#TwitterFiles: FBI Asked Twitter To Suspend Accounts Over JOKES (UPDATED)

#TwitterFiles: FBI Asked Twitter To Suspend Accounts Over JOKES (UPDATED)

#TwitterFiles: FBI Asked Twitter To Suspend Accounts Over JOKES (UPDATED)

Yes, you read that correctly. In Part 6 of the Twitter Files drop, we find out that the FBI can’t handle jokes. Jokes involving elections are evidently super BAD and misinformation of THE very worst kind.

What kind of jokes you ask? How about snarkily urging people to vote on a Wednesday! The FBI couldn’t stand the jokes, labeled them misinformation, and begged Twitter to can those accounts. 

As recently as Nov. 22 of this year, for example the FBI’s San Francisco office sent an email flagging four accounts that “may potentially constitute violations of Twitter’s Terms of Service.”

One account on the list tweeted mostly jokes, but Twitter employees still rushed to “look for reasons to suspend” the account for “civic misinformation.”

As Matt Taibbi points out, there were well over 150 emails between the FBI and Twitter’s now fired head of “trust and safety” Yoel Roth from January 2020 to November 2022. That doesn’t include any other FBI/Twitter email traffic so who knows how large the number actually is!

What’s interesting is this new information dropped just as the news world is all verklempt over the fact that some of their media journalists darlings were suspended from Twitter for actually violating the TOS in regards to providing information that was considered real-time location of Elon Musk’s family. FREE SPEECH CANNOT BE BANNED has been their hue and cry all day long. 

Twitter on Thursday evening banned the accounts of several high-profile journalists from the nation’s top news organizations, marking a significant attempt by new owner and self-described free speech absolutist Elon Musk to wield his unilateral authority over the platform to censor the press.

As I noted here this morning, the media has long thought they could do whatever they damned well please, but now the chickens came home to roost. 

Keep in mind, these are the same media darlings who themselves have, on multiple occasions, called for people to be banned from social media sites because conservatives, Trump, Republicans, REEEEEE!

Also, remember how they all applauded when the NY Post was banned for two weeks over the Hunter Biden laptop story. It was a story inconvenient to the narrative you see. It took nearly two years and then…SUDDENLY it was ok to gravely report that yes, the laptop and the information within the laptop are real. 

Now we have a tangled web of Twitter execs, FBI, NGO’s, and more working together to suspend or outright ban accounts that did something so heinous. They made JOKES about the election and/or public officials. HOW DARE THEY??!!

Well over 80 FBI agents sole job was to comb Twitter and flag accounts that they thought were a problem. Quite a number of those accounts had very few followers. A list was made and evidently Twitter was asked to flag, suspend, or ban accounts on multiple occasions. 

Oh and never mind that there may be security clearance and classified information in the mix. The FBI didn’t give a damn. 

What it boils down to is this:

Oh I’m definitely NOT ok with this. Nor should anyone else be ok with this kind of ‘cooperation.’ As Toni points out here, what other tents does the FBI have it’s ass under?

It’s glaringly evident that the FBI is a joke and definitely cannot handle jokes of any kind. 

UPDATE: The FBI issued a statement. 

In response to the “Twitter Files,” a spokesperson for the FBI told Fox News Digital, “The FBI regularly engages with private sector entities to provide information specific to identified foreign malign influence actors’ subversive, undeclared, covert, or criminal activities. Private sector entities independently make decisions about what, if any, action they take on their platforms and for their customers after the FBI has notified them.”

That doesn’t pass the smell test. It is evident that the FBI went after specific accounts… NONE of whom were engaged in criminal activities of any kind. Nice spin attempt!

Feature Photo Credit: Tweet logo via Pixabay, cropped and modified

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