Thomas Matthew Crooks Identified As Shooter At Trump Rally

Thomas Matthew Crooks Identified As Shooter At Trump Rally

Thomas Matthew Crooks Identified As Shooter At Trump Rally

While there is still so much that we don’t know about the would-be assassin from last night’s rally, we do now have a name. Thomas Matthew Crooks, age 20, was first identified by the New York Post and later confirmed by the FBI to be the deceased shooter.

Thomas Matthew Crooks apparently lived in Bethel Park, Pennsylvania with his parents, which is about 40 miles south of the rally site in Butler. The rifle that he used was allegedly purchased by his father, and we don’t know if he stole it to commit the assassination attempt, or if it was purchased for him by his father. We have some limited information on the parents, and the shooter’s political leanings.

Federal Election Commission records show that on January 20, 2021—Biden’s inauguration day—the 20-year old Crooks donated $15 through ActBlue, the progressive donation clearinghouse, to the Progressive Turnout Project, which says it “is dedicated to mobilizing the Democratic party and defending democracy.” In donor records, he listed his occupation as unemployed, and listed the address descended upon by police.

Public records reviewed by The Daily Wire suggest that both of his parents are licensed counselors, and that the father owns a firm providing disability services. Records suggest that his mother is a registered Democrat and his father is a registered Libertarian. The family purchased their home in 1998.

The 20-year old lived with his parents there, and the family keeps to themselves, the neighbors said. They said the mother is handicapped and is often seen clinging to her husband to walk. They said she was sitting in the street Saturday night on a lawn chair brought out by police.

Early reports indicate that Crooks has no criminal record. So far, no social media profiles have been found for him – we do not know if he had any and deleted them before he shooting, or never had any to begin with. However, there are reports that Crooks had a vehicle with explosives in it at the rally.

There were explosives, including an IED, found inside a car driven by Thomas Matthew Crooks found parked near the scene of the Trump rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, sources confirmed to Fox News.

The sources could not say how many explosives or what kind, but emphasized that more than one was found.

In Crooks’ house, law enforcement found bomb-making materials, the sources told Fox News.

The sources could not immediately say whether the materials found at the home rose to the level of explosive devices, as well, at this stage of the investigation.

The sequence of events of the shooting is still incredible to process, and there are lots of questions to be answered regarding Thomas Matthew Crooks and his level of training, and why he would even do this. And also, how the Secret Service did not immediately neutralize the threat when warned by onlookers that someone had a gun.

We may possibly have an answer for that. Please note that this is speculation, not fact.

We are also now seeing reports that local police confronted Crooks, but BACKED OFF….???

After rallygoers spotted Crooks on the roof of a manufacturing plant just 130 yards from the stage where Trump was speaking just after 6 p.m. Tuesday, police were notified and one officer climbed a ladder to investigate, law enforcement officials said on the condition of anonymity.

There the officer encountered Crooks, who pointed his AR-style rifle at them.

The officer then backed down the ladder, and Crooks immediately took aim and loosed eight shots at the former president – grazing him in the ear, killing one bystander in the rally crowd, and gravely wounding two others.

Once there is a full and complete investigation, law enforcement – local AND Secret Service – needs to be held accountable for how this was allowed to happen.

Regardless of the shooter’s motivations, what is clear is that he intended to kill Donald Trump and missed. But he DID kill someone else, and critically injure others. The dead victim has now been identified as Corey Comperatore, a former fire chief who was at the rally with his family. His daughter credited her father with saving her life in a Facebook post.

Governor Josh Shapiro (D-PA) gave a very touching tribute to Comperatore after speaking with his family.

A GoFundMe account that was launched by the Trump campaign to aid Comperatore’s family and the other victims had an initial fundraising goal of $1 million. It currently stands at over $2 million in less than 24 hours.

Unfortunately, the shock value and historic nature of an attempted assassination will mean that Thomas Matthew Crooks is going to join the ranks of the likes of John Hinckley. However, since Crooks is dead, hopefully that will mean less notoriety and more focus on the real heroism of Corey Comperatore. HIS name should be the one remembered, as should the other victims once their names are released. Pray for these families.

Featured image: original Victory Girls art by Darleen Click

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  • Cameron says:

    “Once there is a full and complete investigation, law enforcement – local AND Secret Service – needs to be held accountable for how this was allowed to happen.”

    Forgive me for sound like a blackpiller but the FBI has jurisdiction over this investigation. I have no faith that anything of substance will be done over this. I want to be wrong and I will admit it if I am but I think the FBI is disappointed that the shooter failed.

  • JAW3 says:

    It’s Antifa. Wait and see by how much the democrats try and dodge it with the unity bullshit.

  • The gross negligence of not covering the shed and the roof, either proves gross incompetence or criminal negligence on the part of the SS ….or worse.

  • Jack says:

    One source I saw did mention his connection with antifa during the Portland, Oregon riots and a couple of others.

    I don’t know how reliable that source was. Haven’t seen it cited before.

