Welcome Back Joe! It’s Hollywood Time!

Welcome Back Joe! It’s Hollywood Time!

Welcome Back Joe! It’s Hollywood Time!

Evidently Joe Biden isn’t going to just go quietly into the night. Nope, it’s off to Hollywood he goes!

Former President Joe Biden has signed with Creative Arts Agency, a rep announced on Monday, indicating that the 82-year-old may try to imitate Barack Obama’s ventures in Hollywood after leaving the White House.

Biden was previously represented by CAA after he left the vice presidency in 2017 until he became the Democratic presidential nominee in 2020.

The last time he was repped by the folks at CAA, he wrote a book and went on the speaking circuit. He had to keep the money rolling in somehow in order to prop up the Biden Brand you know. 

This time around, how will he manage to make bank off of Hollywood? Will Hollywood get their return on investment? They sure seem to think so!

“President Biden is one of America’s most respected and influential voices in national and global affairs,” said Richard Lovett, co-chairman of CAA, praising the former leader’s “commitment to public service.”

“We are profoundly honored to partner with him again.”

The Hollywood Reporter notes that Lovett and fellow co-chairs Bryan Lourd and Kevin Huvane were among Hollywood’s prominent backers of Biden and Kamala Harris in the recently concluded election, along with other Democratic candidates.

Respected? Influential? I was rolling when I read that. Do these guys even hear themselves? Joe left office with one of the lowest approval ratings in HISTORY. That’s not a joke. 

When Joe left office, the world was in turmoil and the respect from world leaders towards the Biden Administration was at an all time low. Joe’s “commitment to public service” was a commitment to ensuring Hunter and the rest of the family won’t be held accountable for their decades of grift. Everyone living in reality instead of Hollywood tinsel town knows those pardons were admissions of guilt. 

This is entirely laughable and just on brand for Joe and Jill Biden. We KNOW he has cognitive issues, and it got worse in the last couple of years. Even politicians and the media finally admitted that just as he was leaving office. Whomever will be assigned as Joe’s ghost writer(s) are going to have a helluva time tracking as they try to put a book together, because yes, you know a book is coming. 

Joe Biden signed with Hollywood talent agency CAA. He’s going to the Democrat Obama/Hillary thing and get paid $2M for random speaking engagements and force Blackrock to buy 500,000 copies of a ghost written book they put into a goodie bag that people throw in the trash.

I’d be willing to bet they’ll trot him out for key speaking engagements and do the same thing the White House did for the last four years. Tightly scripted events with questions submitted beforehand (if any), Joe shuffles out, whisper mumble shouts through a few lines and leaves. And those at the events will ask, ‘I ponied up $10K for THIS?’ 

Exactly. There’s not much time left to rake in those big bucks. 

Of course, the jokes are writing themselves over this. Especially given the CAA announcement emphasized that Joe will be repped in all areas. Meaning what? TV shows, movie appearances

Keep in mind, these were the same people at CAA who helped put together that Hollywood fundraiser, and rep the Obamas. The same Obama who was behind the push to get Joe kicked to the curb after that debate disaster. So again, the question needs to be asked, what’s in it for the folks at CAA? 

It’s both funny, sad and infuriating that this is Joe, I mean Jill’s, next move. Evidently the need for grifting is so strong that they’ll continue the elder abuse all the way to Joe’s deathbed with Hollywood directing the ending. 

Feature Photo Credit: Original artwork by Victory Girls Darleen Click

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  • draigh says:

    Perfect! Dementia Joe in Hollywood. Sounds like 12 or 13 people will go to the opening of his movie!

  • NTSOG says:

    “Joe Biden isn’t going to just go quietly into the night. Nope, it’s off to Hollywood he goes!”

    Well he has been acting for a number of years.

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