Trump Guilty Of Whatever The Jury Decided He Had Done

Trump Guilty Of Whatever The Jury Decided He Had Done

Trump Guilty Of Whatever The Jury Decided He Had Done

Donald Trump has been convicted on all counts in the Manhattan trial. But does anyone actually know what crime was committed?

Embezzlement? Larceny? No, that was all Michael Cohen, who admitted in testimony that he had stolen from Trump.

So, what is Trump guilty of?

The total post reads:

Of course Donald Trump is guilty.

The outcome was predetermined from the beginning.

A Soros funded DA who campaigned on getting Donald Trump teamed up with Biden’s top guy at the DOJ and invented a crime out of thin air, elevating what is normally a misdemeanor to a felony despite lowering 60% of felonies for actual criminals.

They recruited a jury of liberal Trump haters in one of the most liberal jurisdictions in America and went to a Democrat activist/Biden donor judge who completely rigged the trial in their favor. Not to mention the fact that his daughter was raising money for Democrat politicians off the trial.

But despite having criminal charges that made no sense, despite having committed no crime, despite having a lead witness who is a convicted perjurer, and despite the jury not even being unanimous on the underlying crime, Trump is now guilty.

But really he’s only guilty of one thing: Being Donald Trump.

Trump is guilty with having the audacity to run for president, be winning in the polls, and being a threat to the power centers of America.

They’re taking him out via corrupt lawfare because they are scared that he will win.

Well the rubicon has been crossed. This is no longer America. This is a communist banana republic.

Professor Jonathan Turley, who has been observing this whole trial and was appalled at the jury instructions that Judge Juan Merchan issued, thinks the verdicts will be reversed on appeal, but finds this whole exercise sad.

Sentencing has been set for July 11th. What happens now? This conviction is absolutely headed for appeal, and will likely be reversed because of the insanity of the judge’s bias against Donald Trump – the judge is a Democrat donor to Joe Biden, and was hand-picked for the case.

Trump has given a brief statement to the cameras.

“The real verdict is going to be November 5th by the people” is the truth of the situation. When justice is overrun like this, the only recourse is the ballot box. And you know who agrees? The Biden campaign.

While the case has been riddled with reversible errors, the Biden campaign is getting exactly what they want – a Donald Trump conviction, and the ability to label him as a “convicted felon” for the rest of the campaign, because who knows how long it will take for the appeal to be heard and ruled on, and we also don’t know if Trump will end up in jail after July 11th.

But perhaps the Biden campaign should not crow so loudly yet.

The media reaction will be loud and frothing and jubilant. The left will be dancing in the streets. They are rejoicing in “getting” Trump right now. When this is eventually reversed, they will be upset. But the problem today is that the legal system was weaponized to “get” one man. Will it backfire on the Democrats? That, dear readers, is completely up to you and the voters in this country.

Welcome, Instapundit Readers!

Featured image: composite images from Gage Skidmore/ Commons/ruperto miller/ Domain/Hillel Steinberg/ Commons

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  • Nina Bookout says:

    Believe me, once the legal system is weaponized against one person, it can be weaponized against another. The rule of law and hundreds of years of solid jurisprudence was thrown into the ditch in order to “get” a political opponent. And, that weaponization and manipulation of the law was and always will be wrong whether you like Trump or not.

  • GWB says:

    This is no longer America. This is a communist banana republic.
    Oh, Greg. That Rubicon was crossed a while back. Under 0bama, at least. (Well, under 0bama’s handlers.)

    When justice is overrun like this, the only recourse is the ballot box.
    Well, that’s been corrupted, too. Let’s see, the “mainstream” media control the soap box, progressives control the jury box, and we know the ballot box isn’t reliable. That leaves only one box left to the citizen, doesn’t it?

    That, dear readers, is completely up to you and the voters in this country.
    Only if we overcome the margin of fraud. And even then only if we can destroy the Deep State. If Trump can’t do that (and our Congress won’t), then it will not matter one tiny bit that he gets elected.

    And, BTW, we need to get this judge and stack all those boxes up under him under the nearest lamppost. It’s the only way to get justice, now. The people need to ensure these corrupt jurists pay for their crimes.

  • Scott says:

    I’m surprised that the two mouth breathing resident leftists haven’t showed up to gloat about this miscarriage of justice yet..

  • Kevin says:

    No, it’s not the judicial system that is being weaponized. Politicians have always been accused of crimes, usually by their opponents, and when there’s enough steam (political pressure) one party launches and inquiry. It happened with the Clintons (White Water sound familiar?) and the special prosecutor didn’t find any crime to charge them with. Reagan had Iran/Contra, sound familiar? Remember Ollie North going to jail.? (Why do so many more republicans get convicted and sentenced to jail than democrats?)

    Trump is on a entirely different planet. First of all, every person he associates with are scum bags. In the closing arguments, the prosecution said it best, “Why do we have convicted liars and other riff raff as witnesses … because that’s who the defendant surrounded himself with!”

