The Ukraine Protests and Weekend Links

While the American press has been focused on Justin Beiber, did you know the Ukraine capital of Kiev is burning? Protests have spread to other cities in…

“Will Make Americano for American Student” Thoughts on American Exceptionalism Abroad

This advertisement on a chalkboard in front of a café in France lured me in about a week ago. The promise of a familiar Americano at a…

Mr. Putin, Come See America the Exceptional!

Dear Vlad, Here on this blog and elsewhere, many people, including myself, agree wholehearted with your assessment of Syria, our current President, and his foreign policy blunders…

Obama and Kerry get schooled by Putin in the New York Times

This has been quite the month for me. I wrote in my post last week that I agreed with Charlie Rangel on the issue of Syria (God…

Daredevil Vladimir Putin rides Russian Meteor and Weekend Links!

A meteor, the size of a city bus, streaked across the sky, and exploded over Russia’s Ural Mountains with the power of an atomic bomb yesterday morning,…

Obama Wants Your Daughter’s Virginity

Obama Wants Your Daughter’s Virginity

As if Barack Obama couldn’t get any more desperate, he’s now resorted to sexual double entendres to try to win votes. Obama’s newest ad stars Lena Dunham,…

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Are you interested in writing for Victory Girls? If you’d like to blog about politics and current events from a conservative POV, send us a writing sample here.
Ava Gardner