The Sky Is Falling! Bird Flu Pandemic Predicted.

The Sky Is Falling! Bird Flu Pandemic Predicted.

The Sky Is Falling! Bird Flu Pandemic Predicted.

Reading today’s headlines, I am reminded of the modern-day children’s Chicken Little story, in which Henny Penny kept telling everyone, “The sky is falling! The sky is falling!” Ladies and gentlemen, former CDC Director Robert Redfield has predicted a bird flu pandemic.

Didn’t Robert Redfield leave his post in 2021 when COVID-19 first started getting all wound up? Yes, he did. He quit. Redfield stepped aside to allow Rochelle Walensky to be the mouthpiece and lead America into lockdowns via Tony Fauci and Debrah Birx.

Redfield, an experienced but controversial HIV researcher, served as CDC director from 2018 until President Trump’s term expired in early 2021. While he played a leading role encouraging social distancing and mask use during the early stages of the Covid-19 pandemic, he also weathered heavy criticism as the Trump administration’s careening response became increasingly politicized.

He argued, however, that the criticism served only to deepen distrust even as the agency was already in crisis. As result, he said, his first call to current director Rochelle Walensky included a pledge to never publicly criticize her. – Stat News

A pledge to never publicly criticize her? Even at the expense of Americans’ health? Is Redfield trying to say that he disagreed with her but decided to keep his mouth shut because he didn’t want to publicly criticize her? I do not need to tell the doctors to take their Hippocratic oath and shove it where the sun doesn’t shine because they have already done so.

If organizations like the WHO and CDC ever had a good reputation, they ruined it in 2020. Will Americans ever listen to these healthcare professionals, ever again? I understand some Americans never listened to them in the first place, and I’ll be in their camp this go around.

So Redfield can shut all the way up.

And yes, it is election season, too.

Do the powers that be think we will fall for this again? Sadly, some will.

Redfield joined NewsNation Friday to discuss the growing concern for bird flu, as the virus has been detected in dozens of cattle across the country and the World Health Organization identified the first human death in Mexico. – The Hill

Not so fast. Did he? Did the man die of bird flu? We are not doing this nonsense again.

ABC News reported that the man actually died because of his co-morbidities but that he had tested positive for bird flu.

“A national multidisciplinary group of experts was formed to investigate the cause of death. It included infectious disease specialists, pneumonologists, microbiologists and intensive care professionals,” the WHO wrote. “Upon review of the patient’s clinical history and records, the national multidisciplinary team concluded on 6 June that, although the patient had a laboratory-confirmed infection with avian influenza A(H5N2) virus, he died due to complications of his co-morbidities.” – ABC News

Does anyone have odds on when CNN will start their death ticker?

The fearmongers have been trying to push out this Bird Flu Pandemic since early last year. A simple search on X will show all sorts of accounts reposting when the WHO director started pushing this tale when the strain jumped to mammals.

But now, in recent headlines, it will be 100 times worse than COVID!

Ya’ll. This is absurd. Will you ever believe anything these clowns say anymore? Are they helping or just doing more harm with this rhetoric? To me, they definitely are not helping. The damage has been done with their COVID-19 lies. I know my completely bald head won’t believe another single thing coming out of their mouths. They can also take whatever vaccines they have and go to hell. Fool me once. Never again.

Feature Image: Matt Brown, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons/edited in Canva Pro

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  • Scott says:

    Good post Carol, though I’d suggest that rather than predicting, he was announcing…

  • rbj1 says:

    Are hospitals going to get triple reimbursement for each “bird flu” associated death?
    The “experts” have discredited themselves.

  • Wfjag says:

    First, do no harm – to your prospects for future appointments by politicians.

  • The one thing that would greatly reduce the “death toll” from this virus is if the House refuses to fund incentives for the medical industry to put it as a “cause” on every death certificate they can get away with.

  • NTSOG says:

    Coincidentally I live within about 60 miles of 6 commercial chicken operations that have, over the last two weeks or so, been quarantined due to infections of H7N7 avian influenza in Victoria, Australia. The birds in those egg farms are all being destroyed. The source of the infections is thought to be wild birds. Eggs are in short supply in consequence and some supermarkets have restricted purchases to 2 cartons per customer. As for the sky, it hasn’t fallen yet.

  • JohnnieBo77 says:

    100 times worse than COVID… and COVID was supposed to be 100 times worse than the flu.

    The sky isn’t falling; the government is crying wolf. Again.

  • Dietrich says:

    One human death out of 8.1 BILLION people. Yep, we must shut down the world.

    Tom Lehrer said it best:
    So if Sunday you’re free, why don’t you come with me?
    And we’ll poison the pigeons in the park
    And maybe we’ll do in a squirrel or two
    While we’re poisoning pigeons in the park
    verse 5, Poisoning pigeons in the park -Tom Lehrer.

  • GWB says:

    Scientists Warn Bird Flu Pandemic Could Be ‘100 Times Worse’ Than COVID-19
    “Scientists.” Yes, Chicken Little is a perfect metaphor. The problem is Chicken Little has an army of bureaucrats and others at his beck and call to force us to run about in fear. I suggest this time we turn Chicken Little into a Costco Roasted Chicken and let the sky fall where it may.

    (Could I hope there would be a meme about this? sigh Not a good one I can find.)

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