Trans Women Threaten Real Women With Decapitation

Trans Women Threaten Real Women With Decapitation

Trans Women Threaten Real Women With Decapitation

Trans women at a pro-trans rally in Glasgow, Scotland carried signs that read “Decapitate TERFS” and “I eat TERFS and Tories”. For those of you who are normies, TERF stands for Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminists. Tories are the British version of Conservatives, sort of, mostly. I understand that these men in dresses are tragically unhappy. I don’t understand why they can’t just go to therapy. Why must they threaten and bully real women? Does it make them feel more manly to bully women? That’s actually an argument I can understand.

The police are investigating the hateful signs at the rally because Great Britain has very strong “hate speech laws”. Worse than the signs, several Members of Scottish Parliament (MSP) were shown with the signs. From out friends at Twitchy:

If you’re a regular Twitchy reader, you probably know by now that TERF stands for “trans-exclusionary radical feminist,” and it’s meant to be a derogatory term for a feminist who doesn’t include trans women in her struggle. J.K. Rowling was branded a TERF after standing with a woman who was fired for her tweets alleging that you can’t change your sex, and she’s since gone on to do some TERF-like things, like opening a female-only sexual violence center for women trying to get away from biological males for a bit.

Here are the MSP’s speaking in front of the signs calling for the decapitation of TERFS:

The Parliament members claim that they had no idea the signs were behind them. Yeah, um, okay. Like they didn’t know about all of the bullying biological females who want their own spaces have had to deal with?

Bullying women AND stifling debate:

Hours before Jo Phoenix, a professor of criminology at Britain’s Open University, was due to give a talk at Essex University about placing transgender women in women’s prisons, students threatened to barricade the hall. They complained that Ms Phoenix was a “transphobe” likely to engage in “hate speech”. A flyer with an image of a gun and text reading “shut the fuck up, terf” (trans-exclusionary radical feminist, a slur) was circulating. The university told Ms Phoenix it was postponing the event. Then the sociology department asked her for a copy of her talk. Days later it told her it had voted to rescind its invitation, and would issue no more. Ms Phoenix says she was “absolutely furious and deeply upset” about both the damage to her reputation and to academic freedom.

Bully women, stifle debate AND destroy the family unit, from our Lisa:

But there is increasingly building evidence that the trans movement is not just targeting kids but the family unit.

Don’t believe me? Read this from The Federalist’s John Daniel Davidson.

The goal isn’t simply to teach and encourage transgenderism in our schools. It’s to lay claim to the students themselves, over and against their parents and families, for purposes that go far beyond the promotion of gender identity. After all, you can’t very well reshape society according to your utopian vision if something as solid as a family is standing in the way.”-John Daniel Davidson

It doesn’t feel like some of these Trans Women actually suffer from Gender Dysphoria. One of my favorite YouTube content creators is Marcus Dib, The Offensive Tranny. Here is “his” Twitter description:

He acknowledges that his gender dysphoria is a mental illness. And, he loves the binary. What’s not to love? I love his takes on the weird non-binary creeps.

We cannot be cowed by these bulls in cow’s clothing. We cannot Shut the F*ck Up. Speak up or be erased by the Trans Women.

Welcome Instapundit Readers!

Featured Image: Shoko Muraguchi/ Commons

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  • NTSOG says:

    It seems clear to me that many of the M to F trans people are actually very angry, misogynist male bullies who actually hate real women. Their form of revenge is to pretend to be women and attack Womanhood from within so-to-speak by changing language and invading and trying to redefine the reality of Women, whether in general society or in private spaces/services reserved for real Women. I suspect also that there is a percentage of such thugs that is sexually predatory. While such M to F thugs may have changed their clothes and hairstyles they are exhibiting the same old fashioned male ‘locker room’ chauvinism in their language and behaviour that has existed for aeons. If they really wanted to be accepted as women in society, then they would act in a civil and non-aggressive manner and fit in.

  • Cameron says:

    I’m starting to think that keeping these freaks in the closet and away from normal people was a rational approach. And the troons would wet themselves more than their mutilated genitals already cause them to when a real man or real woman would fight back.

  • Cameron says:

    Funny back story on the anime character with the gun. That’s Lily Hoshikawa from Zombie Land Saga. A transgender child actress who died of a heart attack because his body went through puberty. Nice symbol of mental stability.

  • – Why must they threaten and bully real women? Does it make them feel more manly to bully women? That’s actually an argument I can understand. –

    We speak here of an insanity so deep, and so violent, that it can only calm itself by eliminating anyone who dares to call attention to its irrationality. It’s not uniform among transwomen — I know a couple who are law-abiding, responsible, and functional — but it afflicts an unhealthy percentage of those men who have decided to present as women. They’re dangerous…and at this time, there’s little to be done about them.

    • Cameron says:

      They need everyone in the world to acknowledge what they think they are. Anyone who won’t is a threat.

      • Ree says:

        No, they are indulging in state-sanctioned sexual abuse. They don’t care if the lowly masses think of them as male or female. They have they blessing of the State in their abuse of women. What better feeling of power than being able to follow women into their locker rooms, their women’s shelters, and their bathrooms. And if the victims complain they are the ones punished.

    • NTSOG says:

      “Does it make them feel more manly to bully women?”

      Actually threatening and bullying [real] Women while pretending to be women seems to be the only way they can feel ‘manly’. I suspect they were quite extreme ‘outliers’ in the male peer group as they grew and developed. Possibly they were bullied themselves and the age-peer girls they knew didn’t acknowledge them as well, though that doesn’t give them to right to treat real Women as they do.

  • Ree says:

    No, they are indulging in state-sanctioned sexual abuse. They don’t care if the lowly masses think of them as male or female. They have they blessing of the State in their abuse of women. What better feeling of power than being able to follow women into their locker rooms, their women’s shelters, and their bathrooms. And if the victims complain they are the ones punished.

  • Winnie SC says:

    Declared “transwomen” need to be required to register as sex offenders There is NO reason to go this route that does not involve vouyerism, public-wanking, and sexual assault of one form or another.

    Very very sick, dangerous people.

  • 370H55V I/me/mine says:

    Now that women are privileged in western society in terms of education, job opportunities, economic and political power (even to the extent of being able to destroy a man’s life on a whim), it seems like it makes sense for men to claim membership in this group. I wonder just how many trannies are simply gaming the system.

  • Robert Arvanitis says:

    “I eat Tories,,,:
    Is that a threat or an offer?

  • NTSOG says:

    A recent survey found “one in three Australian youth identify themselves as LGBT, …”

    Child and adolescent psychologist Clare Rowe: “I’ve literally had children telling me … that there is social kudos to be the alternative and particularly using the pronouns of ‘them’.

    “The they/them pronouns are particularly trendy.”

    It seems the brainwashing by the Left [paedophiles] of children and adolescents is working – unfortunately!

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