The Democrats’ Newest Porn Star Susanna Gibson Hits Back

The Democrats’ Newest Porn Star Susanna Gibson Hits Back

The Democrats’ Newest Porn Star Susanna Gibson Hits Back

By now, I am sure you have seen the headlines and screenshots of Susanna Gibson, the Democrats’ newest porn star. I had to Google her when this story first broke over on X. I don’t heavily follow Virginia politics. I am in Alabama.

But whew-boy!

Bottom line – a Democrat legislative candidate, Susanna Gibson, live-streamed having sex with her husband while asking for money during the sex romp livestream.

Is that how the new kids are doing fundraisers now?

Oh! Susanna is saying Republicans are playing gutter politics by airing her pornographic videos.

That’s rich, calling gutter politics by Republicans. Uh, puddin’, you’re the one who live-streamed the sex with dear hubs.

But what is more astonishing is that the new Democrat Porn Star is getting support from political leaders and other women.

Susanna Gibson, a nurse practitioner, faces Republican David Owen, a retired home builder, in the 57th District, a suburban Richmond seat that is key to Democratic hopes of upending the 50-46 GOP majority in November’s elections. It’s one of seven competitive state House districts, according to the nonpartisan Virginia Public Access Project. – CNN

State Sen. L. Louise Lucas, a leading Democratic lawmaker in Virginia, quickly came to her defense, calling on voters to “make this the biggest fundraising day of (Gibson’s) campaign.” Many women voters retweeted Lucas with a link to donate to Gibson’s campaign.

“Anybody who looks at this knows it’s a hit job,” said Amanda Linton, a 45-year-old defense contractor who donated $25 to Gibson’s campaign after reading about the videos. Linton said she plans to donate another $100 to Gibson’s campaign even though she can’t vote for her because she lives outside her district.

“It’s just nobody’s business. She didn’t break any laws by doing this. She had sex with her husband. I mean, my God,” Linton said. – AP News

I know a lot of quoting is going on, but I had to include them all because, wow!


Now, the rising porn star is claiming she is a sex-crime victim. I am not making this up. And before you get all righteous indignation on me, yes, I would treat a Republican woman candidate the same.

Although the majority of Gibson’s sex shows were public, the 40-year-old nurse practitioner claims that outlets sharing her X-rated recordings are committing “a sex crime.” In a statement to the New York Times, Gibson’s lawyer stated that he and his client are “working closely with the F.B.I. and local prosecutors to bring the wrongdoers to justice.” Gibson indicated that she will continue campaigning for the seat, telling the Times that the revelation of her pornographic past “won’t intimidate me and it won’t silence me.” – Free Beacon

2017-06-12 15 45 41 'Welcome to Virginia' sign along eastbound U.S. Route 58 (Wilderness Road) entering Lee County, Virginia from Claiborne County, Tennessee cropUser:Famartin, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

She is not backing down. She is convinced and might have a case because of sex revenge crime laws.

“My political opponents and their Republican allies have proven they’re willing to commit a sex crime to attack me and my family because there’s no line they won’t cross to silence women when they speak up,” she said. “They are trying to silence me because they want to silence you, and I won’t let that happen.” – CNN

Aside from this being a possible sex crime or not, the so-called leaking of a public video, I have to ask, is this where we are at these days? Are we okay with this sort of behavior? Behavior, as in live streaming sex acts like it’s as normal as posting images on social media about what you had for lunch?

Politics & Porn

I know your argument, “Well, at least it was her husband, and they were in the privacy of their own home.” But is it still private when she livestreams it on the internet? And then asks her viewers for money?

The videos were first livestreamed on a website that is not password-protected and on which The Post reported the couple had more than 5,700 followers. Gibson’s attorney, Daniel P. Watkins, said that sharing the videos violated the state’s revenge porn law. – CNN

Color me a prude. In this case, I don’t mind. I guess people are okay with this. That, or the Democrats are just desperate. And apparently, this isn’t the first time The Victory Girls has covered Porn and Politics.

This race in Virginia for the House is huge. Democrats control the Senate, and the Republicans control the House of Delegates, barely. Susanna Gibson is running against Republican David Owen. Virginia is not a solid red state by any stretch of the imagination. Yes, they have a GOP Governor in Glenn Youngkin, but that doesn’t mean they are out of the woods.

Virginia has been Democrat-leaning for quite some time, and it’s just been recently that conservatives have been battling back. So, this race between Susanna Gibson and David Owen is critical.

