Viper Jamie Raskin Threatens Donald Trump And All Voters

Viper Jamie Raskin Threatens Donald Trump And All Voters

Viper Jamie Raskin Threatens Donald Trump And All Voters

Viper and Maryland Democrat Congressman Jamie Raskin threatened President Donald Trump, Trump voters, really all voters, and the Constitution in a video. The video is not new but it was widely shared yesterday and the first time most of us heard what this former Constitutional Law Professor retched out of his mouth. He said that Congress must disqualify Trump, if Trump wins the 2024 Presidential Election.

When the venomous snake Raskin announced for the U.S. House, he committed to being moral:

On April 19, 2015, The Baltimore Sun and The Washington Post reported that Raskin announced his campaign for Congress and said, in response to observations that his positions were notably left-of-center, “My ambition is not to be in the political center, it is to be in the moral center.”

Seems like viper Raskin yeeted any kind of morals, Left, Right or Center, quick, fast and in a hurry when he got to Congress. Gets you many more clicks and column inches and reelected to be a nasty party hack.

Raskin tried to stop Florida’s electors from being certified in 2017. And every time the Left tried to impeach or impugn Trump, Raskin was spewing nastiness.

And, then.

The January 6 Fedsurrection happened and Raskin used the J6 Committee to spew ugly epithets at Trump and MAGA all over Hell and half of Georgia. He used a Hollywood producer to produce sleek packages that provided no evidence but painted everyone with the brush of the viper. As Nina wrote in her post, “The hypocrisy is deep and wide here. Election denial is only ok when THEY do it.”

That’s why on Sunday, February 17, 2024, at “Politics and Prose”, a D.C. independent bookstore, Raskin felt safe to let his inner serpent out wrapped in the cocoon of a safe space with fellow travelers:

Richard L. Hasen is professor of law and political science at the University of California, Los Angeles, and director of UCLA Law’s Safeguarding Democracy Project. His books include Cheap Speech, Election Meltdown, and The Voting Wars.

Hasen will be in conversation with Rep. Jamie Raskin, Sherrilyn Iffil, and Pam Fessler. Rep. Jamie Raskin proudly represents Maryland’s 8th Congressional District in the U.S. House of Representatives. Prior to his time in Congress, Raskin was a three-term State Senator in Maryland, where he also served as the Senate Majority Whip. He was also a professor of constitutional law at American University’s Washington College of Law for more than 25 years. He has authored several books, including the Washington Post best-seller Overruling Democracy: The Supreme Court versus the American People, the highly-acclaimed We the Students: Supreme Court Cases For and About America’s Students, and the New York Times #1 best-seller Unthinkable: Trauma, Truth and the Trials of American Democracy.

I have posted the full video below. I would not recommend watching it. In the opinion of this bunch, our Constitution is old and needs too much work. Fie on them.

The germane portion of Raskin’s speech from The Federalist:

If you listen to U.S. Rep. Jamie Raskin, D-Md., the real insurrection will be led by Democrats and it will begin on Jan. 6, 2025 — should the American people dare to elect former President Donald Trump president again.

In a video clip making the rounds Monday on social media, the far left firebrand laments what he characterizes as a lazy U.S. Supreme Court interfering with the Democratic Party’s plan to interfere with the 2024 election.

“And so [the court] want to kick it to Congress, so it’s going to be up to us on Jan. 6, 2025 to tell the rampaging Trump mobs that he’s disqualified,” Raskin said in a panel discussion on Feb. 17, as the Supreme Court was mulling the constitutionality of the leftist Colorado secretary of state’s use of Section 3 of the 14th Amendment to remove Trump from the state’s presidential primary ballot.

“And then we need bodyguards for everybody and civil war conditions all because nine justices — not all of them, but these justices who have not many cases to look at every year, not much work to do, have a huge staff, great protection — simply do not want to do their job and interpret what the great 14th Amendment means,” Raskin declared at a Washington, D.C. bookstore gathering of self-important leftists.

“Rampaging Trump mobs”? Democrats love to threaten citizens like they think this is the Soviet Union. Remember the first time Chuck Schumer threatened Donald Trump:

I want to end with a quote from Matt Vespa at Townhall because it is perfect:

Raskin says the quiet part out loud: the Democrats are prepared to steal the election if it doesn’t go their way. Isn’t this against institutional norms? Isn’t this behavior cancerous to our republic? Raskin declares he will do what the Supreme Court has refused to do—the arrogance that oozes from this man is truly astounding. He also gloats that when he tells Trump supporters that the former president is disqualified from taking office, civil war conditions will likely befall the nation.

Raskin’s remarks are illiberal, constitutionally negligent, and dangerous. This man is goading us into civil war to stop Trump, all because he doesn’t like him. When you peel off the layers of nonsense, this is all about. The Left cannot get over the 2016 election. And now we have an elected member of Congress declaring outright he will steal an election, silence the people, and potentially thrust us into civil war because ‘orange man—bad.’

Raskin is a snake, a viper and a villain. He hates MAGAs like me and The Constitution.

Featured Composite: Leah Herman/Wikimedia Domain/Michael Vadon/Wikimedia Commons

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  • Scott says:

    All demonrats hate the Constitution, it’s a requirement… But yeah, based on the lawfare used against President Trump and the right, there’s no question this clown should be investigated and charged based on his encouraging an insurrection with the intent of starting a civil war.

  • Cameron says:

    I remember reading about the last time the Democrats caused a civil war. It won’t go any better for them this time.

  • Cameron says:

    Raskin’s remarks are illiberal

    No, it’s pretty much in line with modern liberalism. Has he been ignoring reality for the past few years?

  • agimarc says:

    Be careful what you wish for, girly man. The enemy always gets a vote. And if the rule don’t apply to you, neither do they apply to us. Alternately, you guys won’t enjoy playing under your new rules. Cheers –

    • 370H55V I/me/mine says:

      We’re not afraid of you. You should be afraid of us.

      • agimarc says:

        I am confused, not an uncommon position. In your world, precisely who ought to be afraid of whom?

        Note that i aimed my barb at Raskin and his fellow travelers. Are you on the Raskin train or somewhere else? Cheers –

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