Yes, Biden Should Debate Trump

Yes, Biden Should Debate Trump

Yes, Biden Should Debate Trump

People are questioning whether or not Biden should debate Trump should Trump become the GOP Presidential candidate. Yes, Biden should debate Trump.

But what they are not telling you is the truth, obviously, that they are afraid to put Biden on the same stage as Trump but not for the reasons the media is telling you. The media want you to believe that Trump is such a terrible, awful leader of the MAGA domestic terrorist group who led an insurrection on January 6 and should not even be considered a candidate in the first place, let alone debate their precious Biden.

But for a second, let’s speculate the real reason they don’t want Biden on the stage, just for fun:

The real reason, the rest of us sane people know, is that Biden is lost. He couldn’t debate his way out of an ice cream parlor.

Democratic lawmakers are leery about the prospect of President Biden debating former President Trump, fearing that putting the two on stage together would only elevate the likely GOP nominee. – The Hill

Ya think?

While Trump has skipped out on every single GOP debate thus far, he says he would gladly stand on stage with Biden for a debate. And he should. And so should Biden. It’s a presidential debate, after all. I don’t care that the two have already debated in past elections. If Trump becomes the nominee, Joe Biden must stand on the stage with Trump for a debate.

However, the Senator from Illinois, Dick Durbin, says not so fast. Durbin doesn’t think Biden should debate Trump. To which I have to ask, what are you afraid of, Dick? It’s certainly not because Trump might do and say outrageous things or use it as an opportunity to display his extremism. What? Like being a patriot and loving America?

Dick Durbin is running his mouth again and trying to convince Americans that Trump is extreme. Durbin is using his own fascist blather to continue to smear Donald Trump.

The Democrats are always trying to hide something. They want to hide Biden away in the basement again since it worked so well last time. And remember, just a few months ago, it was Dick, again, who didn’t want the Epstein flight logs released.

And, of course, we have this old standby:

Some Democrats argue that Trump shouldn’t even appear on the ballot because they believe he violated the 14th Amendment, which bars anyone who took an oath to support the Constitution and later engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the country from holding federal office. The Supreme Court on Friday said it would consider a Colorado ruling on the matter. – The Hill

Good grief, people. How many times must we keep saying it? Donald Trump did not incite, lead, or participate in any sort of insurrection. None. It did not happen. He has not been charged with insurrection.

But by golly, the people sitting behind the desk on the news are telling us that Trump did indeed create and participate in an insurrection. So it must be true.

Let’s face it: I am getting the horse before the cart, though. Trump isn’t even the GOP nominee yet, even though everyone and their mother has Trump way ahead in the polls. If you believe in polls anymore.

James Carville had to speak up about the whole Biden debating-Trump controversy.

Carville said Trump will have legitimacy as a candidate if he wins the GOP nomination, even though he would be barred from even voting in most states if he’s convicted on any of the dozens of felony counts he’s now facing.

“If he gets the nomination, Republican primary voters will have given him legitimacy. I mean, we don’t hand it out like gummy bears or something,” he said. – The Hill

I think Carville has been eating one too many gummies himself, if you ask me. And when are the Democrats going to get some DEI commentators and political analysts anyway?

Three debates are scheduled for later in the year, but Biden hasn’t committed to any sort of debate anywhere. Simply put, everyone on the left is afraid for Joseph Robinette Biden to step foot onto a debate stage anywhere or with anyone because he will make fools of them all. It certainly isn’t because it will legitimize Trump as a candidate. They know Trump will wipe the floor with Joe.

Joe Biden needs to debate no matter who the GOP nominee might be. But really, my question is, will Joe Biden even be in the race by then?

Feature Image: Joe Biden/Flickr/First Presidential Debate Hosted By Chris Wallace On Fox News – Cleveland, Ohio – September 29, 2020/CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

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