Tattoo Shop Owner Unhinged on TikTok

Tattoo Shop Owner Unhinged on TikTok

Tattoo Shop Owner Unhinged on TikTok

If you’re a Conservative in Tennessee and want your next tattoo, you may not want to go to this place.

Just the other day, a dumbass by the name of Adam Robert Leslie Windsor of Lucky Strike Tattoo in Paris, Tennessee made himself famous. Windsor, who goes by the Instagram name, Xjollybobx, went on an unhinged rant on racist-bigots-conservative-far-right-hate-filled-Christians. He wants Conservatives to “get bent” and to “get sick and die”:

Take your small minded bulls*it back to your fu*king church and then you know, shove a bible up your a*s. You’re just not f**king welcome here… if you’re a racist, if you are religious, let me just use the term conservative, if you’re conservative f**k off! Don’t come to my f**king shop.”-Adam Robert Leslie Windsor

Seems like a stable individual, no? Who wouldn’t trust this guy with a needle in his hand? He is a he, right? Not a they/them? Just making sure here. Ooopsies, there it is-my racist, bigoted, Conservatism coming to the forefront. Religious conservatives and racists go hand-in-hand, he says. This, again is the nonjudgemental left.

Go to your cousin’s f#cking garage, or his kitchen, or whoever’s. Go to somebody’s house where you can spe-spew your hatred in a ‘safe environment’ because we all know, you f#cking snowflakes LOVE your safe spaces, it ain’t here, okay? Get him to, uh, use the tattoo kit that he got off f#cking eBay and get MRSA. No, I’m serious. Get MRSA. And, you know, subsequently get toxic and and die. The world will be better off.”-Adam Robert Leslie Windsor

As he lights up a cigarette, sips his beer from a koozie, sniffles and rubs his nose repetitively. Yep. Cocaine’s a hell of a drug, Adam. Just saying.

You think?

But where, oh where, is this hate coming from? Let’s look to snapshots from Adam’s Instagram that he conveniently made private after he decided to take to TikTok with his rant. Can’t take the fire from the pit of Social Media but he’s tough and ready to “party it up” in the burning pit of hell, apparently:

Hmmm…the freedoms of others should be respected? Did I just see that in there? It is one of “satan“‘s tenets. Respect others. Unless they are Conservative Christians. Then, tell them you will “hurt” them and give ’em MRSA. This guy is not very smart, is he? Most true, ultra-conservative Christians will probably never set foot in a tattoo shop. But seriously, this guy is no rocket scientist. His Instagram states that he offers blood letting and lobotomy’s at half price. Lobotomy’s. Yes, I am one of those people. The guy probably does not know the difference between there, their and they’re. But, hell, these people don’t even know the difference between a man and a woman anymore, so, what, honestly, do we expect? And with his 5th grade-level spelling, would you really want him spelling out a tattoo for you? The “No REGERTS”, Milky Way commercial comes to mind here.

Wondering, in all earnest, if Windsor performed his own lobotomy? Or perhaps he would be a more chill person if he had one? There I go. Being the racist, judgmental Christian that I am again. I need to go and listen to this white, satan-worshipper and go stick a Bible where the sun don’t shine, apparently. You may need to do the same. He’ll hurt you. You’ve been warned. Time to quake in yer boots. Adam-Robert-Leslie will give you MRSA if you set one foot into “his” shop.

This guy’s TikTok tantrum is about as viable a business model as the Anti-Capitalist coffee shop in Canada that went out of business due to “lack of generational wealth/seed capital from ethically bankrupt sources”. Except, Lucky Strike Tattoo’s downfall will be all due to “those bigoted Christian Conservatives”.

LM (Conservative) AO. If there were a personal hell, this might just be it for Windsor. As a believer in satan, who does not believe in God or heaven, he may actually be happy in this hell of piercing d#cks all day. Or, better yet, getting his license to wield a needle taken away altogether. If all goes to God’s plan, Mr. Windsor won’t be able to sell bloodletting and “lobotomy’s” at half price…he may not even be able to give them away.

Photo Credit: State Library of New South Wales, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

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  • Cameron says:

    Dear Mr. Windsor,

    I have considered your screeching tantrum and will politely decline your offer to die. If it wasn’t for people like us, your hatred would have no outlet while we think very little of you in return.

  • Scott says:

    “As a believer in satan, who does not believe in God or heaven, “.. Which would further prove that he and those that agree with him are illiterate morons… Even a tiny bit of research would show that satan was an angel, cast out of Heaven by God… so be definition, if one believes in satan ( doesn’t matter if they worship or revile him), they HAVE to believe in God.. if not, they’re obviously too drug addled or inbred to understand..

    • GWB says:

      There is a connotation of “believe in” that means more “to have faith or trust in.” It’s a function of being used in longer phrases that actually delineate what the belief is, then being shortcut (because we love to truncate words) to just the “believe in” part. Because humans are lazy.

      So this comes up a lot with these sorts of folks.
      (I’m not disagreeing with your point, really. You’re right.)

      (See my comment about “religion” below. Another lazy language bit.)

  • GWB says:

    I’m not surprised that he hates religious people
    Ummm, no, he does not.
    He hates Christians.
    He is absolutely religious, himself – he believes in the Orgy Church of Progressivism. He is transhumanist and hedonist. He doesn’t hate religious people, he hates Christians.

    It is one of “satan“‘s tenets.
    Well, considering he is the Father of Lies, maybe. What is really his tenet is insisting that hedonism be tolerated. And by ‘tolerated’ I mean “condoned and endorsed.”

    blog letting
    So, he’s a troll commenter? Or did you mean “blood letting”?

    lobotomy’s (SIC)
    Ummmm…. What was your correction there? The procedure is NOT a “labotomy”, it is a “lobotomy.” (It comes from the Greek, and the first word is ‘lobos’.)
    Did you intend to correct it to “lobotomies“?

    “how I went out of business” should be a new show
    Why would this guy go out of business? A vast portion of his potential clientele likely agree with him. Progressivism is all about alteration of the body at your whim and hedonism. Those things so very often go together. (Most tattoo artists do not seem to be this vehement, but a great many are not Christians.)

    This guy is a flaming jerk. He should probably be shunned by good people in his everyday life. And prayed for.
    This is the real problem (and, simultaneously, the positive of it) with social media: it allows people to amplify themselves beyond their neighborhood. And to think that makes their actions and opinions of more worth than they are.

  • John in Indy says:

    Hmmm. Bloodletting. That sounds like a medical procedure, for which this creature dosen’t seem to be licensed.
    I wonder if the state Dept of Health or the medical licensing board might be interested in him.

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