Trump: Our Country Is Going To Hell

Trump: Our Country Is Going To Hell

Trump: Our Country Is Going To Hell

Former president Donald Trump spoke at Mar-a-Lago last night and said, plainly and simply, this: “Our country is going to hell”.

The speech was, in part, an attack on New York District Attorney Alvin Bragg and, as the media will spin it, an attempt to distract from his 34 felony counts.

Trump, in his typical fashion called these charges an “insult to our country“. Perhaps a little dramatic on Trump’s behalf? Yes. But, he’s not wrong when he states in his post indictment speech that our country is going to hell and this monkey business is an insult to our country.

[Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg] campaigned on the fact that he would get President Trump — ‘I’m gonna get him, I’m gonna get him’ — this is a guy campaigning… this, before he knew anything about me.” -Donald Trump

But liberals were all excited about the prospects of a perp walk, a mug shot, an orange jumpsuit. They were giddy.

Not so fast, though, oh, purple-haired, blue voters. Legal experts are saying these 34 charges are going to be hard to prove, as our very own Nina highlighted.

In fact, to some, Bragg’s indictment was “disappointing” at best:

Rachel Maddow of MSNBC did not cover Trump’s speech last night. Why would she? “Just the same l’same ol’ lies”, she said. But why, on earth, would her viewers want to know the truth? They wouldn’t know truth if it hit them in the face.

Trump took the opportunity to connect the dots between the key players in these charges-from Soros-backed Bragg, to Georgia District Attorney Fani Willis, to special prosecutor named Jack Smith, to New York state Attorney General Letitia James. It was a typical Trump speech calling attention to the players in this game. We know Trump. We know how he operates and drops names. But, in truth, we cannot ignore that while Trump has 34 felony-misdemeanor-whatever-counts against him, the crimes of the establishment are pretty damn heinous as well. And Trump did elude to these atrocities. Maybe not in as much detail as he should have…but they’re in there. Shall we list them all? Funny, I can think of at least 34 (in no particular order):

1. Biden’s criminal activities-to include Hunter’s Laptop From Hell.
2. Criminal activities of the Clinton family.
3. The three-ring circus of threats of impeachment for four whole years and a waste of taxpayer dollars.
4. The politicization of a virus from China.
5. Joe Biden’s ties with China.
6. A downturn in our economy thanks to Democrats (to include our sitting President) who pushed for shutdowns of businesses, transportation, educational facilities.
7. Depression and suicide and increased substance abuse amongst adults as a result of these shutdowns.
8. Schools closed. Why? See #6.
9. Depression, suicides and substance abuse amongst our kids.
10. Our children behind rival countries (such as China) academically, thanks to #8.
11. Children lost, lacking emotional and social skills thanks to #s 6, and 8.
12. A shift in the educational landscape that preys upon these (insecure) children to question their identities.
13. A society and educational system that has become focused on promoting these insecurities and, at times, unhealthy behavior.
14. A medical system that supports the above-and key individuals in the Biden administration who advocate for this dysfunction.
15. Biden’s exit from Afghanistan, allowing the Taliban to take over once again.
16. Biden’s loose and non-existent foreign policy that basically gave allowed Russia a solid start to a war in Europe.
17. Elderly family members who died alone and in fear because their younger family members were not allowed to see them after they were placed in COVID-infested elderly care facilities.
18. Family members who could not see past the political divide who stopped talking to one another.
19. Friendships severed.
20. Riots in our cities, race-baiting and trashing of our urban spaces.
21. Turning our cities into virtual cesspools of filth, violent crime and homelessness and drug use due to anti-law enforcement rhetoric that caused these riots.
22. A lack of law enforcement officers to control this crime because of policies and budget cuts put in place by Democrats.
23. Kids reading porn in school libraries.
24. Churches closed, family gatherings limited because of COVID.
25. Mask nazis.
26. Joe’s documents in his garage.
27. Unprecedented amounts of fentanyl coming across our borders.
28. Porous borders in general.
29. A vice president nominated by head Geezer In Chief who has not handled said porous borders.
30. A society of increasingly faithless, emotionless individuals.
31. A dependency on posturing and an increasing chasm of a nation divided.
32. A constant state of confusion of the misinformed=the desired goals of those hungry for power.
33. A society not of free-thinkers but of those who follow a script, and shout names and insults at those who do not follow their script.
34. A nation weaker, more compromised and more divided than ever before.

That’s the short list. I’m sure there are more than 34 counts if we really were to question Biden and the Democrats and what they have done to trash this country over the past two years alone. While he may be petty in his name calling at times, Trump’s right. This country is going to hell. Bigly. Hopefully it is not too late to save it.

Feature Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore/ Commons

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1 Comment
  • Richard G says:

    I used to be very patriotic. I would get into political arguments in defense of our country with friends from what we would consider “third world countries”. Often what would win the argument was a comparison of our justice system with theirs. Our seemingly uncorrupted legal system. Well that patriotic fervor died in 2020. This country now has a two tiered justice system and if justice is not adjudicated evenly then we no longer have a Republic. In my opinion, the country was lost when we surrendered the institutions that educate and entertain to the left. They have turned the culture against this country and when you have a majority of citizens that despise the country they live in or see it as just a big supermarket for them to extract benefits well, it’s just a matter of time. Pull up a lawn chair and enjoy the collapse. It’s inevitable.

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