Steve Nikoui Speaks Up For His Late Son After His SOTU Arrest

Steve Nikoui Speaks Up For His Late Son After His SOTU Arrest

If you watched the entirety of the State of the Union speech last Thursday, you will remember the shouting from the gallery that happened while Joe Biden was discussing the crime rates. The camera panned to see a man being escorted out by security.

Biden Tries To Repeat SOTU Speech In PA, Gaffes Badly

Biden Tries To Repeat SOTU Speech In PA, Gaffes Badly

For all those media types who were casting Biden’s State of the Union performance as “fiery” and applauding him like a bunch of trained seals… so, how…

Gold Star Dad Charged, Released After Biden’s State of the Union

Gold Star Dad Charged, Released After Biden’s State of the Union

Gold Star Dad Steve Nikoui was charged, arrested and released after yelling at Joe Biden during the State of the Union last night. Our Nina told you…

Biden Performance Means No Excuses For Avoiding Debates

Biden Performance Means No Excuses For Avoiding Debates

Last night, Joe Biden managed to not be a stumbling, mumbling, reanimated corpse. Instead, jacked up on Red Bull and whatever Hunter gave him, the Big Guy…

Abbey Gate! Gold Star Father Yells At Biden During State Of The Union

Abbey Gate! Gold Star Father Yells At Biden During State Of The Union

Abbey Gate! U.S. Marines! That was what a Gold Star father yelled at Joe Biden during his State of the Union speech last night. A speech I…

Joe Biden Turns Volume Up To 11 For The State Of The Union

Joe Biden Turns Volume Up To 11 For The State Of The Union

Joe Biden delivered the State of the Union address tonight. We can pray that this will be his last one.

Thoughts For Republicans On The State Of The Union

Thoughts For Republicans On The State Of The Union

This is an election year, as you are well aware. Tonight’s State of the Union address will, with God’s beneficence, will be Creepy Joe Biden’s last SOTU….

Van Jones – Good Grandpa VS. Bad Grandpa

Van Jones – Good Grandpa VS. Bad Grandpa

Van Jones, short-lived Barack Obama “Green Jobs Advisor” and long, long time CNN contributor has advice for Joe Biden in the State of the Union Address on…

Democrat Plan: Attempt The Great Biden Reset

Democrat Plan: Attempt The Great Biden Reset

Ever since the Hur report came out, media and politicians have been saying the quiet part out loud. Joe Biden is OLD. What to do? How about…

Biden Explains It All on PBS. Kind Of.

Biden Explains It All on PBS. Kind Of.

In case President Biden left you scratching your head after the State of the Union Address — like when he said that food workers have to sign…

Sarah Huckabee Sanders: Biden Admin Is Doubling Down On Crazy

Sarah Huckabee Sanders: Biden Admin Is Doubling Down On Crazy

She’s not wrong. Every time one scintilla of common sense in the government shows up, the Biden Administration doubles down on the crazy. And we were definitely…

Biden Surprised To Find GOP Agreement On Seniors

Biden Surprised To Find GOP Agreement On Seniors

Whoever wrote the State of the Union speech for Joe Biden was fully intent on casting the Republicans as the bad guys – and that meant a…

Biden State Of The Union: “We Are Winning! Kind Of…”

Biden State Of The Union: “We Are Winning! Kind Of…”

Winning! That’s supposedly the message for Tuesday night’s State of the Union. Will we see Grandpa Joe, Angry Joe, or a mix of both? What will his…

Lauren Boebert Heckles Joe Biden At SOTU, Elites Faint

Lauren Boebert Heckles Joe Biden At SOTU, Elites Faint

Colorado Representative Lauren Boebert broke the decorum of the “sacred” chamber of the House of Representatives by heckling Joe Biden. Georgia Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene also heckled…

GOP Rebuttals Push Back On Manic Biden Speech

GOP Rebuttals Push Back On Manic Biden Speech

If you read the entirety of Joe Biden’s State of the Union speech, and then listened to him deliver it, it had the feel of a nursing…

Blue On Blue: Democrats Smack Each Other Around After SOTU

Blue On Blue: Democrats Smack Each Other Around After SOTU

Blue on Blue is LIT tonight. Evidently, the Democrat infighting has gotten such traction that there isn’t just ONE, but THREE responses by Democrats to Biden’s State…

Biden SOTU: Rewriting History Over Ukraine

Biden SOTU: Rewriting History Over Ukraine

Joe Biden stayed up late tonight and gave up his nightly viewing of “Matlock” in order to deliver his first “official” State of the Union address tonight.

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Ava Gardner