The Left: Conformity and Rejecting Normal as Weird

The Left: Conformity and Rejecting Normal as Weird

A modern Diogenes wouldn’t be asking for the last honest man, but for the last actual liberal in the Democrat party. Liberals have few issues with normal, the Left is out to stomp it out of existence and will brook no dissent in the ranks.

Rising Tide of Leftwing Crazy: From Marcotte to “Bandagegate”

Rising Tide of Leftwing Crazy: From Marcotte to “Bandagegate”

The Left really does tell you who they are. Up front in their abject hate of heretics and apostates from their Revealed Truth. Thus RNC Convention is…

JD Vance wins the Veepstakes — Let the Leftwing attacks begin

JD Vance wins the Veepstakes — Let the Leftwing attacks begin

The news that Donald Trump has picked JD Vance as his running mate is now the ‘old news’ of an or so hour ago. And faster than…

Jesus, Bump Stocks, and Pseudo-Compassion

Jesus, Bump Stocks, and Pseudo-Compassion

In the click-bait style of one-weird-trick life hacks, the original hacks of the Left flog their script of accusing others of “not caring” about their pet victim…

Left-Feminist Professor Tells Half a Story

Left-Feminist Professor Tells Half a Story

While women and girls are being abused and erased by the Queering of America, leftwing feminists have been conspicuous by their absence. Except when it comes to…

Dear Jews: The Left is Not Your Friend. It Never Was.

Dear Jews: The Left is Not Your Friend. It Never Was.

Sometimes one has to lay out some harsh reality to a longtime friend. And right now even many “liberal” Jews are realizing that their loyalty and dedication…

Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Mimosa, Bloody Mary, nice flute of champagne — or maybe a favorite tipple in your coffee. Make yourself one and join me at our own Algonquin Round…

“Hate” is the Left’s Synonym for “Blasphemy”

“Hate” is the Left’s Synonym for “Blasphemy”

Daily Wire’s Michael Knowles was handed a one-week suspension from YouTube for, YouTube claims, “hate speech”. Was it real “hate” or something else?

Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Mimosa, Bloody Mary, nice flute of champagne — or maybe a favorite tipple in your coffee. Make yourself one and join me at our own Algonquin Round…

Rise of the Millennial Jr. Anti-Sex League

Rise of the Millennial Jr. Anti-Sex League

What kind of America is on the horizon? For an increasing number of single, childless females, it’s one of embracing BigGovernment as Daddy and hostility towards traditional…

Tis The Season For Dumping On Christmas

Tis The Season For Dumping On Christmas

I would say Scrooge has a lot of company each time the calendar rolls into December. But Scrooge was redeemed – contemporary Leftists, not so much.

The Trans Lie Comes for Jesus

The Trans Lie Comes for Jesus

We are all familiar with the metaphor of how to boil a frog. And, while successful across too many institutions, it looks like our Leftist Betters, now…

“Crime is a construct” & Other Leftist Delusions

“Crime is a construct” & Other Leftist Delusions

A fish doesn’t know it’s wet and a bedlamite is confused about how it all got so crazy.

The Feral Children of America

The Feral Children of America

Prior to the internet, tabloids stacked in the grocery store were the source of all manner of lurid and fanciful stories. Mermen, flying saucers and even children…

Women Who Want Women for Intimate Care are “Psychotic”

Women Who Want Women for Intimate Care are “Psychotic”

Thank the Lord for J.K. Rowling’s fearlessness in confronting the latest Trans-cult claim. NOW women who request women for intimate care — female doctors or attendants for…

TRAs Attack Bette Midler, Macy Gray

TRAs Attack Bette Midler, Macy Gray

Being a member-in-good-standing of the Left is no protection when the Left moves the goal posts and you find you missed the memo.

It’s Spring! Time for Anti-Christian, Anti-Jewish Bigots to Burst Forth!

It’s Spring! Time for Anti-Christian, Anti-Jewish Bigots to Burst Forth!

While Christian and Jewish families gathered over the weekend for the most important religious holidays on their respective calendars, like toadstools after a rain, the anti-Bible bigots…

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Ava Gardner