Try To Impeach Donald Trump, Please, Please, Please

Try To Impeach Donald Trump, Please, Please, Please

Try To Impeach Donald Trump, Please, Please, Please

Since the release of The Mueller Report, both Dems and Pubbies have been crowing that their side has won. Marta wrote about The Mueller Report and the poo flinging and you must read it here. Quite frankly, both sides make my hair hurt. Not a one of the public servants, to whom we grant great power, has asked, “What’s best for the Country?”. And, even worse, the Dems STILL want to impeach President Trump. I am here to beg them, please, please, pretty please with sugar on it, impeach President Donald John Trump.

Yes, the Dems suffer from incurable, metastasizing, Trump Derangement Syndrome. Let’s let them run with it. Auntie Maxine Waters first chanted “Impeach 45” in April, 2017 only three months after 45’s Inauguration. Pencil necked Adam Schiff has been claiming he has the goods on Trump since the word “jump”. The FBI has been actively working to undermine the Trump Presidency since Trump announced his candidacy. These are provable events. They all want to impeach Donald Trump to teach all of us a lesson.

It’s a provable fact, as Marta states in her post about the Mueller Report, that Vladimir Putin wanted to sow the seeds of discord:

Volume I provides quite a bit of detail about Russian “active measures” to interfere in the 2016 presidential election. This is nothing new. I wrote about these efforts at length here.

The first form of Russian election influence came principally from the Internet Research Agency, LLC (IRA), a Russian organization funded by Yevgeniy Viktorovich Prigozhin and companies he controlled, including Concord Management and Consulting LLC and Concord Catering (collectively “Concord”). The IRA conducted social media operations targeted at large U.S. audiences with the goal of sowing discord in the U.S. political system. These operations constituted “active measures” (активные мероприятия), a term that typically refers to operations conducted by Russian security services aimed at influencing the course of international affairs.

The Democrats and their desire to impeach 45 are proof that Putin’s tactics work and that Putin has, in many ways, achieved his goal. Well done, Vladimir. Democrats through their naked hatred of President Trump, and those of us who voted for Trump, have given Putin a victory. Поздравляю (Congratulations), Democrats.

Establishment Republicans are appalled by Donald Trump. Never has such a vile man occupied the White House, they will sniff. Senator Mitt Romney is the leader of this type of Republican. They cheer Trump when he does what they would do and they denigrate Trump to the media when he doesn’t behave as they would. I read a post on Instapundit this morning from Glenn Reynolds that targets all of those Blue Nose Hypocrites:

…let’s just look at the presidents of my lifetime: JFK: Adulterer, drug user, made his brother (!) Attorney General, shady mafia connections, stole election. LBJ: Adulterer, much cruder than Trump, started Vietnam War. Nixon: Honestly, better than LBJ but the source of the term “Nixonian.” Ford: Nice guy, failed president. Carter: Nice guy, failed president. Reagan: The GOP gold standard, but a multiply-divorced Hollywood actor whose administration was marked by nearly as much scandal-drama as Trump’s. (Just look up Justice Gorsuch’s mother). George HW: Nice guy, but longtime adulterer and failed president. Bill Clinton: I mean, come on. George W. Bush: Personal rectitude in office, though he’s been a bit of a dick since Trump beat his brother. Iraq War thing didn’t turn out too well. Mediocre judicial appointments and little attention to domestic reforms. Gave us TSA. Obama: Far more scandals, and far more abuse of power, than Trump. And does French forget that Trump was running against Hillary?

Exactly. Donald Trump has been in the public eye for nearly forty years. Marla Maples “best sex I ever had” quote is from 1990, although she now denies she said it. Trump has not had handlers and a sympathetic media covering for him, as Kennedy and LBJ had in their times. He is who he is. Loud, profane, quick to strike and we all knew that when we voted for him.

We also knew that Donald J. Trump loves the United States of America. He doesn’t hate the LGBTQ crowd, the illegal immigrants or even the Hollyweird types that hate him. He loves This Country. He doesn’t want to shut anyone up or take away anyone’s rights. He actually doesn’t give a fat pig’s backside what you think of him. And, I love that. That’s so American.

This. This is why we, in flyover country, love President Donald Trump:

One last, but important thing. If the Democrats move to “Impeach 45”, it will force a reckoning. Two hundred and forty four years ago, the first shots were fired in the Revolutionary War. The birth of a new nation. We need to decide again, if we are going to be an open borders type country, if it’s okay to ban the late Kate Smith singing “God Bless America” as Nina wrote, if we are going to shout down people with whom we disagree, and if we are going to be a country ruled by feelings or one ruled by reason.

As horrible as it will be, I am begging the Democrats to move to impeach President Donald Trump. We will argue and we will decide. It’s going to be ugly as homemade sin but, to paraphrase Thomas Paine, if it’s gonna get ugly, let it me in my time so that my granddaughter can live in peace.

Photo Credit: Trump Rally, Louisville, KY, March, 2017/Public Domain

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  • Jack of Spades says:

    The Democrats and their desire to impeach 45 are proof that Putin’s tactics work and that Putin has, in many ways, achieved his goal. Well done, Vladimir. Democrats through their naked hatred of President Trump, and those of us who voted for Trump, have given Putin a victory. Поздравляю (Congratulations), Democrats.

    Establishment Republicans are appalled by Donald Trump. Never has such a vile man occupied the White House, they will sniff. Senator Mitt Romney is the leader of this type of Republican. They cheer Trump when he does what they would do and they denigrate Trump to the media when he doesn’t behave as they would.

    …but you have to wonder if the Democrats and #NeverTrump RINOs were basically doing Putin’s job without being asked.

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