Democrats fess up to funding radio ads tying Chris McDaniel to Ku Klux Klan

Democrats fess up to funding radio ads tying Chris McDaniel to Ku Klux Klan

A bunch of “ladies”?????

A Democratic activist has claimed responsibility for controversial radio ads that attempted to tie Mississippi Senate candidate Chris McDaniel to the Ku Klux Klan.

Ruth Harris, 65, of Jackson, Miss., said she and five other like-minded Democratic women pooled their resources to fund three radio spots urging voters to support Sen. Thad Cochran over McDaniel, a state senator, in Mississippi’s contentious June 24 GOP primary runoff.

It was a group of ladies and I,” she said. “I don’t know how the Barbours even got [mentioned.] I’ve never met any of them.”

Well, hell…I knew it was hot and steamy down there in Mississippi, but golly gee….these ladies got the vapors BAD:

Harris’ voice is featured in the radio ads in question, all of which were provided by her to the Washington Examiner. In the spots, she references Rep. Bennie Thompson, D-Miss., in a way that makes it sound as though the warnings about the so-called racist proclivities of McDaniel and the Tea Party are coming from him.

“This is an Election Day alert. Polls are open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. When Congressman Thompson says a group of Tea Party radicals scares him, we should listen. Last week the Clarion Ledger was able to tie McDaniel’s campaign to an ally of the Ku Klux Klan. And, this supporter of McDaniel’s campaign was a Klan lawyer,” Harris says as the ad opens. “If we stand by and don’t go to the polls today, do you understand what we could lose? We could lose food stamps, housing assistance, student loans, early breakfast and lunch programs — and disaster assistance, as well as cuts to Social Security and Medicaid.

“The right-wing Tea Party people are saying we are too lazy to care or too afraid to go vote. They say we only want a hand out or something for free,” Harris says as the ad closes. “We are not going to turn back the hands of time.”

And not to be outdone, McDaniel and his team are still having conniptions over Haley Barbour.

“The fact that Ruth Harris is covering for ‘like-minded activists’ should deeply concern Republicans given that RNC committeeman Henry Barbour’s new story is that he ‘was involved with some of the racist ads but not with others,’ ” McDaniel campaign spokesman Noel Fritsch said in an email exchange. “Democrat activists don’t spend their own money in Republican primaries, and one way or another Republicans who engaged in this reprehensible behavior will be held accountable.”

Barbour said he was not offering a new story but the same one he has had all along, which is that he was simply not involved in funding, supporting or promoting these ads. “No matter what I say, the McDaniel folks will continue to falsely accuse us of doing things we did not do. People are tired of the reckless and baseless accusations. I am focused on helping Sen. Cochran win in November so we can replace Harry Reid as Senate majority leader.”

Just this afternoon, Chris McDaniel announced he was filing a legal challenge to the Republican Senate primary runoff, which was “won” by Thad Cochran.

“State Sen. McDaniel told reporters he has filed a challenge with the state Republican executive committee to contest the results of the June 24 runoff. Lawyers for McDaniel say the campaign has identified enough illegally cast votes to prove Cochran lost, even though certified results found the longtime senator won by 7,667 votes.

“Justice has no timetable, yet here we stand,” said McDaniel. “They ask us to put up or shut up, here we are. Here we are with the evidence.”

Since the runoff, McDaniel supporters have been sorting through ballot boxes to find voting irregularities after the Cochran campaign turned to African-American voters for support in the tightly contested race. Some of those votes, McDaniel’s campaign says, should not count because people fraudulently voted in both the June 3 Democratic primary and Republican runoff.”

My hope is that the Tea Party, Chris McDaniel, Haley Barbour, and the RNC don’t lose sight of what little ol’ Democrat “ladies” are capable of.  Because regardless of who eventually wins this election, little ol’ ladies can do a lot of damage.

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