Tampon Tim Walz Is A King Stud

Tampon Tim Walz Is A King Stud

Tampon Tim Walz Is A King Stud

The last thing anyone on the right sees when looking at Tampon Tim Walz is a stud. Unless you’re a Washington Post columnist.

Enter Monica Hesse of The Washington Post, who in a fit of sheer desperation to be noticed on X, picked up on the #TamponTim trend and just ran with it.

Since #TamponTim is trending I’ll point out that in high school, any boy who casually was like ‘Oh you got ur period? I stashed a pad from the bathroom in my backpack in case one of my friends needed it’ — that boy would be king stud. That boy would be drowning in prom invites.”-Monica Hesse

“UR Period”. Colunmists will do anything to get noticed these days. And, yeah, I know. We’re noticing. But, let’s talk about the background here. In 2023, Governor Tim Walz signed a law requiring that schools provide menstruation supplies in boy’s restrooms at schools in Minnesota. This from 1 January, 2024:

During a House Education Policy Committee on the bill this past January, an amendment to add the word “female” before the student reference was rejected (‘…in restrooms regularly used by female students in grades 4 to 12’). ‘Not all students who menstruate are female,’ bill author Rep. Sandra Feist stated. ‘This [the amendment] is just another way to divide people in our schools,’ added Thomas Stinson, a licensed school nurse.”-Catrin Wigfall, American Experiment

Not all students who menstruate are female? Excuse me, Ms. Feist. If they have the female plumbing, they still are. And, grades 4 to 12? Everyone knows in an elementary school that all students (Kindergarten through 6th grade) use the same bathrooms, for the most part. What a fabulous way to give young minds ideas about gender fluidity! Little Dylan Mulvaney who likes to wear dresses on the weekends could now also use tampons and, eventually, if he dreams it enough, can menstruate and have a cycle and squeeze out a little Dylan. If this sounds completely wack, it is because it is. Yet, people like Tampon Tim Walz, school administrators and even school health professionals think not providing tampons in a boy’s bathroom is divisive and mean.

Back to Monica Hesse from WaPo. A boy giving a (biological) girl a tampon from his bathroom is a “King Stud” move. Every girl would want to go to prom with this guy. Anyone who does not understand this obviously has not had guy friends or close female friends. You got it. If you think this notion from Monica Hesse is crazy, YOU are a friendless loser.


Does this woman NOT remember her early days of learning at all?

I’m willing to bet the boys in grades 4-6 (and possibly into junior high) would NOT give these to girls a tampon and would use these necessary feminine products as hand grenades. Or, they would use them as a means of taunting a legitimate girl (and the wannabe girls) who get a little surly with them as “being on the rag”. Hell, this may even continue through high school. And, nothing says “cringe” and “friend zone” like offering up your potential prom date with a Prom-posal banner and a bouquet of Playtex Super-Strength Gentle Glides from the boys’ bathroom. King Stud material, right there, according to Tim Walz fangirl, Monica Hesse. Granted, I went to high school in the 80s. You know, back in the days where we hiked up the hill, in the snow, both ways. We brought our own feminine products to school, found them in the girls’ bathroom and, in desperate times, went to the school nurse who had a supply. Nowadays, some school nurses are apparently too busy trying to figure out ways of “not being divisive” by not doing their jobs and denying everything they learned in their college lecture halls about anatomy and biology.


Let’s add here that Monica Hesse of WaPo is a Pulitzer Prize-winning author. Hesse gets paid to write exclusively about gender. Hesse gets paid to come up with stuff like this. Stuff like, “Imane Khelif won her match. The talk about her was a loss for everyone“, “Kamala Harris and the Coconut Tree of Hope” and “Embryos are Vessels of Hope, Pain and Love. But They Are Not Children“. She’s a true Democrat’s delight.

To some, Tampon Tim Walz giving the thumbs-up on tampons in boys’ bathrooms across the land is craven, creepy and bordering on grooming culture. To Monica Hesse, Tampon Timmy is giving the young men of our age an opportunity to be “King Studs”.

There are other ways of having your girlfriends’ backs and gaining a girl’s trust. Carrying an arsenal of tampons is not one of them.

Pulitzer-Prise-winning WaPo columnist, Monica Hesse, thinks sensitive-ponytail, soy-boys offering girls tampons is a “stud” move. And, she thinks Tampon Tim Walz has enabled a revolution of “King Studs” in our schools. Tampon Tim Walz is not a “King Stud”. He’s more like a King Dud.

Photo Credit: TitiNicola, CC BY-SA 4.0/Deed , via Wikimedia Commons/Cropped

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  • Wfjag says:

    Walz’s selection shows that Kamala’s political instincts are as sharp now as they were in 2020 when she abandoned her WH bid before a single vote was cast.

    Minnesota hasn’t gone for a Republican since 1972. It’s about as solid Blue as one can imagine – and if there’s any doubt, the incompetent organizing of the Minnesota Republican Party will ensure that defeat will be snatched from the jaws of possible victory. Even Walz’s dismissal of well more than half the state as rural country only filled with Rocks and Cows in the post BLM “mostly peaceful” arsons era couldn’t be formed into a coherent campaign against Walz’s re-election as Governor. For Dems Minnesota was, is and will be safe.

    Pennsylvania is, however, in play in 2024. Governor Shapiro’s personal popularity would have put in the Blue Column.

    Kamala has clearly answered for herself and the Dem Party the important question – Even if it may cost the election, No Jew Can Be Number Two.

  • CDC says:

    The O shape imprinted on a leather wallet was boss code back in the day.

  • The boy that offers a girl a tampon is going to be the nice guy that the girl wants to be friends with. He is not going to be her date at the prom

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