    The Malignant Tumor’s game plan of denying everything really hurt him in this case as well. Is there anyone out there that doesn’t think he had sex with that woman? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Want to know why a prostitute/porn star spent a few days on the stand and the prosecution “wallowed” in smut talk? Because the Malignant Tumor says he never had an affair with her so the prosecution had to prove they had an affair. Because they had to prove that before they showed records of the Malignant Tumor paying her off.

    The Malignant Tumor is the only one to blame for this shit … not Democrats, no Rhinos, not Biden, Not Haley, not Bragg … NOONE but the Malignant Tumor himself. He’s now going to cast his net and try to rake in millions off of this. Not only was he guilty, he’s bleeding his donors of money so he can pay his legal fees.

    Donald Trump has a mental illness and he’s convinced 40% of the population to believe every word he says. That is your downfall.

    • GWB says:

      It’s the 40% that has a mental illness called TDS that worries me.
      Yeah, that means you. You’re deluded.

      (Scott called it.)

      • Scott says:

        Sometimes I hate being right… But thanks GWB

        And spot on with your comments sir.

        I guess K had to finish fapping before he could get on to post his talking points drivel…

  • A “leftist” reader says:

    Nina, did you sleep with a porn star and then falsify business records and make a deal with a tabloid publisher to then pay said porn star to cover it all up before an election you were running in? No? Then no, this won’t happen to you or anyone else unless they did, in fact, do all that. Or another unrelated crime. because what we have here is the rule of law and a case of no one, not even a former president, being above the law. That’s the exactly opposite of a “banana republic.” This isn’t Russia for instance.

    Biden had ZERO to do with this. It was state charges brought by a state prosecutor. (Also, bringing up Soros, which points to the idea of a Jewish conspiracy to destroy our country, is extremely anti-Semitic but you do you, boo.)

    Trump was president when the original payment was discovered by Andrew Weismann when he was working on the Mueller probe. In fact, Trump’s own justice department tried to stop Bragg from filing the case against Cohen, who eventually pled guilty to the EXACT SAME CRIMES TRUMP WAS CHARGED WITH. I don’t know; that seems a whole lot sketchier to me. But then I guess I’m just a “mouth breathing leftist.” (I’m actually an independent, but I guess anyone who lives on Earth 1 looks leftist to you lot.)

    As for the crimes, they were laid out clearly if you were paying attention. The case was very well presented. You are welcome to read all the testimony and written transcripts from the trial. The testimony didn’t hinge on Cohen. The prosecutor laid out the case with witnesses that corroborated what Cohen said. In facts in the jury instructions the jury was instructed NOT to just use Cohen by himself. A fact which your fame-seeking lawyer/commentator, Turley should know and be able to explain to you.

    And finally, Trump’s team helped pick the jury. They had the chance to have a defense. The judge tried really hard to make this hard to overturn on appeal. (And in fact, that’s hard anyways in New York in general and he would have to have a legitimate reason, none of which you’ve given nor has Turley. Plus the appeals court has turned down all his other appeals in his other cases.)

    Face it: your party’s nominee is a convicted felon, who now can’t even vote in an election. Do you really want t see him nominated? I guess Lindsay Graham was once again right when he infamously tweeted just over 8 years ago this month: “ If we nominate Trump, we will get destroyed…….and we will deserve it.”

    • Scott says:

      Remind me of the charges brought against clinton when he paid off Paula Jones again???

      Once again, your talking points fall short genius.. (nice dog whistle on the Soros angle.. as if the reason people despise him is because he’s Jewish, not because he’s a NWO nazi POS)

      The one thing you’re probably correct on is that this won’t be overturned in NY, because they’re part and parcel of this witch hunt, changing the law just so they could convict one person, it will have to go to SCOTUS before it’s done.

      Damn GWB, I called it correctly TWICE…. (ok, not really that impressive, it’s like saying a dog is gonna bark…)

    • Oh geez louise, being opposed to the Jewish antisemite and admitted former Nazi collaborator George Soros-Of-Puppets makes one antisemitic? What’s next, criticizing Lucky Luciano or Charles Ponzi is anti-Italian bigotry? Pathetic beyond pathetic.
      We proud Red Sea Pedestrians have a special prayer for “chatichot chara” like him, which has been part of our weekday Standing Prayers [Amidah] for 2000 years: it’s called the 12th blessing concerning informers and slanderers. [Birkat HaMinim].

      • Que says:

        Thank you for calling out the phony antisemitic accusation.

        Funny, isn’t it, coming from a member of the River-to-the-Sea crowd?

    • GWB says:

      did you sleep with a porn star and then falsify business records and make a deal with a tabloid publisher to then pay said porn star to cover it all up before an election you were running in?
      Interestingly, neither did Trump*. But they convicted him.
      You really are on your knees for the NeverTrump brigade, aren’t you?

      (* That’s based on an actual knowledge of the law and the supposed evidence presented.)

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  • Cameron says:

    Dear liberals,

    A banana republic if you can keep it.

  • Richard says:

    We are not voting our way out of this. We are not shooting our way out either. Or litigating our way out. The only way out is the National Divorce.

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