UN Palestine Vote: A Reward For Terrorism

UN Palestine Vote: A Reward For Terrorism

UN Palestine Vote: A Reward For Terrorism

The UN is garbage. We’ve said so many times. Yesterday, the UN really kicked up the garbage factor by voting to give Palestine pseudo-membership status. Essentially that vote was a reward for terrorism.

The U.N. General Assembly voted by a wide margin on Friday to grant new “rights and privileges” to Palestine and called on the Security Council to reconsider Palestine’s request to become the 194th member of the United Nations.

The world body approved the Arab and Palestinian-sponsored resolution by a vote of 143-9 with 25 abstentions. The United States voted against it, along with Israel, Argentina, Czechia, Hungary, Micronesia, Nauru, Palau and Papua New Guinea.

The 25 countries who abstained are cowards. Keep in mind that Palestine has been told repeatedly by the UN Security Council and others that the criteria for acceptance as a member hasn’t been met. Yet here we are today. 

The details of what Palestine gains from this egregious vote is infuriating. 

Friday’s UN resolution confers additional rights on Palestine at the world body, allowing it to take part fully in debates, propose agenda items and have its representatives elected to committees.

In other words, Palestine now has the right to do everything at the UN but vote. Palestine was essentially handed a 99% membership.

“Today the United Nations General Assembly condoned Hamas’ savage terrorist attacks on Israel by voting overwhelming[ly] in favor of admitting the Palestinians,” former Trump Deputy National Security Advisor Victoria Coates told Just the News. “The events of Oct. 7th should have led to the revocation of the Palestinians’ non-member observer status, not this legitimization of their terrorist tactics against Israel, a UN member state. Instead, the UNGA stood with Hamas,” he continued.

Damn good reward for terrorism and the heinous October 7, 2023 attack isn’t it? 

What is even more atrocious is the victory lap that Palestinian authorities are taking over this vote. 

In remarks before the vote, Palestinian ambassador Riyad Mansour spoke passionately about the plight of Palestinians in wartorn Gaza. “As we speak, 1.4 million Palestinians in Rafah wonder if they will survive today,” he told the assembly, referring to Israeli threats of a major attack on the densely populated city in southern Gaza.

He also thanked protesters on US university campuses and abroad who have demonstrated against the Israel-Hamas war. “Our flag flies high and proud in Palestine and across the globe, and on the campus of Columbia University. It has become a symbol by all those who believe in freedom and is just ruled by all those who can no longer stand idly by in the face of such utter injustice,” Mansour said.

And, by that statement, the campus protestors are more emboldened now than ever. We thought the George Floyd summer riots were bad enough, things could get a lot worse this year (hello DNC!) given Palestine’s outright approval of these protests. 

Israel is definitely NOT amused by what the UN did. 

The UN has been shredding its charter since its inception. Now, they are just more blatant about it. 

Israel is fighting for its very existence while Joe Biden and the Biden Administration continue to hamstring them at every turn. Be nice to Gaza is the continued warning. Otherwise we’ll yank funding and weapons whether Congress approves or not. 

Biden and the UN keep lecturing Israel about taking every precaution to ensure no innocent civilians are lost as Israel tries, as they should, to wipe out terrorists and hopefully find SOME hostages still alive. The UN and Biden swallow the Gaza death numbers hook line and sinker NOW. But not very long ago, in 2006 in fact, Joe Biden had a VERY different take on the issue. 

For one, at that time, Joe Biden was telling the truth. Now he’s just lying, if he remembers to lie that is. 

Because the UN just handed Palestine all the privileges with the exception of a vote, terrorism was rewarded. 

The UN not only shredded the charter by handing Palestine this victory, they lit it on fire. 

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Feature Photo Credit: Person wearing keffiyeh via iStock, cropped and modified

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  • Scott says:

    Not surprising at all… now that they have done this, two things need to happen..
    #1. the US needs to kick the UN out of NY and our nation.. let them set up shop in some third world shithole where they’ll be at home.
    #2. This is the most critical.. Israel needs to not worry about the US supplying weapons, or world opinion (as they have already sided with the PaliNazis), and just open some of that canned sunshine we all know they have… when the terrorists cease to exist, it won’t matter at all that the criminal UN has given them membership..

  • […] US OUT OF THE UN, UN OUT OF THE US:  UN Palestine Vote: A Reward For Terrorism. […]

  • Charles Glasser says:

    Just the News covered this first, and better than anyone. I ought to know…I’m a contributing editor at Instapundit and I posted about this there 3 days ago. Would have been nice if you did a skosh more research and give credit where it’s due.
    Charles Glasser

    • Nina Bookout says:

      Charles, hello! I sincerely appreciate you reading our posts here Victory Girls and have always enjoyed your work at Instapundit.

      As a matter of fact, it is because of your post that I found out about the atrocious UN vote, and thus I linked to the terrific Just The News article as the third quote in my post.

      Thank you! Nina

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