Yurts for All! Chicago Reveals Migrant Tent City Designs

Yurts for All! Chicago Reveals Migrant Tent City Designs

Yurts for All! Chicago Reveals Migrant Tent City Designs

Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson recently signed a $29.4 million contract with GardaWorld Federal Services to construct yurts for the migrants who are flooding into the city.

That’s right — yurts. Although they’re not as charming as the camping version in the photo above.

According to the contract with GardaWorld, these would be tent-like, soft-material structures that could fit 12 cots inside. Other amenities would include portable restrooms (read: porta-potties) and kitchen facilities nearby. Oh, and of course, they include fire extinguishers. Plus they will be heated to 70° to fend off the frequently brutal Chicago winters.

GardaWorld will also be providing bedding, laundry, showers, security, and three meals per day.

Not only that, but the contract will also provide child care and vans to transport the migrants to schools, doctors, and other resources.

What a sweet deal awaits those who enter the country illegally!

The current goal is to house the more than 1600 migrants currently awaiting housing while they remain in a city-operated shelter. That’s for now. But in the meantime, about 1600 are living inside Chicago police stations, while about 400 are residing in O’Hare Airport.


More About the Yurts

New York City has been experimenting with these tent structures, but some officials have said they’re less than optimal. Plus, Chicago Alderman Ray Lopez wondered how well these yurts will keep residents warm since January temperatures can hover in the single digits.

Not only that — the GardaWorld contract doesn’t spell out where these structures will be located, either. The city is also forbidding GardaWorld from talking with reporters or sharing any kind of pertinent information without written consent from a city commissioner.

Transparency, anyone?

So how are Chicagoans taking to the building of these yurts in their neighborhoods?

Not well, it appears.


Lots of Chicagoans Don’t Want the Yurts

There was a meeting last week on Chicago’s South Side, where a proposed tent city might go up in an abandoned grocery store parking lot. Residents showed up to give their alderman a piece of their minds. And they minced no words.

The woman who expressed concern about the crime that migrants might bring wasn’t off base, either. Recently two Venezuelan migrants were expelled from a Chicago police station shelter for fighting over a mattress. Another migrant who was taking shelter at O’Hare Airport forced his way through a TSA security checkpoint and stole a radio from a United Airlines employee. And two Venezuelans were arrested for shoplifting over $5000 worth of clothing from Saks Fifth Avenue on Chicago’s Magnificent Mile shopping district. But there’s more with this story — both the suspects are from New York City, and yet they came to Chicago to steal.

Chicago mag mile yurtsSaks Fifth Avenue – this one on Michigan Avenue Chicago” by Haydn Blackey is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.

Here we see the powers-that-be in Chicago doing the same thing as in New York City: foisting uninvited migrants onto the low-income residents of the South Side, just as the working class on Staten Island are now feeling the brunt of the migrant crisis. It’s never the wealthy, nor the elites, who have this dilemma dumped into their laps, is it?


GardaWorld Has Some Explaining to Do

Building yurts in Chicago is not GardaWorld’s first venture into building structures for migrants. Recently they built similar tents in Florida, as News Nation reported in the first video. But the Virginia-based company is facing allegations of mistreating children and labor trafficking.

Denver, in fact, quashed a similar contract for migrant shelter after they learned of the accusations.

A watchdog group cited the company as being one of those who mistreated migrant children at a Fort Bliss facility. NBC News also tied them to migrant labor trafficking, also conducted at military bases.

Again, these are allegations. But if other cities raised red flags about GardaWorld, why did Brandon Johnson jump onboard with them? Why didn’t anyone in Chicago fully vet the company?

Jason Lee, an advisor to Johnson, said that if you want yurts, you gotta go with these guys:

If you’re going to provide these pre-fab structures, this is the vendor that exists in the country that people use. 

As for Denver’s decision not to use GardaWorld? Pfft!

You can’t write about Denver and their decision without noting the fact that they don’t take care of any asylum seekers. They don’t take care of anyone. They put people on buses, trains and planes out of their cities.

Oh, burn!

Meanwhile, Alderman Byron Sigcho-Lopez, who opposed hiring GardaWorld, blamed the state rather than the mayor:

The state bears responsibility for hiring such a company. I don’t think we should allow this to be a business, playing with people’s lives is unconscionable.

It’s Chicago. Plenty of buck-passing to go around.


The Buck Stops with Biden

Chicago, like New York City, proudly declared itself to be a sanctuary city. I wouldn’t be surprised if socialist Mayor Brandon Johnson had one of those insipid “In This House” signs in his front yard — the kind that says “no human is illegal.”

I wonder how he’s feeling about now? Especially since right now over 10,000 migrants are living in shelters throughout the city. To make matters worse, the city gets little or no notice that another busload is arriving.

Brandon Johnson is in way over his head — from Chicago crime, to budget shortfalls, and businesses leaving the city. Now he’s overwhelmed with uninvited migrants.

But the buck belongs to the other Brandon — the one sitting in the White House — who in essence put out a welcome mat for illegals to enter the country.


Featured image: “Yurt camping at Tolt MacDonald Park” by kingcountyparks is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.



Written by

Kim is a pint-sized patriot who packs some big contradictions. She is a Baby Boomer who never became a hippie, an active Republican who first registered as a Democrat (okay, it was to help a sorority sister's father in his run for sheriff), and a devout Lutheran who practices yoga. Growing up in small-town Indiana, now living in the Kansas City metro, Kim is a conservative Midwestern gal whose heart is also in the Seattle area, where her eldest daughter, son-in-law, and grandson live. Kim is a working speech pathologist who left school system employment behind to subcontract to an agency, and has never looked back. She describes her conservatism as falling in the mold of Russell Kirk's Ten Conservative Principles. Don't know what they are? Google them!

  • Cameron says:

    To the people being harmed by this: Your representatives don’t care. They chant how diversity is our strength and view you as little more than wallets that talk.

  • Schlomo Theliar says:

    Who is relly behind this push of military aged men into our already stressed cities? Should be obvious who is in control? whom can you not critizize openly? It’s them!

  • Isukusa says:

    Blacks that vote for Democrats get exactly what they deserve. Are black liberals even able to recognize and vote for their own best interests? These people are fools. Johnson was right when enacting welfare “we will have these “n———“ voting for democrats for a 100 years” at least some are beginning to smell the coffee… when will blacks realize that it is the people against the government?

  • A A Ron says:

    Well, if the military aged infiltrators want to take over fallen, corrupt, bankrupt BLUE states, they can have them. Seriously, why not, they can’t do much worse than the current leadership is doing to them.

    You are NOT going to heat a tent to 70 degrees in the chicongo winter with 30 below zero temps and 30 mph winds, it simply will NOT happen.

    Funny though how they get 70 degrees yet they tell the taxpayers to keep their T stats at 62.

  • Andrew says:

    That’s a lot of electric heaters for all those tents

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