Would Kathy Hochul Pardon Trump?

Would Kathy Hochul Pardon Trump?

Would Kathy Hochul Pardon Trump?

Kathy Hochul has been suggested to pardon Donald J. Trump for his 34 felonies “for the good of the country.” Bill O’Reilly talked about it with Chris Cuomo; more interestingly, Rep. Dean Phillips, a Democrat, also suggested a pardon.

Are some on the other side of the aisle realizing they might have made a mistake? I doubt it. They’ve proven their proclivity to believe their lies while gaslighting their constituents.

But then came Minnesota Representative Dean Phillips, who suggested Kathy Hochul pardon Donald Trump for the good of the country. Remember, Dean Phillips was also a 2024 Democratic Presidential candidate for a minute.

“You think pardoning is stupid?” Phillips, also a former presidential candidate, said in a Saturday post on X. “Making him a martyr over a payment to a porn star is stupid. (Election charges are entirely different.) It’s energizing his base, generating record sums of campaign cash, and will likely result in an electoral boost.” – The Hill

But boy, howdy, wouldn’t that be something? Of course, if they did pardon Trump, it wouldn’t be for the good of the country. It would only be to save their own asses.

Perhaps the Democrats heard about all the Republican donations, and their pucker factor went off the charts.

Trump’s son, Eric Trump, boasted about fundraising numbers for this father’s campaign following the former president’s conviction in the case Friday.


“And as of a couple of minutes ago, we just announced $52.8 million in 24 hours and we’re probably another five, six million dollars above that, based on the fact that that was exactly 24 hours from the indictment time, which was about 5:30 [p.m.],” Trump continued. –The Hill

Dean Phillips wasn’t the only one calling for a pardon.

Bill O’Reilly, remember him? He suggests that Biden pardon Donald Trump and publicly suggests Kathy Hochul do the same. After pardoning Trump, Bill also said Biden should turn around and pardon his son, Hunter Biden, the next day. Like that would put us all back to ground zero? Keep dreaming, Bill.

Bill then flat-out said that there would be violence. Shut up, Bill, you old coot. What is he talking about?

Yes, Gerald Ford pardoned Nixon, but they were both members of the same party, and Ford was Nixon’s vice president. This is a little different from Biden, Trump, and Kathy Hochul.

Obviously, the crone Hochul is not going to pardon Trump. That will be the day when you see pigs flying in the skies.

Feature Image: Metropolitan Transportation Authority of the State of New York (Marc A. Hermann / MTA), CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons/Edited in Canva Pro

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  • Jack says:

    Not a chance in a certain hot place.

  • Pertinaxjak says:

    This egregious crime and political persecution of a decent former president is but a long list of examples of this democrat lawfare which needs to be stopped. Nixon, Palin, Tom Delay, Senator Steven’s, are all examples. Pardon? What utter bull****!!! It’s like an abused wife asking for comfort from her husband. We need to strike back! Nice guys finish last and conquently the Neo Marxist democrats fear no consequences. The gulags are coming!

  • Scott says:

    The only thing that Bill got right was ‘ there would be violence”… Soros and his antifa minions would make sure of that.

  • Mark says:

    Forget about the pardon. A pardon from a jack boot dictator means nothing. We/I have been accused of being ‘Deplorable’. I wear that moniker as a badge of pride. A nation of Deplorables led by a convicted (by fascist/Stalinists) felon leading a country of just laws, pride and prosperity. I never cared what a leftist scumbag said before and I still don’t care. In reality, DJT is guilty of no crime and that is how I see him.

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