  • A reader says:

    You neglected to mention that the shooter was a registered Republican. He registered in 2022. He would have been 17 at the time of the political donation and according to their website, you have to be 18 to donate. That’s not to say he couldn’t have fudged his age, but the location was listed as Pittsburgh and he lived about 10 miles or so away. There is another man in his 60’s with the same first and last name who lives in Pittsburgh so it’s possible he was the one who made the donation. It’s still unclear. A responsible journalist would be mindful of this and careful with that piece of information. However, him being a registered Republican has been verified.

    Does any of this truly mean anything or give a real motive? No, but in an era of highly partisan politics where fingerpointing is tantamount, it’s critical info.

    • Que says:

      Politics being what they are these days, voters will sometimes register with an opposing party to conduct shenanigans during a primary period. In some recent primaries Democrats registered as Republicans in order to vote for Nikki Haley.

      I noticed you didn’t add this possibility. Nice try, though.

    • Cameron says:

      Have you tried crying harder? It might help.

    • Scott says:

      His mom is a registered demonrat, and his father Libertarian I believe. The most likely explanation for him registering repub is he was part of the leftist attempt to skew the primaries. But you keep doing you reader…

      All that being said, how about everyone wait a bit for more details to come out.. not that I have any faith in Garland and his three letter agencies, based on past performance, they’ll either do a shitty job, or hide the results if it doesn’t fit the narrative.. (Memphis, Vegas, etc…)

      • GWB says:

        The most likely explanation is that this person was very off their rocker. So, a schizophrenic relationship with political sides might not be so far out. Also, there are those NeverTrumpers that still sorta vote Republican. And, then, of course, while not a false flag, some real bender with delusions of guaranteeing a Republican win by making Trump a martyr. (Small chance there, but there is a chance.)

        And, yes, the biggest concern I have, after the USSS f*ing up their primary job of establishing and controlling a proper perimeter, is the cover-up that might ensue.

  • NTSOG says:

    To miss a large mostly stationary target at about 135-140 yards or so suggests he was not an experienced rifle shot. The whole attempt seems very ‘amateurish’ and impulsive other things being equal,

    • Scott says:

      If the reports of him being confronted by the local LEO (who did nothing apparently), that could have easily made him rush and fire wildly.

    • GWB says:

      Except it is NOT a “mostly stationary target” when you’re shooting at the head. One of the reasons you don’t take head shots normally is that people’s heads move non-deliberately. They may just shake their head; or they may turn it, as Trump did; or maybe they lean into the podium a little.*

      While a 100+ yard shot should be relatively simple to make, if the shooter was only 1 MOA off of a center-of-mass shot to the head in his aim, the target leaning about an inch forward, then turning his head toward the shooter can make that 1 MOA now completely off target.

      And, yes, then there’s the problem of being interrupted. And, given he was on the roof and didn’t have a good sniper set-up (bags, a tripod, etc.) his “sh** was probably wobbly” as a gun enthusiast (and top former competitor) I know would probably put it. Those things contribute.

      (* One thing to consider: a sniper trying to take a mark will often do so when he is walking. Because walking, a person’s head might turn, but it will still be moving at a predictable pace and generally in the same position in relation to his body. He’s not suddenly going to shift his weight and turn. But an animated speaker at a podium will.)

  • GWB says:

    And now, let’s never mention his name again, except in the Wiki article and law enforcement records. Let him not gain the infamy he sought.

  • GWB says:

    The sources could not say how many explosives or what kind
    In Crooks’ house, law enforcement found bomb-making materials
    OK, this is something that cheeses me off to no end. It’s even worse than the “He had 1,000 rounds of ammo!” fear-mongering they love to do. Whenever they do this insist they tell you what sort of thing they mean when they say “explosives” or (even worse) “bomb-making materials.”

    First of all, there is a wide range of “explosive” – from a jug of powder someone uses to reload their own ammo (or even primers for said reloads – yes, I’ve actually seen that labeled that way) to tannerite to a propane gas tank to actual fertilizer bombs. Or even fireworks. A single M-80 in the car becomes “explosives were found in the car!” Even though said explosion would be entirely contained within the car. “Bomb-making materials” can be easily found in my house – nails and metal pipe. Or, again, a propane gas tank.

    They (the LE agencies) do this to stoke fear in the general populace so they can puff out their chests and claim, “Aren’t we good boys?” and claim to be doing their jobs protecting us. And it does become obvious when they tout an “arsenal” because supposed bad guy had three firearms and 200 rounds of ammunition (which for most of us is just a single range trip) and “explosives.”

  • GWB says:

    But he DID kill someone else, and critically injure others.
    And a slight “concern troll” bit here, but let’s not get engaged in the idea that he was simply hit by a round that passed Trump by. It is entirely possible – if the story of him being interrupted is true – that he knew he had limited time after Trump went to the ground and decided to start shooting into the grandstand. Still shooting a bystander to the principal, but with intent to actually shoot some bystanders. (Especially if he was covering his family – so it was after Trump was shot, and the shooting continued.)

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