What Can The United States Do About Syria? [VIDEO]

What Can The United States Do About Syria? [VIDEO]

The news broke over the weekend that yet again, there are civilians in Douma, Syria, who are dead as of a result of a suspected chemical weapon…

John McCain Whips Out the Derp

John McCain Whips Out the Derp

John McCain needs to calm down, take some Metamucil, and take a nap. I realize he doesn’t like President Trump a whole lot, and he likes Russia’s…

Book ‘Russian Roulette’ Fires on Trump Dossier

Book ‘Russian Roulette’ Fires on Trump Dossier

On March 13, 2018, this past week, the book “Russian Roulette” by authors Michael Isikoff and David Corn was published. The subtitle of the book is “The…

Senate Intelligence Committee Targets Jill Stein Regarding Possible Russian Collusion [VIDEO]

Senate Intelligence Committee Targets Jill Stein Regarding Possible Russian Collusion [VIDEO]

Jill Stein, rabid environmentalist Green Candidate for President, is finding herself swimming in some interesting hot water these days. The Senate Intelligence Committee wants to know what…

Bill Clinton Met With Vladimir Putin While Hillary And Obama Sold US Uranium To Russia [VIDEO]

Bill Clinton Met With Vladimir Putin While Hillary And Obama Sold US Uranium To Russia [VIDEO]

The Hillary/Obama/Bill/RUSSIA! story is getting deeper into the slime of bribery and corruption as each day goes by. This time it’s good ole Bill Clinton who has…

Collusion: FBI Hid Evidence Of Russian Bribery Plot That Involved Hillary Clinton And Sale Of U.S. Uranium[VIDEO]

Collusion: FBI Hid Evidence Of Russian Bribery Plot That Involved Hillary Clinton And Sale Of U.S. Uranium[VIDEO]

It’s True! The Russians did engage in bribery, extortion, and collusion! Starting in 2009! And no, it wasn’t Facebook ads for $10,000, Alex. It involved American Uranium! Before the Obama…

The Russians Trolled the NFL and Black Lives Matter

The Russians Trolled the NFL and Black Lives Matter

Those pesky Russians are at it again. Reuters reports that Senator James Lankford, (R) Oklahoma, claims that Russian trolls pushed the NFL kneeling story to divide the…

Where’s the Money, Donnie?

Where’s the Money, Donnie?

I was gratified to learn that President Trump made good on his promise to donate $1 million of his personal funds to charities helping with relief efforts…

Putin Throws Shade at the Vacationing President Trump [VIDEO]

Putin Throws Shade at the Vacationing President Trump [VIDEO]

President Trump is heading to his New Jersey golf club for vacation — oops! It’s not a vacation, he says. Over the upcoming 17 days he will…

Media Reports Of Trump’s Second “Secret” Meeting With Putin Is Epic Fail [VIDEO]

Media Reports Of Trump’s Second “Secret” Meeting With Putin Is Epic Fail [VIDEO]

The media and those firmly in the anti-Trump and/or RUSSIA DID IT! camp just keep digging themselves a deeper hole. It’s like they just don’t know when…

DOJ Charges Fed Contractor, Reality Winner, With Leaking Classified Intel To Media [VIDEO]

DOJ Charges Fed Contractor, Reality Winner, With Leaking Classified Intel To Media [VIDEO]

The probe regarding Russia’s supposed hacking of last year’s election just got murkier. First, The Intercept caused heads to spin and twitterverse to hyperventilate just a bit…

#MacronLeaks-Campaign Hacked After Accusing Kremlin Of Election Interference [VIDEOS]

#MacronLeaks-Campaign Hacked After Accusing Kremlin Of Election Interference [VIDEOS]

If you thought that the American election last year was the only one that the Russians would get dragged into-think again. Yesterday French Presidential hopeful Emmanuel Macron’s…

Putin and WikiLeaks’ Assange: The Team that Brought You the CIA Leak [VIDEO]

Putin and WikiLeaks’ Assange: The Team that Brought You the CIA Leak [VIDEO]

Former CIA deputy director Mike Morrell, now a senior security adviser to CBS, said in a Saturday interview what many were already suspecting: that the WikiLeaks document dump…

Jill Stein and the Left are more cozy with Russia than you know

Jill Stein and the Left are more cozy with Russia than you know

We’ve heard a lot about what seems to be a pretty innocuous meeting between former Senator, now Attorney General, Jeff Sessions and the Russian ambassador, Sergey Kislyak….

Putin’s Poodle: Obama and his legacy

Putin’s Poodle: Obama and his legacy

The left likes to call Donald Trump Putin’s puppet. There is a desperation to pin the title on Mr. Trump and ignore a few inconvenient facts about…

Trump And Putin Respond To Obama Sanctioning Russia For Non-Existent Election Hack [VIDEO]

Trump And Putin Respond To Obama Sanctioning Russia For Non-Existent Election Hack [VIDEO]

Needless to say, Obama is intent on making sure he stays in the news and stays “relevant” right to the very end of his tenure at the…

Who Is Rex Tillerson, Trump’s Pick For Secretary of State? [VIDEO]

Who Is Rex Tillerson, Trump’s Pick For Secretary of State? [VIDEO]

The rumors became fact this morning when Rex Tillerson, Exxon Mobil CEO, was named as Donald Trump’s official choice to be the next Secretary of State. I…

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Ava Gardner