Topless Display At Pride Event Gets White House Reaction

Topless Display At Pride Event Gets White House Reaction

Topless Display At Pride Event Gets White House Reaction

Well, it seems that we have learned where the line is when it comes to just how far “Pride” can go on the White House lawn, and being topless and flashing the crowds is just a step too far.

Why? Well, the easy reason why is because it gets people’s attention, and it embarrasses Joe Biden and gives conservatives video footage for DAYS that can be cut into ads. It’s not like the left cares if trans activists decide to go topless in a local “Pride” parade. They care because those same activists went topless on the White House lawn, at an administration-sponsored event. Uh, exactly what did they THINK was going to happen?

As readers know, Joe and Jill Biden hosted a huge “Pride” event at the White House last Saturday. Joe loved it. It was apparently like the entire circus came to the White House lawn and put on a show just for him. Among the people invited was transwoman Rose Montoya, who made a video featuring his antics that day on the White House lawn, which he posted to Instagram, and then got picked up by the media.

Yes, that would be Rose Montoya, among other trans activists, showing off their “top” surgery scars or breast implants by going topless on the White House lawn. This was not well received on the right, as one can imagine. After all, we are told that “Pride” is vital, important, and the thing above all to be celebrated. But it seems even the highly tolerant and loving White House was not prepared for topless activists. Rose Montoya, for his part, has no regrets.

Montoya doubled down on the display of nudity in a follow-up video on TikTok, arguing that going topless is “legal” in Washington, D.C.”

“I fully support the movement and freeing the nipple,” Montoya said. “My trans masculine friends were showing off their top surgery scars and living in joy, and I wanted to join them. And because it is perfectly within the law of Washington, D.C. I decided to join them and cover my nipples just to play it safe.”

“I had zero intention of trying to be vulgar or be profane in any way. I was simply living my joy, and my truth, and existing in my body,” Montoya said.”

Well, the White House has regrets. A lot of them. So many that they have now banned Rose Montoya from coming back.

The White House has banned trans influencer Rose Montoya after she flashed her breasts at President Biden’s Pride party — blasting the stunt as “inappropriate and disrespectful.”

Montoya, 27, was barred from the executive mansion on Tuesday, as footage went viral of her pulling her shirt and cupping her breasts moments after meeting Biden on the South Lawn at a Pride party Saturday.”

In a statement to The Post on Tuesday, a White House spokesperson said she flouted basic etiquette and is persona non grata at future events.”

“This behavior is inappropriate and disrespectful for any event at the White House,” the flack said.”

“It is not reflective of the event we hosted to celebrate LGBTQI+ families or the other hundreds of guests who were in attendance. Individuals in the video will not be invited to future events.”

Remember, it’s not because he was topless. That’s not the problem.

And the real kicker for the “Pride” movement is that intersectional White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre drew the short straw and had to go to the podium and scold the trans activists. Get your popcorn, because this is hilarious.

It’s hilarious because this is EXACTLY the kind of event that the White House hosted! The left has enabled the entire trans activist movement, told the rest of us that we are all intolerable bigots for not wanting certain graphic sex books in school libraries, or accepting “drag queen story hours,” or not celebrating whatever kind of sexual displays show up in local “Pride” parades. The White House invited all these people for their own “Pride” festival, and now they are shocked, SHOCKED, that the same public behaviors that conservatives have been pointing out have now showed up on the White House lawn??? And they’re only condemning it because Joe Biden is in the video footage with Rose Montoya. The current Eleventh Commandment for Democrats who have thrown out all the other Commandments? “THOU SHALT NOT EMBARRASS THE OLD MAN ON HIS OWN LAWN. GET OFF THE LAWN FIRST.”

It will be interesting to see if other trans activists defend Rose Montoya, or retreat because they know that a line has been crossed. Honestly, it could go either way. These activists have been so coddled and enabled that their own sense of righteousness might override any internal cringe. The loser in all of this, besides the American people whose White House hosted this insanity, is really Hunter Biden. Dad threw a peep show on the lawn and Hunter the sex pervert didn’t get to show up and have fun for free. He usually has to pay the help for that kind of show.

Featured image via FLOTUS Twitter account, cropped, official photograph in the public domain

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  • Lloyd says:

    China Joe must realize….If you wish to pander to a group, you must accept that group as they are.

  • Stephen C says:

    Start by admitting From cradle to tomb It isn’t that long a stay Life is a cabaret, old chum It’s only a cabaret, old chum And I love a cabaret…

  • Scott says:

    ” Individuals in the video will not be invited to future events.”….” Joe Biden is in the video footage with Rose Montoya.”… so does that mean creepy Joe is no longer invited???

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