Walz Roasts Trump/Vance Campaign And It’s Creepy

Walz Roasts Trump/Vance Campaign And It’s Creepy

Walz Roasts Trump/Vance Campaign And It’s Creepy

Since we’re in the business of name-calling these days, I’ll say this-Tim Walz is creepy.

His ghoulish policies on late-term abortion are enough for us to form this opinion but the rhetoric last night in Philadelphia, the City of Brotherly Love I might add, cements this even further in my mind.

We all saw the cringeworthy phone call from Kamala’s office to Tim Walz. Kamala says they’re “the underdogs”:

We are the underdogs in this race, but we have the momentum, and I know exactly what we are up against.” -Kamala Harris

Yeah. They’re the underdogs. The underdogs the media are tripping over themselves to bolster. Kamala Harris’ laugh is “powerful in the face of weirdness“, according to The Washington Post. And Walz, well, he was voted “Most Inspirational Teacher“, back in the day because he advised his high school’s first Gay-Straight Alliance. Walz also is in favor of kids transitioning and coming to Minnesota should one parent not be in favor of this process. The media and the left lurrrvvvve them. Underdogs, they are not…but Kamala knowing what they are up against? That is unlikely from the woman who had “no idea” what she was “up against” when giving the job to strengthen our borders. Go on, Kamala:

Coach Walz and I may hail from different corners of our great country. But our values are the same. We both believe in lifting people up, not knocking them down. He and I, we both know that the vast majority of us have so much more in common than what separates us.”-Kamala Harris

Actually, “Coach Walz” grew up in Minnesota. Kamala Harris, grew up, for at least part of her life, in another country at a posh, private high school. Sure, their “values” are the same. Harris is a west-coast liberal and Walz is a midwestern loon who I’m sure would see nothing wrong with dangling a Pride/Progress flag in lieu of the Red, White and Blue on a school flagpole. But, I love this “lifting people up and not knocking them down” bit that Kamala throws out. Because, they are the Democrats…the party of class.

…I gotta tell ya, I can’t wait to debate the guy. That is if he’s willing to get off the couch and show up. You see what I did there”.-Tim Walz

Is this mic on?! (Rimshot)

For those who are uniformed of Walz’ creepy joke, this dagger was aimed at J.D. Vance, after a left-leaning rando on the Internet started a rumor that Vance admitted to having sex with couch cushions in his 2016 memoir, “Hillbilly Elegy.” This rumor was debunked and unfounded, even though AP deleted their “fact check” that the claim was untrue later on.


Of course, uproarious laughter is heard in The City of Brotherly Love. Tim Walz is, like, sooooo funny.

These guys are creepy, and yes, just weird as hell.”-Tim Walz


They don’t. But Harris chimes in on Walz:

When you compare his resume — shall we? — to Trump’s running mate, well, well, some might say, it’s like a matchup between the varsity team and the JV squad.”-Kamala Harris

Hmmm. Vance served a four-year enlistment as a combat correspondent and deployed to Iraq with the 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing from August 2005 to February 2006. Timmy Walz ran and slithered out the door so he wouldn’t have to go to Iraq…just in time to run for Congress one year later.

On May 16th, 2005, [Walz] quit, betraying his country, leaving the 1-125th Field Artillery Battalion and its Soldiers hanging; without its senior Non-Commissioned Officer, as the battalion prepared for war.”-Thomas Behrends and Paul Herr, The New York Post

If Trump and Vance are the “JV” squad, we know who Kamala thinks the “Varsity” team is. She’s funny and she does not even know it. As for Tim Walz, however, his humor leaves more to be desired. This white dude cannot (and should not) be cracking jokes knowing he let one of his cities burn.

Let’s not mention the tampons Tim Walz put in boys’ bathrooms. Weird as hell? Creepy? Nah. Completely normal. A Varsity league move, right there-in their campaign of name-calling. This is what these two are going on for November. This is all they’ve got. This is how they “lift up” without “knocking down”.

If I were Walz, I would refrain from roasting out the gate in fear of other creepy AF little factoids to come into the light. We’re only on Day One, here. But, hey, we do what works, right? And this is what is working for the self-proclaimed party of intellectuals who are the Harris/Walz fans. They have to start thinking of more creative names for their opponents, however. I suggest them to pepper their campaign dialogue with some high-quality insults like diaper-face or poo-poo head. That’ll show ’em!

Photo Credit: Office of Governor Tim Walz & Lt. Governor Peggy Flanagan/Public Domain/Cropped

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  • GWB says:

    They know exactly what they’re doing, Lisa. They’re trying to generate excitement from their pervert base and their racist base and their commie base. They just need the base to turn out 100% and they can fake the rest. While they will still try to tack to the center, they’re going to spend a lot of effort trying to get their TDS sufferers to get up off their fainting couches long enough to sign and mail their ballots.

    But, if their base isn’t excited enough, and it’s clear some have slid over to Trump/Vance, the fraud will be unable to cope.

  • Kevin says:

    “Since we’re in the business of name-calling these days … ” and it all started with the Malignant Tumor about ten years ago and it just ratcheted up over time. DonOLD loves to name call but, as they say, “He can dish it out but he can’t take it.” His ego is so big and his self esteem is so tiny (like other parts of his body) that he can’t think straight to formulate any type of response to the Democrats.

    Here’s what I love. Harris (progressive) interviews and meets with potential VP candidates and picks .. another progressive! She’s not hiding her preference nor is Walz trying to distance himself from his progressive views.

    Now, let’s look at the republicans and how they are responding to Project 2025. What project? I know nothing about it. What do you mean? Never heard of it.” Republicans are like cockroaches. You shine the light on them and they scatter.

    Here’s the other thing that’s confusing. The Malignant Tumor and his spawn, JD “the couch molester” Vance, are basically hiding in their basements. There are 89 days left which is basically a full sprint to the finish line. All this week the Malignant Tumor is allowing Harris to stay in the headlines. He’s not campaigning or going anywhere near battle ground states (unlike Harris/Walz). Yet, he’s going to spend his time in Bozeman, Montana, (where I spent four years at the University) in a relatively deep red state. WTF? What type strategy is that? Is he trying to lose? Has the Malignant Tumor (and by extension his daughter-in-law) gutted the RNC so much they’re unable to respond in a timely manner to the changes of the campaign that next 89 days?

    It’s so confusing … almost as confused as the republicans are.

    • GWB says:

      and it all started with the Malignant Tumor about ten years ago
      No, it didn’t. It started long before that. On the left.

      Bozeman, Montana, (where I spent four years at the University)
      Did you graduate?

      Honestly, Kevin, your TDS screeds here are getting milder. No less deranged nor annoying, mind you, but milder. Almost like you’re tiring. Almost like even all that mental illness driving you forward just isn’t worth it for someone like Kamala and the creep Walz.

    • Lenny says:

      You are the perfect exhibit of all that’s wrong with a good chunk of this country these days. You believe everything you read from the obviously biased Democrat supporting media. How do you know the size of anything on Donald Trump? You got facts to back that up tough guy? Go back to your mom’s basement watch some p0rn and then play some video games.

  • SFC D says:

    Awesome picture. A fake CSM backed by a fake SEAL.

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