The Left in Full Panic Dials Ugly to 11

The Left in Full Panic Dials Ugly to 11

The Left in Full Panic Dials Ugly to 11

About three-and-a-half week’s until Election Day* and the Left is melting down in such ugly, shrill, and incoherent tantrums they make Potemkin Kamala’s word salads look like erudite missives worthy of Reagan or Churchill.

As we saw last night, DEI Kamala is far from being ready for prime time. But Pravda media will certainly bleat out in Greek chorus manner that you should not trust your lyin’ eyes.


The Left realized that the street theater and Underground terrorism of the 60s wasn’t going to get them the power they crave. Taking the next 50 years to march through culture and institutions proved to be much more effective in capturing power and controlling the masses. And while Bill Clinton had his Sister Souljah Moment, Obama picked up the neo-Marxist mantle of fundamentally changing America and has gotten 12 years (interrupted by Trump 45) to cement in Uniparty ruling class and suppress all dissent. But Creepy Joe didn’t quite work out the way they wanted and the hamfisted foisting of Kamala on to the public, even surrounded by the Left’s Praetorian Guard of media hasn’t been the Joyous Agent of Change. Not when voters are forced into cutting out normal activities like going out on a Saturday night for dinner and a movie because even eating at home is 30% higher.

No amount of gaslighting about how wonder the economy is will convince any person who does the weekly shopping for his/her family.

So we get from these hysterical scolds little more than the pivot to how Trump and everyone who supports him for president are woman-hating fascisty fascists.

Today’s new word is “Femiphobia”.

the Kamala Harris campaign and news media should be explicit and direct about the pain, suffering and horror that a second Trump regime will inflict on the American people.

The corrupt right-wing justices on the Supreme Court have decided that Donald Trump cannot be held responsible for acts in office under the law. The former president has vowed to be a “dictator” on “day one” regarding deregulation.

Yes, I understand that precious Chauncey DeVega, longtime mincing hysteric of Salon, leading off a claim that is rancid twaddle on delivery makes anything he follows with just as obscene. But his ruffled feathers do provide insight into the emo-Left tactics of how (and who) they shape their attacks. They are now circling back to trying to shame black men into voting for Kamala and attacking Trump – and all “MAGA” people – as misogynists. Cue the Appeal to Authority:

Stephen Ducat is an author, political psychologist, psychoanalyst and former psychology professor in the School of Humanities at New College of California. His new book is “Hatreds We Love: The Psychology of Political Tribalism in Post-Truth America.” In this conversation, Ducat warns that racial fascists and authoritarians such as Donald Trump and the MAGA movement possess a deep desire to “purify” society by eliminating the Other through violence and other destructive means. He also connects Trump and the MAGA movement’s yearning for and compulsion to political and other forms of violence to white identity politics and hostile sexism and misogyny. At the end of this conversation, Ducat reflects on whether it is possible to stop the MAGA movement and American neofascism given their deep roots in the country’s history and the much larger societal problems and crises that spawned such a destructive and antihuman political vision

It appears Chauncey’s hero here, Ducat, coined “Femiphobia” back in 2005 when he wrote a book (of course) about how masculinity is the real problem in politics.

femiphobia is a driving force in men’s choice of candidates, stances on a wide variety of political issues, their embrace of fundamentalist religions and support for wars of conquest … my research found that femiphobia in conservative men has more of an impact on their social and political behavior than in liberal men.

Ducat goes on to explain how naughty and threatening conservative males are in their “hypermasculinity”. You know, as opposed to the really good kind of Feminist-ally masculinity of Tampon Tim and Doug “impregnated the nanny” Emhoff. But what do women actually have to say when they get the chance? What happened when an all-female audience had the opportunity to grill Trump?

The first was an all-female audience, the exact crowd you might expect to grill the former president on abortion policy for an hour — but no. Border security, immigration policy, the economy broadly, Social Security, women’s sports, the child tax credit, onshore manufacturing, energy policy, interest rates, Russia and Ukraine, Hamas and Israel, the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal, sanctuary cities, Democrats’ weaponization of government, the hurricanes, and FEMA — every single one of these topics was discussed before abortion was uttered once. The first 50 minutes of the hour-long town hall were consumed by issues other than abortion. Taking the lives of the next generation in utero may be the first thing Democrats want to talk about, but it doesn’t crack the top eight issues affecting Americans every day.

This shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone but a Leftist. Any woman outside the Leftwing elite are not real people to them. They are ideological cannon fodder. Either they support the Narrative or they are brainwashed Handmaids in thrall to their MAGA husbands abuse them if they speak up.

While the media are right about abortion extremists flocking to Harris and her unlikability among men, however, they miss the Trump plot. First, it’s not like women universally oppose Trump; 4 in 10 support him.

Second, and more importantly, his rhetoric isn’t “uber-masculine.” It’s uber-American. “The thing that will bring our country together is success,” Trump replied to a question about unity Wednesday night. “You never really know about courage until you test it,” he said in his response to another. These aren’t dog whistles to incels; they’re maxims for everyday Americans fed up with Democrats’ status quo.

And the ugly fact is that the unAmerican Left is the status quo, in Hollywood and D.C., in anti-Semtic Universities and DEI/CRT infected corporations. It’s a status quo that has lead to increased rates of severe depression among young people, especially women.

It’s not Conservatives and Independents who have the levers of power here. The Left does. And Chauncey wants you to forget that.

Ugly is as ugly does.

featured image, cropped, Adobe stock standard license

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