‘White Folks’ Should Face ‘Accountability’ If Kamala Harris Loses

‘White Folks’ Should Face ‘Accountability’ If Kamala Harris Loses

‘White Folks’ Should Face ‘Accountability’ If Kamala Harris Loses

Take up the White Man’s burden
Have done with childish days
The lightly proffered laurel,
The easy, ungrudged praise.
Comes now, to search your manhood
Through all the thankless years,
Cold-edged with dear-bought wisdom,
The judgment of your peers!

Rudyard Kipling, “White Man’s Burden”

Angela Rye tells CNN that ‘White folks’ should face ‘accountability’ for not showing up to save Democracy if Kamala Harris loses. The pundit told Victor Blackwell that White People should be held responsible. Oh, the White Man’s Burden. From Mediaite:

Political commentator Angela Rye said that it would be a “mistake” to “let White folks escape the accountability that they must face for not showing up to save democracy themselves” by voting for Vice President Kamala Harris.

CNN anchor Victor Blackwell spoke with Rye Saturday, asking her about former President Barrack (sp) Obama’s recent comments singling out Black men for insufficient support of Harris’s campaign. Blackwell asked Rye if it was a mistake for Obama to make these critical remarks.

Rye replied, “I think that it’s wonderful that President Obama is out hitting the trail for democracy, frankly. And what I think is a mistake is to let White folks escape the accountability that they must face for not showing up to save democracy themselves.”

Yes, Barack Obama lectured Black Men, but Kamala Harris is also losing Latinos and Muslims, too. More:

Rye argued that White people “want to get mad” when candidates “don’t wear a flag lapel pin,” but are not doing “their part” to “save democracy.”

“We are doing our part,” she said. “It’s time for White folks to turn their ire and their attention to each other to ensure they also do their part.”

Angela Rye doesn’t want to hear that it’s not about the “flag pin”. The White folks Angela is talking about are those very angry, Liberal White women. It’s even worse when you hear the smug condescension with which she says it.

l know Angela wants to talk about the January 6 terrorist attack. That is not what patriotism looks like to White Folks. That’s what a fedsurrection looks like, fool.

Angela says Black Folks are stepping up and doing their part, BUT earlier this year Black Men who were voting for Donald Trump were “invisible”, “imaginary” or non-existent. Maybe because they were standing with to White Folks and Angela couldn’t see them.

Seven years ago, Angela wrote this for CNN:

Can you imagine what Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. would say about us reciting a portion of his “I Have a Dream” speech from the March on Washington but failing to implement a tangible agenda to ensure our real freedom nearly 54 years later? Can you imagine what civil rights activist Fannie Lou Hamer would say about us being too “sick and tired” to ensure protection of voting rights?

Imagine what our ancestors would say about this being the year of #BlackGirlMagic, with the record-breaking success of “Hidden Figures” in contrast to the disheartening presidency of Donald Trump, who asked us: “What in the hell do you have to lose?”

As rapper J. Cole says: “The good news is n—- you came a long way. The bad news is n—- you went the wrong way.”

We, as a nation, went the wrong way on Election Day. The country embraced systemic oppression, racism, and xenophobia. And it is not the first time this country has taken a wrong turn. It just means we will have to work a little harder to turn this around. It is time to face inward — to strengthen ourselves and our community.

Still angry, still bitter and learned nothing in seven years. It’s all White Folks fault. Black Men who don’t agree with Angela are imaginary. It’s not the ignorance that Angela displays that bothers me as much as the resistance to learning anything new. New information and facts don’t create new wrinkles in her brain.

Pity. The White Man’s Burden continues.

Featured Image: Punk Toad/Wikimedia Commons.org/cropped/Creative Commons 2.0/Office of Senator Kamala Harris/Wikimedia Commons.org/altered/Public Domain

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  • draigh says:

    I have a better idea. If Harris loses and you don’t like it, you can always move to another country. I imagine this nobody, Rye, makes enough money that she could purchase a one-way airline ticket to any other country in the world. If not, I’ll pay for it!

  • GWB says:

    not showing up to save democracy themselves
    Well, this might actually be a thing. IFF your premise were correct that voting for Harris is actually “saving democracy.” I’m going to quote Lt Uhura on that phrase: “Sorry, neither!”

    (If you don’t know that reference, it’s when Sulu grabs her (The Naked Time) and says, “I’ll protect you fair maiden!”)

    Hey, I could have gone with Inigo Montoya (another great swordsman in another classic). But Uhura seemed appropriate in this instance.

  • GWB says:

    Understand something about this Toni – this woman believes the words she’s spouting, but they aren’t defined as you and I would define them from our vantage point of Free America. She’s defining them from the Marxist viewpoint*. In that viewpoint, “democracy” is the step where the common people (the proletariat) assumes power from the noble or landed class and “democratizes” (or seizes) the means of production. But Marx always said there would have to be a protector class arise out of the educated class to help the proletariat rule until they got smart enough to do it themselves. (That was also the stage where the kulaks and wreckers were weeded out.)

    And that Marxism always entails warping language to make it mean something that gives you power, instead of those who currently hold power. Hence, that malarkey on CNN about having “not done anything tangible” about freedom for blacks and other “oppressed” people in America. It turns all the things they advocated on their head, expecting a shifting in power to blacks (being “oppressed” they are the proletariat in America) rather than actual equality under the law.

    (* The Marxist viewpoint could conceivably be applied to Europe, where a great deal of power and wealth was still fixed in the hands of the ex-nobility landed class.)

    And it is not the first time this country has taken a wrong turn.
    Well, I agree. There’s that whole 19th Amendment thing….
    (Sorry, Toni, she laid it out there as a slow ball, right over the plate.)

    • Toni Williams says:

      Puh-leez. I moan about the 19th Amendment weekly.
      And, yes, you are correct, I forget about that interim step every darn time.

  • GWB says:

    Lastly, anyone else tired of the RACISM inherent in assuming all white people are the same and hold collective responsibility for things?

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