and the matter of who rules is decisive and irrevocable.
[…] Of Christmas, Day 7 This Ain’t Hell: Haste Makes Waste, also, Wednesday FGS Victory Girls: How Will History Judge Democrats’ Impeachment Antics Volokh Conspiracy: Court Rules Federal Flooding Of Homes During Hurricane Harvey Is A Taking, also, […]
History is written by the winners. So . . . A turning point when great heroes defeated evil white supremacy! Unfortunately, out of sheer malice the evil white supremacists sabotaged our economy before they were defeated and that’s why you live in poverty now.
It was not the white supremacist who sabotage our country. Our country’s economics is being sabotaged by the greedy rich. By saying this, I do not mean all those who are rich. I do believe in capitalism. Some of the rich is very compassionate and understands how they got there by making there fortunes. It is the greedy rich through the means of the political process has use the race card to suede whites against nonwhites for the control of government. I called this divide and conquer. Their main goal is to turn our democracy into an oligarchy. Why are conservatives so angry all the time? In the past generation the conservatives has enjoy control of government more than liberals ever had. But yet they are still angry and believes nothing is getting done. This is because the people they are voting in office are not for gun rights, Christian values or the right to life. They are only for how much money they can get out of your pockets to their pockets. And I mean the pockets of those who do not have much. For example, justice Cavanaugh was not chosen by President Trump because of his views on abortion. He was chosen by him (the president) because of his views on the rights of the Corporations and big business to screw everybody else.
Most white supremacist or any kind of supremacist based on race are poor and powerless to change the fabric of our country.
In the past generation the conservatives has enjoy control of government more than liberals ever had.
Progressive control of gov’t began in the early 1900s. It hasn’t relinquished that control very often over the last century. The last generation hasn’t seen any conservatives in control of our gov’t. (Define “generation as 20 years and you get Clinton, Bush, 0bama, with Bush being a northeastern liberal. Define it as 40 years and you get Reagan in there, who was more conservative than Trump, but Congress was still primarily progressive. Congress has been Big Gov’t for just about that entire run.)
Everybody likes big government. Conservatives, liberals Democrats and Republicans all like what big government has to offer . If the government was small there would be no Social Security, no Medicare or Medicaid. And most of all there would not be any unemployment, welfare or food stamps for those who don’t have enough to eat. Those who do not like panhandlers and people begging on the streets , if the government was small there would be a lot more of them all over the place. Tell me now, who among you would rather have it that way?
Why are Republicans and conservatives lawmakers are always talking about cutting taxes? If you want clean water to drink, good schools for your children’s education, your garbage picked up once a week, police protection, fire protection, a strong military and whatever else you may want that I did mention, pay your taxes and don’t complain.