Trump: Colorado Supreme Court Decision Has Swamp Written All Over It

Trump: Colorado Supreme Court Decision Has Swamp Written All Over It

Trump: Colorado Supreme Court Decision Has Swamp Written All Over It

Yesterday’s Trump election ballot bombshell in Colorado was indeed a bombshell. Liberals in Denver are undoubtedly dancing in the streets.

Keep talking, bobbleheads. A “stunning” ruling. Historic. Momentous. The law and politics collided and “the law has won”. For the first time in history, “a candidate appears to be unfit to be on the ballot for the Presidency”.

Dear God, almighty! Have we looked at who Democrats want to put on 2024’s ballot?

It is. And now SCOTUS will need to be involved.

The ruling sets the stage for the U.S. Supreme Court, whose 6-3 conservative majority includes three Trump appointees, to consider whether Trump is eligible to serve another term as president.”-Andrew Goudsward, Reuters

From the ruling:

My fellow plaintiffs and I brought this case to continue to protect the right to free and fair elections enshrined in our Constitution and to ensure Colorado Republican primary voters are only voting for eligible candidates. Long before this lawsuit was filed, I had already read Section 3 of the 14th Amendment and concluded that it applied to Donald Trump, given his actions leading up to and on January 6th. I am proud to be a petitioner, and gratified that the Colorado Supreme Court arrived at the same conclusion we all did.”-petitioner and former Republican majority leader of the Colorado House and Senate Norma Anderson

The Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, (CREW), are wetting their pants now, we are sure. President and CEO, Noah Bookbinder has been getting a thrill up his leg for this day for a long time:

The attack on the Capitol was not a spontaneous event. It was the culmination of a multi-part scheme by Trump and his allies to use lies, intimidation, coercion and ultimately violence to keep Trump in office. By leading these unprecedented efforts to subvert the Constitution and American democracy, Trump disqualified himself under Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment from holding any federal or state office, including the presidency.”-Noah Bookbinder, CREW

Let’s paraphrase Bookbinder’s above statement and put the shoe on the proverbial other foot, shall we?

The divisions created in this country as a result of Hillary Clinton’s loss and Donald Trump’s victory in 2016 were not “spontaneous events”. They were a culmination of a multi-part scheme by Trump and the left to (also) use lies, intimidation, coercion and ultimately violence to get Trump OUT of office. Change our minds. Yet, CREW rejoices, as this Colorado Supreme Court decision is a victory for the “non-partisan watchdog organization”.

And let’s look at who CREW reaLLY is. The roots run DEEP, stemming from D.C. Democrats, and its board is laden with Democrat swamp-like creatures and flush with Democrat funding. Norm Eisen, who you saw up in the CNN video clip earlier, is also part of CREW:

Eisen has donated at least $67,500 to Democrat causes since 1999. He also “bundled” (rounded up money from other individuals) between $200,000 and $500,000 for Obama in 2008. In December of 2017, it was announced that he would assume the chairmanship of the CREW board.”CREW Exposed

Not a shocker that Eisen would be a panelist sounding off of taking Trump off of Colorado’s ballot on CNN. Let’s not forget swamp thing, David Brock.

And, if we look further, the funding breakdown of CREW ties to The Foundation to Promote Open Society (controlled by liberal billionaire financier George Soros and his family), The Open Society Institute (nodding to Soros again).

And interestingly enough, CREW has received funding from The Bohemian Foundation (controlled by Colorado Democratic donor Pat Stryker and her political operatives), and The Gill Foundation (private foundation of Colorado Democratic mega-donor Tim Gill).

The things that make you go, “hmmmm”.

And if we’re talking oxes and morons, it’s really ironic that “ethics” is part of CREW’s name. An ethical thing to do would have the people decide who is on the ballot and whom they should vote for. That would be the ethical thing to do here, folks. Yet, I can see the Rocky Mountain socialists cheering that their eyes may not graze over the name “Donald Trump” on their voter ballots. After all, seeing the initials of the dreaded Orange Voldemort would seriously harsh their mellow before hitting the slopes.

So, while Trump is currently a no-no in Colorado, there’s still a fight to be had at the SCOTUS level. I hope this rancid sludge the Democrats are throwing around backfires in their faces. Bigly. It just might.

Featured image: Donald Trump by Gage Skidmore via Flickr, cropped and modified, Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic (CC BY-SA 2.0)

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  • Cameron says:

    Precedent set and they aren’t going to like the results.

  • GWB says:

    A bit you didn’t address Lisa:
    The statements about “I had already … concluded that it applied to Donald Trump” are horribly inadequate for a legal decision. Who cares what you think? Was it established as a fact? It doesn’t have to be a conviction for a crime, but establishing it as a fact is important for legal proceedings. And the CSC didn’t bother with such niceties as the other part of the 14th Amendment about due process.

  • Scott says:

    Norma Anderson (along with all of the dems in Denver) is a F@#KING MORON… And the colorado supreme court is stacked with a bunch of idiots that wil rubber stamp anything and everything from the liberal twits in state government.
    The once great state of Colorado is no more, it’s nothing but Cali east, and is working to exceed even their level of corruption!
    This is nothing but one more attempt to destroy our nation, as they haven’t been able to get national popular vote in as law.
    Soros is an enemy of this nation, and free peoples everywhere. He and his son should have been terminated with extreme prejudice long ago for the worldwide destruction they’ve wrought (not to mention his nazi collaboration)…

    Here’s hoping the SCOTUS does the right thing and moves quickly to squash this criminal behavior

  • BJ says:

    Soros was a Hungarian Jewish kid, who was all of 14 years old when Germany surrendered in 1945, so no, he certainly wasn’t a Nazi collaborator. Calling for anyone’s assination is only going to hurt the cause, not help it.

