Top CIA Official Posts Pro-Palestine Images After Hamas Terrorist Attack

Top CIA Official Posts Pro-Palestine Images After Hamas Terrorist Attack

Top CIA Official Posts Pro-Palestine Images After Hamas Terrorist Attack

A high-ranking CIA official has demonstrated that her loyalty to this country and her oath is in question. This after it was discovered that she posted pro-Palestine images to social media.

A high-ranking CIA official boldly shared multiple pro-Palestinian images on her Facebook page just two weeks after Hamas launched its bloody surprise attack on Israel — while President Biden was touring the Jewish state to pledge the US’s amity with the nation.

The CIA’s associate deputy director for analysis changed her cover photo on Oct. 21 to a shot of a man wearing a Palestinian flag around his neck and waving a larger flag, the Financial Times reported.

Per multiple reports, the image below is just one of several that were shared to social media. 

This is from a woman who took an oath to uphold and defend America. This oath:

“I, [name], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.” Schooled CIA employees know that the Constitution also defines the role of federal employees: “To establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare and secure the blessings of liberty.”

This person, whom the Free Beacon has identified as Amy McFadden, the associate deputy director for analysis, took that oath when she joined the CIA in 1999. Yet now she’s posting memes and photos of herself in support of Palestine. 

McFadden is one of the most senior officials within the CIA and was once responsible for overseeing the president’s “daily brief,” a summary of classified intelligence, the Financial Times reported. In her role as associate deputy director for analysis, McFadden oversees the approval of all the agency’s intelligence.

Although McFadden’s particular beliefs on Israel are unclear, she “liked” one post by the International Crisis Group in the last week. That post shared an article in Foreign Affairs that chastised Israel for “making the utter defeat of Hamas its top priority.”

Let’s back up and read that again. This is a woman who oversees what does and doesn’t get put into the Presidential daily briefings. This is a woman who supposedly has access to all sorts of intelligence. Of which said intelligence would ALSO include numerous iterations highlighting the terror work that the Hamas government and military are engaged in. Hamas has long been the governing body of Palestine as well as being recognized the world over as a terrorist group funded by Iran. 

Therefore it is highly concerning and disturbing that McFadden, in a high-profile position within the CIA, is showing her bias against Israel. Furthermore, is she not aware that several people involved with the International Crisis Group are under significant scrutiny because of their alleged ties to Iran? 

Tabatabai currently serves in the Pentagon as the chief of staff for the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations, a position that requires a U.S. government security clearance. She previously served as a diplomat on Malley’s Iran nuclear negotiating team after the Biden administration took office in 2021. Esfandiary is a senior advisor on the Middle East and North Africa at the International Crisis Group, a think tank that Malley headed from 2018-2021.

By the way Robert Malley no longer has a job in the U.S. government and mysteriously had his security clearance yanked earlier this year. 

Which brings me back to the CIA and Amy McFadden. The CIA is supposed to be looking out for U.S. interests around the world. They are not to be promoting anything that would suggest they are biased against Israel. 

Then again, Joe Biden went behind the scenes and apologized to Muslims for doubting the death totals Hamas put forth. Plus offered up this tweet yesterday. 

Given how Joe Biden’s handlers in the White House are acting concerning Hamas and Israel, is it any wonder that a highly-ranked CIA agent feels emboldened to publicly support Palestine? 

A top CIA official shows support for a terrorist regime. In doing so, she is demonstrating her bias against America and Israelis such as Emily Hand. 

According to the CIA, McFadden showing visible support to Palestine somehow does NOT compromise her analytic objectivity. Another CIA spokesperson literally claimed McFadden isn’t biased at all. 

“The officer is a career analyst with extensive background in all aspects of the Middle East and this post [of the Palestinian flag] was not intended to express a position on the conflict,” said the person familiar with the situation.

I don’t know that that spokesperson was smoking, but McFadden’s objectivity and her ability to run UNBIASED analysis is totally compromised. 

The rot is deep and wide in The Swamp, and this is just one of the many examples. 

Feature Photo Credit: CIA flag via iStock, cropped and modified

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  • Scott says:

    One more swamp dweller that should be shown the door… This is what happens when progressives are allowed to infiltrate their ideals into the institutions of this nation.

    • In this case (and similar ones) – the quicksand pit or the alligator nesting grounds.

      This is support of a DECLARED enemy of the United States. What the treason laws are SUPPOSED to punish.

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