Liz’s Deplorables Moment, Blame GOP For Buffalo Tragedy

Liz’s Deplorables Moment, Blame GOP For Buffalo Tragedy

Liz Cheney is having a Deplorables moment. The tragedy in Buffalo has been compounded by the inevitable rush to judgment. One which is getting derailed as we learn more about the shooter’s background.

Roxanne Deschamps Wants Florida Shooters $800K Inheritance [VIDEO]

Roxanne Deschamps Wants Florida Shooters $800K Inheritance [VIDEO]

One thing about events such as the Parkland Florida attack is that we try to understand WHY someone would do something so heinous. Of course, many went…

Comedy Or Tragedy? Juror In Bob Menendez Trial Asks ‘What Is A Senator’ [VIDEO]

Comedy Or Tragedy? Juror In Bob Menendez Trial Asks ‘What Is A Senator’ [VIDEO]

Civics much? Constitution much? As we’ve seen time and time again, the understanding of how our government works is sadly lacking. Heck people who have been ELECTED…

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Ava Gardner