    • Scott says:

      As others below covered the details of Soros being a nazi collaborator, I’ll move on to the “assassination” part, and clarify that many nations have sent specialized teams or individuals to get rid of individuals that pose a clear and direct threat. This was all I was suggesting, that he has definitely earned such treatment.

  • BJ says:

    And misspelling “assassination” is only going to hurt my own cause.

  • A reader says:

    Lol here’s the thing as far as precedent: he met the definition of insurrection according to this court AND the lower court. That he participated in an insurrection is not in dispute. So in order for this to happen to a Democratic candidate, they’d have to stage an insurrection. Which means it would have to look a lot like January 6th. I know that’s hard to wrap your head around, but that’s reality. And that’s not going to happen, no matter how much you wish it into being.

    Here’s the thing: the Supreme Court is now in a bind. If they let him on the ballot, they’re saying to a Democratic candidate that it’s perfectly ok to try and override the will of the people and stage an insurrection. (Still not going happen.) And they won’t do that.

    I find it hilarious that certain conservatives are whining about this. You do realize that that section of the ammendment was written after the Civil War, right? And for those who study actual history instead of whatever your lot does, today’s Republican Party bears far more similarities to the Democratic Party of the Civil War era. After segregation became a thing, the parties shifted and the Dixiecrats became Republicans and their perspective and beliefs eventually became the backbone of the party. So I guess this is just an example of chickens coming home to roost so to speak. The facts— which don’t care about your feelings, FYI— are that those who planned and participated in January 6th were Trump supporters, aka Republicans. You’re the party of insurrectionists and FINALLY the courts are catching on and saving our democratic republic.

    (Also, lovely antisemitic dog whistle, Lisa. You tried to hide it, but it’s there in the implication that Soros is behind this and it’s all a Jewish global conspiracy to take over the world or at least America. I LOVE how you all act like you’re pro-Jew and then turn around and spout antisemitic garbage.)

    • Liz says:

      “That he participated in an insurrection is not in dispute”

      Trump has not been charged with, let alone convicted of, criminal insurrection. Even the laundry list of bogus charges currently against Trump do not include insurrection.
      Yet this is all “not in dispute”, eh?

      “And for those who study actual history instead of whatever your lot does, today’s Republican Party bears far more similarities to the Democratic Party of the Civil War era.”

      History would indicate that several states left Lincoln off the ballot so I’d say the Democratic party is much the same in many respects.

    • Liz says:

      A Reader, your post was such a fascinating study in completely different views of reality I’ve read it several times.
      This bit, for example:
      “Here’s the thing: the Supreme Court is now in a bind. If they let him on the ballot, they’re saying to a Democratic candidate that it’s perfectly ok to try and override the will of the people and stage an insurrection. And they won’t do that”

      Here’s the thing: For them to be in this “bind” there would have to be a criminal conviction on the matter. There isn’t even a charge. How do you resolve this in your own mind while stating it as though it is a forgone conclusion? And what will you tell yourself when the opposite of your assertion happens? That’s rhetorical, not expecting an answer.

    • Kim Hirsch says:

      Also, lovely antisemitic dog whistle, Lisa. You tried to hide it, but it’s there in the implication that Soros is behind this and it’s all a Jewish global conspiracy to take over the world or at least America. I LOVE how you all act like you’re pro-Jew and then turn around and spout antisemitic garbage.

      What a nasty piece of work you are — accusing a woman whom you’ve never met of antisemitic racism.

      May I remind you of which side you can find …

      Openly-antisemitic Congresswomen Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar, plus Rep. Iman Jodeh (D-CO) who claimed there was a “genocide happening” in Gaza;
      Leaders of the 2021 Women’s March which have allied with antisemite Louis Farrakhan;
      Black Lives Matter of Chicago which celebrated the October 7 massacre with a graphic stating “I stand with Palestine;”
      Antisemitic professors at Columbia University, UC Davis, the Chicago Art Institute — not to mention the three university presidents from UPenn, Harvard, and MIT who displayed their antisemitism before Congress;
      Not to mention the scores of idiot Gen Z students calling for “intifada” and “from the river to the sea.” Hint: they’re not from Hillsdale College.

      On what political divide do you find these cretins? Oh, yeah, the Left. Democrats. Progressives.

      So, honey, you might want to clean up the dogshit in your own backyard before you call dog whistles on women you don’t even know.

    • You cast Trump as evil, and an “insurrectionist” – by the definition used by these corrupt Left wing judges, the DEMOCRAT Party is riddled with them. More than sixty of them arrested just today (of course, they will never be charged, jailed, or convicted – unlikely they’ll even pay a fine).

      Therefore, you are an anti-German, anti-Scot, and anti-Christian hater! Say that any individual with those characteristics is “evil” and you MUST be referring to the entire population (by your idiotic definition).

      By the way, Soros is not a Jew. He has Hebrew ancestry, and that’s all.

      He informed the Gestapo in his native Hungary where Jews were hidden – which is why that nation, whatever their ideological basis, have had an open arrest warrant on him for several decades now.

  • SFC D says:

    A reader, put the crackpipe down. Trump was essentially convicted without being charged, indicted, or tried. And you’re celebrating that. Apparently, your school didn’t teach 8th grade civics. And Soros IS an evil man, his religion is completely irrelevant. Seek help.

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