Officials On Oklahoma Beheading: “No Terror Connection” And Our Dhimmi In Chief

Once again the “Religion of Peace” has reared its ugly head, and contridicted our dhimmi in chief-in Oklahoma of all places! Yesterday, as blogged here by Jodi…

Islamist fighters advance in Syria despite U.S. strikes

That headline—the top story on Reuters as of 0145 EST—says it all.  Despite the fact that President Obama has been hailing the US airstrikes as some serious…

UNWRA is past it’s expiration date

UNWRA is past it’s expiration date

Hamas threatens UN personnel, steals supplies, uses them as human shields. UNRWA staffers were threatened with death.   In one of the most appalling examples of Dhimmitude (Dhimmis…

The UN and Selective Outrage

The UN and Selective Outrage

The UN is outraged. Mr. Ban Ki Moon the UN Secretary General and his cohorts are howling in selective sanctimony about Israel bombing a school in Gaza….

Ted Turner: Gosh, It Sure is a Good Thing So Many of Our Troops Commit Suicide!

No, really. The douchebag actually said that. I don’t care what his reasoning behind these comments were. They’re so vile and disgusting that nothing could excuse them….

Peter King: “Susan Rice, Resign!” and Your Saturday Links

Peter King: “Susan Rice, Resign!” and Your Saturday Links

Representative Peter King, (R) New York, is a fierce fighter against Terrorism. He’s called for the resignation of U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, Susan Rice, for…

Benjamin Netanyahu and The Bomb Picture (Video)

Benjamin Netanyahu and The Bomb Picture (Video)

It was epic really. Bibi is such a leader. Today in a speech to the UN General Assembly, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu effectively demonstrated using a…

Shameful. WikiLeak’s Julian Assange Addresses the UN

In the age of Obama anything can happen, like that cyber-terrorist and common criminal-hacker Julian Assange, speaking before the General Assembly of the United Nations today. And…

Obama’s UN Speech: “Hey, don’t slander the Prophet of Islam”

It’s beyond offensive. An American President actually stood in front of the UN General Assembly and said these words: “The future must not belong to those who…

Iran’s Crazy Dictator, Ahmadinejad, to meet with Occupy Wall Street (OWS)?

Maybe I over-use the word “seriously” but SERIOUSLY?!? The President of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, is planning to meet with members of the Occupy Wall Street movement while…

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Ava Gardner