The Short Story Arc of Rudy Giuliani

The Short Story Arc of Rudy Giuliani

The Short Story Arc of Rudy Giuliani

What happened to Rudy Giuliani? Once Ameria’s Mayor, now a seeming blur of calamity and what some might even say a disgraced tragic figure. This is my attempt at providing the short story arc of Rudy Giuliani.

Can you return to New York City in the fall of 2001? Or better yet, let’s go way back first. In the 1980s, Rudy went after the mafia bosses and succeeded. That’s when he was a U.S. attorney for the southern district of New York. Once he was done with the mafia bosses, he ran for Mayor for the first time in 1989 and failed. But in 1993, he won his campaign of being tough on crime, and from 1994 to 2001, he did precisely that: he cleaned up New York City.

And in 2001, at the end of his Mayorship, we all know what happened. Mayor Rudy Guiliani handled the 9/11 event and the days and weeks of his mayorship that followed like a champion. He was the strong and steady leader that the New York people needed.

After 2001, he did law and business stuff, ran in the Presidential primaries of 2008, did political commentary in the media, and supported Republican campaigns. And then he hitched his wagon to Donald J. Trump.

At least, that’s how I remember it. But there’s more:

So whether you think he’s a villain, hero, or shapeshifter, the man is interesting. It makes me wonder how he will be remembered in 20, 30, and 40 years.

It’s sad to think of him now. He has aligned himself with Trump, full tilt, which seems to be the downfall for a lot of people who stick with Trump, thanks to today’s media.

Trump Train

Yes, Trump and Rudy have their own swollen and full-of-hot air loudmouthery all on their own. I get it. They have definitely participated in their own stink. The media just simply has a field day with it and can spin their own yarn that can make the Brothers Grimm sound like factual non-fiction writers.

It pains me to see Rudy like this now, in 2023. He’s been heading this way, though, since sidling up with Trump and specifically, after Trump was voted out of The Office Of President of the United States of America, beaten by Joe Biden.

Rudy Giuliani is apparently broke, filed for bankruptcy, and now wishes he had taken his pension from when he was America’s Mayor.

Once hailed as “America’s Mayor,” Giuliani estimates owing $153 million with assets of up to $10 million, according to Manhattan federal court filings.He filed for bankruptcy on Dec. 21, days after being ordered to shell out $148 million in damages to two former Georgia election workers who alleged the former Donald Trump lawyer falsely accused them of committing voter fraud during the 2020 presidential election. – New York Post

Some might see Rudy as a damned fool, while others will see him as a loyal Patriot. But again, he’s with Trump, and if you’re with Trump, you better expect all kinds of trouble.

You also better expect nothing in return from Trump. Just ask the American citizens who are still locked up for January 6th.

What or where does Rudy go from here? He’s on YouTube if you want to follow him over there. Quite frankly, I’m surprised YouTube allows it. And if you want a long laundry list of other affairs Rudy is going through, you can read what The Intelligencer has going on. God Bless, Rudy.

The Victory Girls also covered Rudy throughout the years if you want to catch up on those archives.

Feature Image: Gage Skidmore/Rudy Giuliani/Flickr/CC BY-SA 2.0

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  • John Shepherd says:

    Hitch your wagon to Trump and expect to get thrown under the bus when he no longer has a use for you. That has always been the way politics but Trump does it to the nth degree.

  • JAW3 says:

    As soon as his bankruptcy is discharged, I am sending him money. What did he do wrong! Nothing!

  • Don Smythe says:

    I lived and worked in and around NYC for my first 67 years, so I knew of Rudy for decades. Lost in your story was thr fact that 9/11 (which he handled as well as anyone could) came after a second term that was largely a dud after his terrific first term.

    He lost to Hillary in the Senate race, flamed out in presidential primaries and was no help to Trump in 2020 — and failed yo grasp that with DJT, loyalty is a one-way street. The legal case that caused him to file bankruptcy is garbage, but he has basically done almost nothing useful for 20+ years.

    • 370H55V I/me/mine says:

      When did he lose to Hillary for the US Senate?

      Hillary ran twice, in 2000 and then re-elected in 2006. Her GOP opponent in 2000 was Long Island US Rep Rick Lazio. Her GOP opponent in 2006 was former Yonkers mayor John Spencer. She resigned in 2009 to be appointed Secretary of State by Pres. Obama.

      Get the record straight.

  • Joe R. says:

    Giuliani’s got more credibility than the OP or any of the negative comments.

    • GWB says:

      more credibility
      Says the commenter who provides no evidence.

      Not saying you’re wrong, but you just assert it without any reason for anyone to believe you. Which makes you … not really credible.

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