What Was The Point In Dropping The MOAB?  [VIDEO]

What Was The Point In Dropping The MOAB? [VIDEO]

As was widely reported yesterday, a MOAB was dropped in Afghanistan in order to combat ISIS (Victory Girl Kim covered it, along with the Left’s reaction, here)….

Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

The inspiration … A story “He’s at it again, Mr. Tate.” Her cat answered with a yawn, returning to sleep. Gladys sighed, turning to peer through the…

MOAB Dropped on ISIS in Afghanistan and the Left Goes Mad [VIDEO]

MOAB Dropped on ISIS in Afghanistan and the Left Goes Mad [VIDEO]

Today the U.S. military dropped the “Mother of All Bombs” on an ISIS position in Afghanistan. There is no footage at this time, but the MOAB is the…

The Best People!  Bannon and Trump’s Cabinet?

The Best People! Bannon and Trump’s Cabinet?

Trump’s 2016 campaign promised to do better and clean up the mess in Washington DC. And Draining the Swamp was a favorite. Because to the Trump followers…

Clemson University Unveils Racist Diversity Training

Clemson University Unveils Racist Diversity Training

Every time you think the Poohbahs of Politically Correct Living cannot dream up anything more gallactically moronic than their last Declaration on Diversity, they do. When last…

President Trump should be regarded “as a man who honors his promises”

As Pravda Press continues the full-court press on the Spicer kerfuffle, President Trump’s bombing of Syria and sending the Navy towards North Korea is paying dividends. From…

Intentional or Not? Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s Graham Gender Gaffe

Intentional or Not? Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s Graham Gender Gaffe

Hilarity ensued after it appeared that 84-year-old Supreme Court justice, Ruth Bader Ginsburg called Republican Senator, Lindsey Graham one of the “women of the Senate”: @johnramos91 @anthony_helal…

United Passenger is Identified and Promptly Trashed by the Internet [VIDEO]

United Passenger is Identified and Promptly Trashed by the Internet [VIDEO]

The man who was dragged off the United Airlines flight on Sunday claimed that he was a doctor. Well, guess what? He is a doctor. His name…

#NeverAgain this means you Chechnya

#NeverAgain this means you Chechnya

Dear Chechnya: when we said#NeverAgain, we meant it. Why is this an issue? The government/dictatorship endorsed honor killing as a family value. If mom and dad and…

U.S. Official: Russia Knew of Syrian Chem Attack in Advance, Bombed Hospital to Cover It Up

U.S. Official: Russia Knew of Syrian Chem Attack in Advance, Bombed Hospital to Cover It Up

Vladimir Putin is a lying, rotten war criminal with a lengthy history of dead critics in his wake. And not only is he, at least tacitly, responsible…

#SanBernardino: School Shooting Is Being Called Murder-Suicide, Ghoul Shannon Watts Already Grandstanding [VIDEO]

#SanBernardino: School Shooting Is Being Called Murder-Suicide, Ghoul Shannon Watts Already Grandstanding [VIDEO]

Poor San Bernardino is in the news again for the worst reason. A school shooting that is being called a murder-suicide by local police has left two…

#SCOTUS: Neil Gorsuch Officially Sworn In As 113th Supreme Court Justice [VIDEO]

#SCOTUS: Neil Gorsuch Officially Sworn In As 113th Supreme Court Justice [VIDEO]

Last Friday, after days and weeks of Democrat absurdity and hissy fits, Judge Neil Gorsuch was officially confirmed by the United States Senate to be the newest…

Cold War Heating Up?  US Sending Strike Group Back To Korean Peninsula [VIDEO]

Cold War Heating Up? US Sending Strike Group Back To Korean Peninsula [VIDEO]

While the world is paying close attention to Syria, Russia, and violence around the globe, Kim Jong-un wants to make sure that he’s getting all the special…

Palm Sunday Terror: Explosions Rock Two Christian Church in Egypt [VIDEO]

Palm Sunday Terror: Explosions Rock Two Christian Church in Egypt [VIDEO]

Palm Sunday begins Holy Week, the most sacred week of the church calendar for Christians. But in Egypt this morning, a bomb exploded outside St. Mark’s Coptic Church in…

Sunday Musical Interlude: Grace

Sunday Musical Interlude: Grace

A glorious Palm Sunday to all of you! Hosanna!

Lawrence O’Donnell’s Kooky Conspiracy About Syria, Trump, and Putin [VIDEO]

Lawrence O’Donnell’s Kooky Conspiracy About Syria, Trump, and Putin [VIDEO]

There is no longer any doubt — MSNBC is officially onboard the Crazy Train. Host Lawrence O’Donnell cooked up a “Wag the Dog” conspiracy theory to explain…

New Ambassador Nikki Haley Slaps UN Over Syria [VIDEO]

New Ambassador Nikki Haley Slaps UN Over Syria [VIDEO]

Nikki Haley, former South Carolina governor and now United Nations ambassador, put the world on notice this week. After eight years of ambassadors like Susan Rice and…

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Ava Gardner