Paladin’s AMERICAN GOMORRAH ™ “Denial Reality” Edition

Paladin’s AMERICAN GOMORRAH ™ “Denial Reality” Edition

Gotta love Brendan O’Neill’s Don’t Even Think About Cancelling Blazing Saddles. “Trigger warnings and mini-lectures are an unsightly carbuncle on the world of art and letters. Cancel them.”

But Paladin thinks we’re way past triggers and mini-lectures.  Free thinkers are waging a rearguard action against Virtue Thugs who beat you into Baking the Cakewhile the world of arts and letters is consumed with the puritanical search and destroy mission of anyone and everyone suspected of “Thoughtcrime.”

Native American Hoaxer Elizabeth Warren Says Mike Pence Isn’t A Decent Man

Native American Hoaxer Elizabeth Warren Says Mike Pence Isn’t A Decent Man

Elizabeth Warren keeps trying to score political points and continually gets smacked with her own rakes. Prime example is her jumping onto Cynthia Nixon’s “Mike Pence isn’t…

#AntiFa makes clear their principles

While the New York Slimes Times whitewashes AntiFa … The mere existence of supporters of President Trump is violent, so it is OK to attack them with…

Want to Tell a Joke at College? Don’t Even Think About It. [VIDEO]

Want to Tell a Joke at College? Don’t Even Think About It. [VIDEO]

There was a time when college campuses were seen as the ultimate bastions of free speech — places populated by young adults away from home for the…

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Ava Gardner