Uniparty Shivs Voters, Protects Adam Schiff

Uniparty Shivs Voters, Protects Adam Schiff

Uniparty Shivs Voters, Protects Adam Schiff

If you ever had a scintilla of a doubt that the Uniparty is real, you can’t possibly have any doubt about it after last night. Twenty alleged members of the Republican Party in the United States House of Representatives voted with Democrats against censuring Adam Schiff, the lying, pencil-necked geek from California. Nobody really should have doubted it after the Trump years, when the cuttlefish men and women of the elected Republican Party left Donald Trump to twist in the wind every time the Democrats took a notion to complain. Yet, the grifting moochers still think we are stupid and ask for money all the time. They couldn’t even be bothered to censure ADAM SCHIFF. Adam Schiff!

Anna Paulina Luna, a hero Representative from Florida filed a motion to censure Adam Schiff and fine him $16 million. The Uniparty stepped in:

Twenty Republicans in the House of Representatives sided with most Democrats Wednesday in voting to set aside a resolution that would have censured Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., for insisting that former President Donald Trump colluded with Russia to win the 2016 election.
The 225-196 vote effectively killed the resolution introduced by Rep. Anna Paulina Luna, R-Fla., and included two other Republican lawmakers voting “present” along with five Democrats.


Prior to the vote, Massie said he opposed the idea of a fine against Schiff — the resolution recommended a $16 million fine but did not require it.
“Adam Schiff acted unethically but if a resolution to fine him $16 million comes to the floor I will vote to table it. (vote against it),” he tweeted Wednesday.

“The Constitution says the House may make its own rules but we can’t violate other (later) provisions of the Constitution,” he added. “A $16 million fine is a violation of the 27th and 8th amendments.”

Whaaah! Quit yer bellyaching. Nobody and I mean NO BODY deserves censuring more than Adam Schiff. Here are the Republicans who joined the uniparty to let Shifty Schiff off of the hook:

Did these Uniparty members forget how we were tortured daily primarily, by Schiff, on every news program regaling mock-horrified hosts with the alleged credible evidence of Russian Collusion that Schiff claimed he had? Do these faux Republicans care one jot for the every day Republicans? Do they care one iota for this beautiful country? Randy Quade adopts his Cousin Eddie alter ego and reminds us that the “shitter’s full”.

Three and a half years ago, in Impeachement 1.0, Adam Schiff made up a thug-like phone between Trump and Zelenskyy. Remember how oleaginous Schiff was:

Yes, Schiff used this thugged up transcript to argue for the impeachment of President Trump. It might have worked except the transcript of the real phone call between Trump and Zelensky had already been released. You can read the full Trump/Zelensky transcript here. The Pencil-Neck Schiff parody phone call is more like Biden shaking down the Ukrainians to fire the prosecutor.

Anna Paulina Luna has vowed to file a new motion to censure against Adam Schiff without the fine that made the punishment unpalatable to her fellow party members. We will certainly be watching. The Democrats impeachment Trump two times, raided Mar-a-Lago, and indicted Trump federally without a worry. The Republicans better get themselves together or there will be no Republican Party. What does the Party do? Besides fold? Nada.

We will be watching. Censure Pencil-Neck.

Featured Composite: Brookings Institution/flickr.com/cropped/Creative Commons/Michele Grewe/flickr.com/cropped/Public Domain

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  • Stephen C says:

    Your first sentence is gold.

  • Hate_me says:

    $16 million is far too much.

    Fuck Schiff, but even having that number suggested in the motion makes it a non-starter. It’s not a precedent anyone wants to see – especially in the popularity contest that is US government today. They weren’t wrong to vote nay.

  • Lloyd says:

    One must surmise that those who support a liars…are liars, too !

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