U.S. Enemies Take Advantage of Biden Weakness

U.S. Enemies Take Advantage of Biden Weakness

U.S. Enemies Take Advantage of Biden Weakness

China, Russia, Iran and N. Korea are rolling their eyeballs at the U.S. this year.  We lost a 20-year war in Afghanistan, giving them billions of dollars’ worth of equipment.  Our military has gone “woke” deciding gender pronouns, LGBTQLMNOP safe spaces, and global warming are greater priorities than fighting wars. And Joe Biden, our “fearless” leader has pissed off our own allies, so badly that the British Parliament holds our President* in Contempt over Afghanistan.  A last-minute defense agreement with Australia enrages France.  Our way of saying we are sorry is to send the least likeable representative we have, Vice President Kamala Harris?!!?  Of course Lloyd Austin says China is rehearsing for a Taiwanese invasion.  They ARE! We see Russia doing the same to the Ukraine.  Biden is STILL negotiating with Iran after seven rounds of talks to achieve a nuclear accord.  And last but not least, North Korea is rattling its saber more aggressively over the last several months.  It’s no wonder U.S. enemies aim to take advantage of Biden’s weakness.  He has given them no indication he is a man to be reckoned with.  

I’m not sure why Lloyd Austin was chosen to give the keynote address at the Reagan National Defense Forum this year.  I get that he’s technically our Secretary of State and all, but he is a political hack with zero back-bone, either to his enemies or his boss.  As our own Toni Williams has said, his favorite word is “try.” But according to Saturday’s Fox News article:

“Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin said Saturday that China‘s increased military activity near Taiwan seemingly indicates a “rehearsal” of the country’s future intentions.

Austin made his comment during a keynote discussion with Fox News anchor Bret Baier at the Reagan National Defense Forum in Simi Valley, California.

Pointing out how China has been launching multiple air operations near Taiwan in recent months, Baier asked Austin, “Do you think that these are training flights for future operations?”

As Bret Baier interviews the SoD in the video below, I was struck by how tentative he was with every answer.  He didn’t seem to have any force or clear understanding of the questions being asked, stumbling, and stuttering and grasping to find the words that have been scripted for him.  At about the 33.50 mark, he says he “doesn’t want to get in front of my boss.”  Lloyd Austin has proven he’s a “yes man” given he and General Milley both thought Biden’s plans to give up the base at Kabul first was a bad idea, but they did it anyway, causing thirteen soldiers to give up their lives in exchange.  So, our enemies know right up front that our top brass isn’t up to the task of defeating our enemies.  

Fox’s article continues with this little reality check:

“The Reagan Forum, which comes as China and Russia continue to build up aggressive defenses not seen since World War II, included remarks by foreign policy experts and lawmakers from both sides of the aisle who argue that the Biden administration’s foreign policy has diminished U.S. standing on the world stage.”

You think?  Biden is an embarrassment to the country; his own staff must keep him on a short leash, terrified of what he will say next.  He has said repeatedly that “he’s not allowed” to do things.  Watch below as his team abruptly cuts the feed during a panel discussion.  THIS, this is the man our enemies are supposed to be afraid of??  Come on man!

You know this $#!@ wouldn’t be happening under Trump’s leadership.  Oh hell no.  They all thought he was crazy.  Crazy and unpredictable.  He just might use their countries as testing grounds for fun!  Seriously, my only concern with voting for Trump initially was that he seemed to be unwilling to engage militarily with foreign powers.  As the daughter of a full-bird colonel, I am a bit more hawkish than the average American.  But over the years of Trump’s presidency, I was forced to admit that I was wrong.  He wasn’t going to drag us into new drawn-out wars, but he would use calculated military strikes to instill fear and constraint from our enemies.  That is EXACTLY what a U.S. President should be doing.  Biden thinks a good finger wagging will do the trick!

“We’ve been aware of Russia’s actions for a long time and my expectation is we’re gonna have a long discussion with Putin,” Biden told reporters outside Camp David in Maryland on Friday, according to the Associated Press.”

I think Richard Grenell sums it up nicely, as he tweets about Lloyd Austin’s performance at the Reagan National Defense Forum.  Sadly, we ALL know the answer to him too…

Welcome Instapundit readers!

Featured Image, cropped and modified flags by Free Grunge Textures – www.freestock.ca is licensed under CC BY 2.0

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  • Dietrich says:

    “We’ve been aware of Russia’s actions for a long time and my expectation is we’re gonna have a long discussion with Putin,” Biden told reporters outside Camp David in Maryland on Friday, according to the Associated Press.”

    How long have Putin’s actions been unacceptable?
    On whom is the president waiting to schedule/conduct the “long discussion?”

  • […] Victory Girls Blog: U.S. Enemies Take Advantage of Biden Weakness. […]

  • alanstorm says:

    “Biden is an embarrassment to the country; his own staff must keep him on a short leash, terrified of what he will say next.”

    But no more mean tweets, so it’s all OK.

    “You know this $#!@ wouldn’t be happening under Trump’s leadership. Oh hell no. They all thought he was crazy. Crazy and unpredictable. ”

    This is what a lot of smart* people don’t get: Crazy is an ADVANTAGE in international politics. Predictability…well, lets your opponents predict what you’ll do. IOW, manipulate you. Example – the Brandon (mis)administration, and the Obama mistake before that.

    *for very limited values of “smart”.

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