Biden Admin Will Desecrate Grave At Arlington To Appease The Scolds

Biden Admin Will Desecrate Grave At Arlington To Appease The Scolds

UPDATE BELOW: The erasure of history continues. This time at Arlington National Cemetery. The Confederate Memorial, specifically designed to show the reconciliation between the North and South, will be removed in four days.

A 700-pound Tribute To George Floyd?  Ironic

A 700-pound Tribute To George Floyd? Ironic

I was driving home yesterday, listening to talk radio, as I typically do, minding my own business, when I heard what? I heard that Newark, NJ paid…

Sean Lennon Has Sorta Rolled Away From the Tree

Sean Lennon Has Sorta Rolled Away From the Tree

Don’t get me wrong: Sean Lennon, the 45-year-old son of John Lennon and Yoko Ono, is no conservative. But his social media comments show that he may…

Frederick Douglass Statue Latest To Be Felled By Idiots

Frederick Douglass Statue Latest To Be Felled By Idiots

The latest casualty in the War on American History and Monuments is Frederick Douglass, and the kindest thing that can be said about those who pulled the…

Iran To Construct Statue Of Captured American Sailors

Apparently, holding onto American sailors for 24 hours last January was such a big deal to the Iranians that they are now planning on building a tourist…

Memphis Mayor Will Remove Confederate General and Wife From Their Graves

Memphis Mayor Will Remove Confederate General and Wife From Their Graves

Today South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley signed the order for removal of the Confederate flag from the State House grounds. Her order was preceded by an emotional…

French Feminists Want “Sex Attack” Statue Removed from Normandy

History teaches that the Allies freed France from the Nazis in World War II. Yet it appears that a new crop of Nazis has re-emerged in France…

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Ava Gardner