Senator Chris Murphy Loves Criminal Illegal Aliens

Senator Chris Murphy Loves Criminal Illegal Aliens

Senator Chris Murphy Loves Criminal Illegal Aliens

Connecticut’s Junior Senator Chris Murphy is as unctuous and as much of an empty suit as the Senior Senator Richard Blumenthal. As a matter of fact, unless the people of Connecticut wake up and vote him out, Murphy has the great potential to become the Richard Blumenthal of John Kerrys. He’s young (for a Senator) and he has all makings. He will say and do anything. That’s the starting point. He loves criminal illegal aliens as long as he doesn’t have to live with them. However, if you don’t want to live with them, he will mansplain to you why you are an immigrant hating racist.

Squad fav Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley is a well-known racist and moon bat but, I know who she meant when she bleated about “White men failing up”.

Ayanna Pressley meet Chris Murphy. I am so right, right? And, like John Kerry meeting with Iran to undermine Donald Trump, Murphy also met with Iranian officials on the down-low. Our Nina called Murphy out about his Iran dealings four years ago and you can read it here.

Now the empty suite, Chris Murphy, is waffling on in the well of the Senate about his beloved, criminal illegal aliens and how much better they are, as neighbors, than natural born or legal, naturalized American citizens:

First of all, although he may have moved, Chris Murphy lives in lily-white Chesire, not Bridgeport, or Stamford or even New Haven. So mansplain somewhere else. As John Daniel Davidson wrote in The Federalist, “Someone Tell Democrats 100 Percent Of Illegal Immigrants Commit Crimes”:

Dayum Skippy! From the article:

“Whether you choose to want to believe the facts or not, that is not my decision, it’s your decision,” the senator from Connecticut said. “But immigrants commit crimes in this country at a rate lower than natural-born citizens. You may not believe that … but I hate to tell you, it is the truth.”

His comments came not just amid President Joe Biden’s unprecedented and ongoing border crisis but ahead of Senate Republicans’ second attempt so far this year to pass a bipartisan border security bill to address what Murphy called a “fake ‘immigrant crime wave’” designed to “breed fear and resentment of immigrants.” The bill failed.

Here Murphy is whining about the failed bill:

The bill failed, not because of Trump or any other bogeyman, it failed because Senators Sinema and Lankford who worked on the bill with Murphy wouldn’t even vote for it. More from the article:

The Biden administration has found creative ways to ignore or bypass U.S. immigration law, but the fact remains that it’s illegal to enter the country except through a port of entry, and if you sneak in between ports of entry then you’re committing a crime.

Why is this important? Because the studies that Democrats like Murphy and the open-borders crowd at places like the CATO Institute often cite conflate legal and illegal immigrants, which skews the data and gives the misimpression that all immigrants are somehow better and more upstanding people than American citizens. For example, a 2023 Stanford study found that since 1960, immigrants have been less likely to be incarcerated than those born in the U.S. and that immigrants haven’t committed more crimes than the native-born population since 1870.

Interestingly, the Stanford study found that since 2005, Mexican and Central American immigrants actually do have higher incarceration rates than native-born Americans.

You can make statistics dance, sing and even tell a joke if you massage them enough. We don’t even know if crimes are being reported.

Chris Murphy whines about those families crossing the border. These families look like military age men to me and they are not dragging their wives and babies with them. Single, military age men:

That’s why WE LOVE legal immigration. The right people get invited in. You bet there are the right people. Plus, it takes at least a generation to assimilate.

As Americans, we have a right to demand an end to illegal immigration — and also to demand that legal immigration serve the interests of the American people, not the millions of foreigners who want to come here.

Understood in that light, why should we care whether immigrants commit crimes at a lower rate than the native-born? Even if every illegal immigrant who sneaks over the border is a doctor or a scientist or a hard-working entrepreneur who just wants to come to America for a better life, at this point I don’t care. If we’re going to be a country and a people, not just consumers or cogs for global capital, then we can’t allow millions of people from other countries and cultures to pour over our border and into every corner of America.

Amen and hallelujah. Chris Murphy has no business lecturing us on anything. The big empty suit.

Featured Image: Wikimedia Domain

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