Travis Air Force Base Gate Attacked, Was It A Lone Wolf? [VIDEO]

Travis Air Force Base Gate Attacked, Was It A Lone Wolf? [VIDEO]

It’s the explosion that the media really isn’t talking much about. On Wednesday evening, a driver was taking a Kia minivan through the front gate of Travis…

Liberals: Choosing Political Agenda Over Life Again

Liberals: Choosing Political Agenda Over Life Again

Mark Anthony Conditt – the murderer who kept Austin, TX in terror for the past several weeks is dead, and now, the real detective work begins. Questions…

Sheila Jackson Lee Calls Human Rights Activist Racist Over United Seat Uproar [VIDEO]

Sheila Jackson Lee Calls Human Rights Activist Racist Over United Seat Uproar [VIDEO]

On Christmas weekend United Airlines and Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee (Bless.Her.Heart. -TX) landed themselves in hot water with a first class passenger. 

Sandra Bullock Will Portray Wendy ‘Abortion Barbie’ Davis In Movie Titled “Let Her Speak” [VIDEO}

Sandra Bullock Will Portray Wendy ‘Abortion Barbie’ Davis In Movie Titled “Let Her Speak” [VIDEO}

It’s not enough that the slimy underbelly that is Hollywood has had a bright nasty light shown on it. Nope. All of y’all persist in showcasing the…

Refreshing: Media Praises Stephen Willeford, the Heat-Packing Hero Who Took On the Texas Church Shooter

Refreshing: Media Praises Stephen Willeford, the Heat-Packing Hero Who Took On the Texas Church Shooter

Most of the time, when there’s a mass shooting, it feels like it’s the shooter who gets the most airtime and media focus as opposed to the…

The Victims of First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs [VIDEO]

The Victims of First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs [VIDEO]

The community of Sutherland Springs, Texas, is reeling with the loss of so many people within their town. In a town with a reported population of just…

Predictable Knee-Jerk Reactions From Anti-Gun Left After Texas Church Shooting [VIDEO]

Predictable Knee-Jerk Reactions From Anti-Gun Left After Texas Church Shooting [VIDEO]

The details of what happened at First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs, Texas, are truly horrifying. A gunman walked into the church and killed at least 26…

Hillary Channels Inner Mean Girl on British TV. American Media Yawn. [VIDEO]

Hillary Channels Inner Mean Girl on British TV. American Media Yawn. [VIDEO]

Hillary Clinton despises President Trump. That’s not exactly a news flash, but Hillary recently took her contempt across the Pond, appearing on British television. She showed up…

Texas Voter ID Law Upheld on Appeal

Texas Voter ID Law Upheld on Appeal

A panel from the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans, in a split decision, stayed the district court’s granting a permanent injunction against enforcement of…

Abortion Funder, The Lilith Fund, Masquerades as Hero During #Harvey Relief

Abortion Funder, The Lilith Fund, Masquerades as Hero During #Harvey Relief

Because of Hurricane Harvey, we’ve seen a lot of remarkable things in the past week. The flooding in Houston reached remarkable proportions. Remarkable numbers of victims were…

#Harvey: Beware Of Scammers Targeting Hurricane Victims And Charity Donors [VIDEO]

#Harvey: Beware Of Scammers Targeting Hurricane Victims And Charity Donors [VIDEO]

Over the last week we’ve watched Harvey dump trillions of gallons of rain across Texas and into Louisiana. We’ve also seen the resilience, bravery, humor, and sheer…

Charlie Hebdo Decides to Mess with Texas After Hurricane Harvey. [VIDEO]

Charlie Hebdo Decides to Mess with Texas After Hurricane Harvey. [VIDEO]

Do you remember what happened just over two years ago at the offices of Charlie Hebdo, the French satire magazine? In Paris, January, 2015, twelve Parisians died…

Shameful: Linda Sarsour Solicits #Harvey Donations For Leftist Political Pac [VIDEO]

Shameful: Linda Sarsour Solicits #Harvey Donations For Leftist Political Pac [VIDEO]

Hurricane Harvey is leaving untold amounts of damage across over 30 counties in Texas. Thousands of homes and businesses are destroyed, people have lost everything including their…

#Harvey: Trump Says Texans Can Handle Anything

#Harvey: Trump Says Texans Can Handle Anything

Already classified as one of the worst storms in U. S. history, Hurricane Harvey dumped trillions of gallons of water on Houston and surrounding areas. Now, twelve…

Joel Osteen’s PR Nightmare

Joel Osteen’s PR Nightmare

I have no love for creepy Lakewood megachurch pastor Joel Osteen. On a personal level, he gives me the creeps. Everything I’ve read about him screams “CHARLATAN!”…

#HurricaneHarvey: How You Can Help

#HurricaneHarvey: How You Can Help

Here at Victory Girls, we’ve monitored the catastrophic Hurricane Harvey since it made landfall last week. The images coming from Houston alone are heartbreaking, but are also…

Flooding In Texas After Harvey Could Get Catastrophically Worse [VIDEO]

Flooding In Texas After Harvey Could Get Catastrophically Worse [VIDEO]

The images emerging out of Texas after Harvey struck were jaw-dropping and devastating. With the initial hurricane winds coming to an end, the rainfall has caused massive…

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Ava Gardner