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Embracing the Suck: mil-speak for ‘The situation is bad, but deal with it’ – something the Marines are exceptionally good at. From Iwo Jima to Fallujah and Anbar Province to the Helmand River Valley in Afghanistan, the Marines have always been America’s 911 Force and the first to fight for us.
Whether they are Marines, Soldiers, Airmen or Navy, here’s what your donation to Soldiers Angel’s Valour IT will provide to our wounded warriors:
Voice activated laptops:
1. Help wounded vets connect with still-deployed fellow service members (relieve anxiety about how their friends are doing, allow them to maintain a support system)
2. Allow vets to stay in touch with loved ones who can’t be at their bedside
3. Run therapeutic computer programs that help restore brain/vision function,
4. Can be used to research treatments, keep track of treatment regimen.
5. Retrain for post-military employment
6. Voice control makes using a computer one of the first things they can do on their ownWii uses:
1. Physical therapists in VA hospitals and major medical centers are using Wii fit systems with their patients
2. Motivation: Wii Sports games key into natural competitive nature
3. Track progress in a fun wayGPS uses:
1. For those with very severe PTSD or TBI (memory problems, high anxiety, etc), having a GPS increases independence and restores a sense of competence. Short-term memory problems can make it hard to navigate of new locations. A GPS can mean the difference between success and failure.
Please help. These men and women have already given so much. The price of a six pack of beer or an inexpensive dinner seems the least we can to in return for their sacrifices.
And…in case you missed them, here are a few great posts of this past week from some of my fellow Marine Team bloggers! Please pay them a visit and leave a comment if you can.
Cassandra from Villainous Company’s awesome Demotivational Poster Contest.
Wolfie on Little Wolfie. Semper Fi Marine!
Miss Ladybug on a WW2 Marine.
Tree Hugging Sister has the Commandant and Sgt. Major’s birthday message and a thank you to the Marines of the Frozen Chosin.
Cassy, on Marines showing UFC Fighters what real Warriors are!
MaryAnn talking about life in Landstuhl.
All American Blogger has a great video of Marine snipers.
Stix Blog’s sweet pie chart on how Project Valour IT is going.
Over at Something…and Half of Something, Linda SoG shares awesome pics of her dad, a Marine, who served as Infantry, in the Military Police and he was a proud member of the Marines’ Drum and Bugle Corps.
Ercille’s post on “Blessings – dressed in the uniform of our troops!” talks a bit about Marine Corps history.
And finally, Flag Gazer has an incredible post dedicated to the 74 men lost during to Regimental Combat Team 7’s recent deployment to Afghanistan.
The title of this post sounds dirty. But then its for the Marines so they probably think its great.
James get your ass out of the gutter. Clearly you are not a supporter of our military so why even bother to comment on this kind of post? Just to be oppositional? Just to be rude and negative? Slink away and leave these good American heroes alone.
I’m for the first time in decades broke off my a$$. I wish I could send em a buck.
But I’ve never hesitated to shake their hands with a thank you attached.
The other day there were two Marine families enjoying our complexes pool, playing Marco Polo with wives and kids.
Instead of jumping in I decided to let em have it all and went to the kiddy pool instead.
Bless ya guys
James, you’re soooo lucky I’m in a good mood or I’d ream your pathetic a$$ so bad half the things I’d have to say would get me arrested
mick so great to see you! i hope all is well… *hug*