Vance Speaks At March For Life After Trump’s Pro-Life Pardons

Vance Speaks At March For Life After Trump’s Pro-Life Pardons

Vance Speaks At March For Life After Trump’s Pro-Life Pardons

Today is the 52nd annual March For Life, and there is much to celebrate within the pro-life movement.

With the election of President Trump and Vice President Vance, the lawfare against pro-life protesters that the Biden administration had pushed came to an end. And to cement that sea-change, President Trump yesterday pardoned 23 pro-life activists who were currently in prison or awaiting sentencing – including one elderly woman, Eva Edl.

The 89-year-old Eva Edl is a well-known pro-life activist and a survivor of a communist concentration camp who fled Soviet-controlled Eastern Europe.

Her biography reveals that her mother was kidnapped by the Soviets in postwar Europe after which she and her siblings were sent to communist concentration camps in Yugoslavia. She eventually escaped and emigrated to the United States.

The Biden administration has aggressively prosecuted several FACE Act cases over the last few years, handing out prison sentences to men and women who attempted to block access to abortion clinics around the country.

The Biden DOJ was looking to sentence Edl to a decade in prison for her actions (because an 89 year old woman is very intimidating and able to physically body check people trying to get in a door, you know), but can’t seem to find the pro-choice activists attacking pregnancy clinics to hand out similar sentences. President Trump recognized the lawfare being used, and issued the pardons.

With this action happening on the eve of the march, people were definitely energized and thankful. The focus of this year’s march was “Life: Why We March.” Retiring March For Life president Jeanne Mancini put it this way:

I’m referring to the foundational values that anchor our efforts, remembering that all human life, born and unborn, has inherent dignity and value that deserves to be protected and supported in families, communities and by law. The unborn are the poorest of the poor, the most vulnerable, and they are worthy of every possible protection we can offer. I can’t think of a more worthy cause.

This year’s theme, Life: Why We March, highlights our desire to refocus on these attractive, commonsense and basic fundamentals of life. These include the truth that each life has inherent dignity and that science shows that life begins at the moment of conception or fertilization. The heart of the pro-life movement is about providing the resources and support pregnant women and families need, and last, we need to continue to utilize the power of witness and storytelling to change hearts and minds. 

Tragically, we live in a culture that presents confusing messages to women in this regard, presenting the false idea that abortion is necessary to flourish and succeed. Yet the tragic reality is that 60% of women who had abortions would have preferred to give birth if they felt they had the emotional or financial support they needed.

Women need to know that they are strong and capable, and the pro-life community will love and support them long after their child is born. That’s why there are approximately 3,400 community-based maternity homes and pregnancy resource centers across America that help women in need who want to keep their children. 

We march for unborn children in the womb, all of whom deserve love and life. But being pro-life goes far beyond protecting those still in the womb; we stand by and support every struggling mother and family as they welcome new life into the world. We also march for the former abortionists, those who have survived abortions, and the women who have suffered the physical and emotional pain of abortion. 

Our message is simple, direct and clear: each human life from the moment of conception deserves our respect and protection, and we are here to support those lives every step of the way. The outpouring of love and support shown by the pro-life community must serve as a guiding light in the midst of so much darkness. 

There was a great deal of emphasis by the speakers today on what happens after a baby was born, which is exactly the direction that the pro-life movement needs to focus on. It is a cheap trick to demand that a mother who has to make the decision for life do so, and not surround her with the necessary support for what comes after.

While President Trump has spoken at the March For Life in person before, this year he was slated to be in North Carolina, seeing for himself the damage left behind by Hurricane Helene and the inaction of FEMA. He sent a video message, which aired before Vice President Vance spoke.
And then J.D. Vance came up to speak. For those keeping track at home, this was his first official speech since being sworn in as vice president. And Vance spoke passionately about creating a culture where families are encouraged and supported in having children.

Shifting the conversation after the Dobbs decision and focusing on building a culture that respects life at all stages is exactly what the pro-life movement needs to be doing. However, there are still battles to be had that deal directly with the treatment of babies. There are currently two bills in Congress that need support from the pro-life movement: the “Born Alive” Act (which passed in the House but faces opposition in the Senate), and “The Dignity for Aborted Children” Act (which would require abortion facilities to handle human remains like any other human body, requiring informed consent about disposal, which would also make the mother responsible for giving consent if, say, the clinic was selling parts to medical labs).

While there are wins to be celebrated today, there is a lot more work to be done. Fortunately, President Trump and Vice President Vance support that work. We here at Victory Girls continue to proudly and joyfully support life, babies, and building happy families.

Featured image: J.D. Vance in June 2024 by Gage Skidmore on Flickr, cropped, CC BY-SA 2.0

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  • Fuel Filter says:

    I can’t wait till Trump defunds “Planned Parenthood”

    Now THAT would be a sea-change.

    Then he should also defund PBS. A two-fer!!

    • Que says:

      Trump defund PBS? Uh, maybe.
      Trump defund PP? Don’t hold your breath.
      I believe that Vance is truly pro-life, especially since he is a Catholic convert. But Trump? It’s transactional for him. He plays at it when it’s beneficial. And he doesn’t have to worry about running again.

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