Whispers Of Hillary Clinton, Again

Whispers Of Hillary Clinton, Again

Whispers Of Hillary Clinton, Again

Once, twice, three times a loser with the whispers of Hillary Clinton’s name being mentioned. In what has to be a last-minute desperation move, The Hill published an opinion shoving Hillary forward as a possible replacement if someone finally pulls Joe Biden from the ticket.

For what feels like longer than two weeks, we have publicly and endlessly debated about Biden’s candidacy. Democrats have repeatedly called on him to make a decision. It is damaging, divisive and only serves to further improve Donald Trump’s chances. I have ferociously defended Biden in the past and demanded that Democrats fall in line behind our guy, but we need to put the debate to bed. If Biden is to yield the arena, we must consider why Clinton is not just a fitting champion to take up the mantle, but perhaps the mightiest of all. – Pablo O’Hana, contributing to The Hill

Champion? Oh, mercy me, I cannot stop laughing. The article’s author lists Clinton’s resume and how she is a ready-made fit for the role. Did someone tell him that she has already tried to be The president of the United States twice and lost miserably? Maybe Pablo can find a spot for her in Europe, where he does most of his work. Although, apparently, his PR company helped get Letitia James elected. Maybe Pablo is simply vying for Hillary to hire his PR company with his opinion piece.

The Hillary Problem

The problem with Hillary is that she already lost to Trump once. This will be Joe’s defense when the pressure builds up to get him out of the race. He can say he is the only one who can beat Trump because he did it in 2020, and he would be correct.

Just a few hours ago, this post from Joe Biden.

Of course, candidates have to say they will win the race, will not drop out, and are in it for the long haul. They always say they will not drop out right up until they do.

But, for argument’s sake, let’s just say that Joe Biden does cave to the pressure to drop out. Who will the Democrats push forward to replace him? If we think about it, Hillary would be a good candidate for them, but only because she has nothing to lose when she loses.

Plus, Victory Girl Lisa points out Hillary is a delusional muppet with a platform.

No one in their right mind would want to be in this position, especially if one thinks they have a political future in Washington.

When Hillary’s name started being tossed around, my first reaction was uproarious laughter. I thought there was no way on God’s green earth that anyone in their right mind would put her up against Donald J. Trump again.

However, if the last four years have taught me anything, it has taught me not to be surprised.

If Joe Quits

If Joe Biden decides to “willingly” step aside before the convention, will there be all-out chaos, with the delegates looking for someone to vote for? Maybe Hillary is the one who more closely resembles the party’s agenda. But Kamala would be a better puppet.

It’s improbable that Democrats could push Biden out without his consent — convention delegates are picked because of their loyalty to their candidate, and Biden won the right to help select virtually every pledged delegate to the convention.

However, Democratic Party rules do outline what would happen if Biden steps aside before he’s formally nominated (which is scheduled to happen in a virtual roll call before the convention), or if there’s a vacancy on the national ticket after Biden officially secures the nomination. – NBC News

The real question the delegates will ask themselves is who they think can beat Trump. What surprises me is why the Democrats are not mentioning Hakeem Jeffries. Maybe they are saving that little surprise for Chicago on August 19th.

Feature Image: Prime Minister’s Office Finland / Nikolai Jakobsen, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons/edited in Canva Pro

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  • DrSamHerman says:

    If the Democrats are dumb enough to run Shrillary AGAIN…that will open up a civil war in their party pitting every small DEI subgroup against one another. It will be a free-for-all like Chicago 1968. They’re headed there right now, quite really and figuratively. I notice it’s Sunday and *whaddya know*, NO MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT YET* as of 1:45 PM EST.

    But yes, Democrats…do run Shrillary…let her get up on stage and answer for those missing emails, the Russia dossier, all of her election denials, and especially all of her husband’s Epstein connections. DO let her run…and explain why she’s either displacing Cackles, or is it going to be Cackles and Cankles? Shrillary will never be happy being Second Banana…

  • DrSamHerman says:


    • Scott says:

      Wonder who threatened to release what dirt on him and his family to finally drive him out..

      This is about to get interesting, but not surprising at all, when a day after he says he’ll drop out if Dr.’s (not JIll) tell him he has a medical condition, he comes down with covid again…

      Crooked dems doing what they do..

  • Cameron says:

    They can just pretend Kamala is Hillary since they are both bitter shrews with annoying cackles.

  • GWB says:

    If it somehow turns into a Hillary/Harris ticket (or, Harris/Hillary) I am going to insist on calling it the Harpy/Harridan ticket. Or the Harlot/Harridan ticket. (Two different definitions of “harridan” in play there.) Unfortunately, I don’t see the Dems being that stupid.

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