Every day, we hear one Leftist apologist after another—just yesterday, Hillary was pandering to La Raza—defend sanctuary cities, open borders, and those who violate our laws, disrespect our sovereignty, and harm our citizens. So last week, Fox’s Jessie Watters confronted the entirety of San Francisco’s sanctuary-loving Board of Supervisors regarding the horrific death of Kate Steinle, murdered by an illegal alien from Mexico with a rap sheet longer than a 200-foot bull-crap barge. Their response is despicable:
Last night, Kate’s parents consented to an interview with Bill O’Reilly:
And now, yet another crime committed by an illegal alien has transpired—in a vast string of crimes the Left would like to see buried—and it’s nearly as monstrous as Kate Steinle’s untimely death: Twenty-three-year-old Aurelio Hernandez-Gomez was arrested last week for kidnapping a 13-year-old girl. But it gets worse:
Aurelio Hernandez-Gomez (Photo Credit: Breitbart)
On Thursday, Michigan police arrested a Mexican illegal alien, 23-year-old Aurelio Hernandez-Gomez, after finding him with a 13-year-old Florida girl who had last been seen two days before her ordeal.
Cops acted on a tip that led them to a Hartford home where Hernandez-Gomez hid the girl while assaulting her.
Michigan authorities charged Hernandez-Gomez with one count of third-degree criminal sexual conduct, meaning they believe he raped or otherwise penetrated the girl after incapacitating her or otherwise rendering her helpless. They have not released further details, such as whether or not the victim was related to the alien suspect. Hernandez-Gomez is being held on $150,000 bond in a Paw Paw Michigan jail and will be back in court on Wednesday.
Florida authorities plan to charge him with interference with child custody and felony kidnapping, according to WZZM 13, after Michigan ships him back to Polk County, Florida at an unspecified date. U.S. Immigration Customs and Enforcement has been notified, but it’s unclear how they will proceed.
Hernandez-Gomez hails from Chiapas, Mexico, where the sexual age of consent is 12.
Twelve. Explains a lot, doesn’t it. Despite the ludicrous “Illegals Will Report Crime if Given Sanctuary” mantra the Left is peddling, the real stats are pretty staggering (hat tip American Thinker).
So you see, Donald Trump is right. But his impressive surge in popularity and his meteoric rise to the top of the GOP primary polls is not really about Trump. Rather, it’s about the truth. And the truth—that which Mr. Trump remains unapologetic for—is this: Our country is being invaded, predominately by illegal aliens from Mexico, with the acquiescence of the Obama Administration, and the Democrat Party, both of whom desire nothing more than permanent one-party rule, with a fresh new voting bloc their ticket to Socialist Utopia. Never mind that that nightmarish goal will result in the continued victimization, including murders, of countless more American citizens like Kate Steinle, and innocent teenagers like the 13-year-old rape victim. For the end will always justify the means in the warped minds of Marxist Alinskyites.
If someone ever gets around to actually securing the border and begins to deport this invading horde of criminals they also need to deport all of the turds like Madame Mao who advocate this suicidal madness.
Barbarians are not only at the gates-they’re at our throats as well. I keep thinking of the Roman Empire and the invading barbarian hordes redux.
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