Still Surviving 9/11, Twenty-Two Years Later

Still Surviving 9/11, Twenty-Two Years Later

Does it seem like it’s been twenty-two years since America was attacked? Of course, I know people my age remember where they were that morning of September 11, 2001.

9/11 Families To Biden: You Aren’t Welcome Here

9/11 Families To Biden: You Aren’t Welcome Here

9/11 families don’t want Joe Biden anywhere near the memorials next month, and I completely understand their reasoning.

Bagram Airfield Exit Reminiscent Of  Saigon

Bagram Airfield Exit Reminiscent Of Saigon

When winning armies leave a country is which war has been waged, they hand over the keys to the next caretaker and leave the post with banners…

Omar Called Out At 9/11 Memorial

Omar Called Out At 9/11 Memorial

For those who lost loved ones on September 11, 2001, the pain will never go away. And when a politician like Ilhan Omar casually dismisses that pain,…

Photographs & Memories: September 11, 2001 [VIDEO]

Photographs & Memories: September 11, 2001 [VIDEO]

There is something magical about that first, crystalline blue sky that heralds the coming of Fall. You can feel a tangible change in the air, but you’re…

Remembering 9/11:  Rick Rescorla, a Singing Hero

Remembering 9/11: Rick Rescorla, a Singing Hero

Every culture tells the stories of its heroes. There are multiple reasons for telling the stories of heroes. As long as we tell the story and say…

A Victory Girls Collective: Letters About 9/11

A Victory Girls Collective: Letters About 9/11

Today is the 15th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, when Islamic terrorists hijacked four airplanes and murdered almost 3,000 Americans. The country swore that day that…

#September11: Law Enforcement Heroes

#September11: Law Enforcement Heroes

I was in my early teens when 19 terrorists hijacked four planes, forever changing our nation. I was homeschooled at the time, and as I sat in…

“Dust Lady” Marcy Borders Dies From Cancer 14 Years After Surviving 9/11

“Dust Lady” Marcy Borders Dies From Cancer 14 Years After Surviving 9/11

If you were alive on September 11, 2001, you will very likely remember precisely what you were doing, and how you felt, when you heard the horrific…

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Ava Gardner