Feature Image: Original artwork by Darleen Click

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  • therealguyfaux says:

    “Isn’t that con-VEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEN-nient!”

  • GWB says:

    live-streamed having sex with her husband while asking for money during the sex romp livestream.
    Ummmmmm, not exactly. The AP story seems to have glossed over a lot of her “work.” In the original article I read (I can’t recall where it was, right now, but it was a small and off-to-the-side sort of website) she admitted to having sex with other men, including one tim that involved two men other than her husband. She states something like, “I sure hope my husband never finds out he was the third one that day, and not the first.” Yeah, it’s MUCH kinkier than just “Oh, she had sex with her husband on the internet for money.”

    “the worst gutter politics.”
    Well, she would know ‘gutter’.

    Susanna Gibson, a nurse practitioner and internet prostitute, faces Republican David Owen, a retired home builder
    FIFY, CNN.

    calling on voters to “make this the biggest fundraising day of (Gibson’s) campaign.”
    So, they should go hit her tipjar? [insert George Takei “Oh my!” meme here]

    Linton said she plans to donate another $100 to Gibson’s campaign even though she can’t vote for her because she lives outside her district.
    And, IMO, this should be illegal.

    She had sex with her husband.
    And again, no, she had sex with a lot more people than her husband. And, of course, she GOT PAID for doing so. You know, like a prostitute.

    are committing “a sex crime.”
    Let’s be clear. The specific act she is claiming is that this is “revenge porn”, which has been made illegal in many jurisdictions. This would require (outside the idiots in Europe), however, that the images not have been publicly broadcast previously by the person claiming harm.

    is this where we are at these days?
    Absolutely, YES! This is one example of how Progressivism has taken over our society, displacing Christianity as our primary religion. One of the prime doctrines of Progressivism is hedonism. This is the idea that you should be able to do whatever floats your boat, without consequence. The libertarians will add “and as long as you’re not harming another” for only really concrete ideas of harm.

    the couple had more than 5,700 followers
    That pretty much defines the idea of “public.”

    Color me a prude.
    Meh. I just think she’s abandoning one profession for a nearly identical one with less honor and integrity. Or, maybe she’s trying to turn her hobby into a profession. I’m not sure which.
    But the whole thing smacks of sunshine in Pennsylvania… “Disgusting! Where?”

    • Carol Marks says:

      Thank you GWB. I sure didn’t know about the other men!!! I guess I should have dug a little deeper! Wow!!

      • GWB says:

        A lot of people’s only exposure to this was through the AP story (and those who quoted it). We should keep in mind how un-journalistic AP is.
        I wish I could remember where I first read about this……

    • I think you’re right on the criminal charges. But, as a creator (though not of THIS kind of content), I wonder if she can make a copyright claim. If she holds the copyright – I have no idea of what the streaming service EULA says, and don’t even want to know what it is to look it up. She won’t get much, of course, if she failed to register the copyright.

  • Citizen Tom says:

    Laura Ingraham of “The Ingraham Angle” on Fox has two words to describe certain Democrats: shameful and shameless. Those words most certainly describe the behavior of Susanna Gibson.

    How can Gibson be so shameless? I would imagine that Gibson has been behaving like this for a while, long enough that she has thoroughly convinced herself that nothing is wrong with what she is doing. She probably really does think her critics are despicable for daring to criticize her. That is, she has a different world view.


    And yet (Jer. 3:3), “Thou hadst a whore’s forehead, a brazen face of thy own. Thou refusedst to be ashamed; thou didst enough to shame thee for ever, and yet wouldst not take shame to thyself.” Blushing is the colour of virtue, or at least a relic of it; but those that are past shame (we say) are past hope. Those that have an adulterer’s heart, if they indulge that, will come at length to have a whore’s forehead, void of all shame and modesty. (from =>

    Anyone who votes for Gibson should think about what people like her want to teach our children, what kind of laws she will advocate and vote for, and how she will spend our money. It will be all about her, not the people she is supposed to serve.

  • SFC D says:

    So to sum it up:

    She performed sex acts, live-streamed, with certain acts requiring more “tips”.

    She allowed these livestreams to be available to the general public.

    She’s now claiming to be a victim of “revenge porn”

    Sorry snookums, it doesn’t work like that. Sounds kinda like the hooker that didn’t know she’d been raped till after the check bounced.

  • Cameron says:

    If sex work is real work, the discovery on her filings with the IRS could be a problem.

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